Tychus is so broken

Tychus still sucks, l2p issues, etc

Secant is one of the old trolls, during LyraSona’s day.

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Actually it’s one of Hailfalls alts lmao.

Could’ve sworn there was a Secant back then. Maybe i’m misremembering.

Lunara is not made to stand at one place all the fight. Lunara is a hit and run hero. Tychus will lose to her toxic and higher auto attack range in the long run. If you lose against tychus you are most likely playing Lunara wrong. Hit, run, hit, run, hit, run = tychus dead by toxic over time. GG

I have seen a lot of high level Lunara plays and they would win that way easily against any Tychus. Try it out.

Tychus is only strong if his trait is on and enemy heroes are not moving out of his range. So if you ignore him while his trait is on you surely lose. That does not wonder me. But that is not OP at all because every hero has a strong ability or trait and if you ignore it and stand in their damage then you will lose against any hero that is how the game works; otherwise no hero would ever die in this game ;=). It is just a matter of experience and to know how you have to play against hero XY. If you don’t know then you can not handle your enemy.

BTW you can see when the trait of Tychus is on. Use him in try mode and you will see the difference.


People struggle to utilize good counter play. Strong ranged poke damage keeps him from being able to engage, any mobility or slows means you can slip away from him and of course any CC can render his trait ineffective.

He’s also got a high skill ceiling that allows players to push his effectiveness rather high with skill input. People often struggle to respect heroes they don’t view as top meta. When not made a priority Tychus can tear through teams but he needs to be able to get into range. That means he either needs very good positioning, team support or (in most cases) an oblivious enemy team.

Isn’t it great than people can lose a game horribly against a mediocre hero and still have the right to come to the forums and complain about it asking for vast, sweeping changes?

What an amazing country we live in.

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I’m a level 70 Tychus. Believe me when I say that he can only kill you if you let him.
And I do mean let him. He has reduced range and his mobility is only barely better than walking without a 25-globe quest being completed first. Outlaning a Tychus is as easy as using your range advantage to poke him down or coordinating a low-effort gank with someone who has crowd control at their disposal.

Also, blinds make Tychus almost completely worthless. Li Li, Cassia, Johanna, and Artanis counter Tychus hard.

There’s no question in my mind that Tychus needs an overhaul - he has too many deliberate statistical drawbacks, so he’s overloaded with too many crazy advantages to make him playable, which leads to him being an extremely polarized experience (which can definitely make him seem overpowered when he’s stomping you). However, overpowered he ain’t.


Honestly his level 1 talents do need some looking at, I think that 25 globe quest is really mandatory.

The AA range talent is pretty good.

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It really isn’t. Press the Advantage gives you a minor amount of leeway on your positioning, sure, but it also encourages you to use Run and Gun for Basic Attacking, something you should never, ever do. You should only ever use Run and Gun offensively to secure a kill during Overkill.

Now, if Press the Advantage was a permanent bonus? You can bet money on me taking it every game. But a 4 second duration tied to blowing my only movement skill, which also happens to be terrible? Nah, son.


^ Pretty much this. It’s the Muradin paradox. Bad Muradins use Dwarf Toss to get into range. Good Muradins get into range and save Dwarf Toss to escape.

Same thing with Tychus. People who use their mobility prematurely are asking for a bad time.


I’ve found a lot of success with combat tactician at level one. When you do the increase attack speed quest you can really lower the CD of run and gun. This allows you to dash in deal damage and dash back out.

Tychus is built to flow in and out of team fights. Grenade is a spectacular finisher and his Q gives him some unique versatility. The problem with him is that higher tier players are cautious enough to not let him engage well and the lower tier players will let him literally walk all over them.

Man the only op heroes that have this game without a doubt are the specialists with strong siege ability.

I wouldn’t say Tychus is broken. He’s supposed to be strong for having one of the shortest AA ranges in the game (for ranged Heroes).

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Repeat after me. AMERICA IS NOT THE WORLD.

Back when Tychus had better range and health regeneration yeah, sure, he could be a serious threat. Anymore though with his minigun making an audible clicking sound when primed as well as glowing on top of you having to not move for him to chew you up means that if you get munched by Tychus it is most likely your own fault for standing there and letting him.

All it takes is you or someone else loitering around with their CC/blind/rubber ducky off cooldown waiting for him to try and munch you to ruin his day. Any means of escape or knock back will do the trick to.

See, this is some weird misconception here about % damage.
% damage is better against high hp heroes
Its frikkin not…
2000 - 50% = 1000
1000 - 50% = 500

You need 500 damage less to kill squishy. Its not a rocket science and people dont understand why Malthael and Tychus were such a problem.

EDIT - and yeah, Tychus is fine. Why I was always against extra range unless its a lvl 4 talent.

whats broken more about him is his mobility. the 3 charges on run and gun makes him as mobile if not more than tracer mixed with the fact he has high HP for an assassin and his damage and its just broken. dont understand why hes overlooked.

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The only way he’s getting three charges of Run and Gun is if he takes Bob and Weave at 20. If he does, he’s giving up 1% Health Shred per hit (4% per second, which also happens to stack with Minigun, giving him insane damage output) or Big Red Button.

Nobody - and I do mean nobody - who knows what they’re doing with Tychus is gonna make that choice unless the draft is absolutely awful and they have zero protection.