Tracer proposed life leach change

  1. Leeching rounds requires a heroic target and has no affect on none heroic targets, also its her worst talent on that tier, pulse generator does a better job and that requires a hero.

  2. You can make a fair point with her level 7 but that’s about it in the early game when they’ve moved an entire tier of damage early.

  3. Ricochet and Untouchable, sure but past that point you’ve reached end game so healing from minions does not matter during that phase and winning team fights is more important unless its a QM game where these rules don’t matter much cus fiasco 101.

Tracer losing a fight can sustain out of a lane sure but she’s not going to do anything by herself against a team pushing to penalize the other side after losing the fight even if peeling off the minion wave tanking the tower shots she can’t because she’s exposing herself and of course she’s basically automatically in range of any ranged assassins, especially AA heroes (minus obvious certain heroes I don’t need to mention).

IMO they could always start in nerfing her sustain in general, I’m open for it, like a lot and I’ve discussed why I hate them in general

They could start by nerfing her general sustain by 5%, entirely, that’s 33% off, massive value, and you can balance from that point forward.

Though as I always kept saying, this rework decision of self sustain will only make her much harder to balance than the previous iteration.