Tracer needs to go back to the trash bin

Funny that you call others a gang while you form one for yourself atm…

And how do you have Tracer issues as Bruisers and Tanks?

% dmg bomb at 10 lvl :rofl:

Where did I say I was having trouble?

You guys have the weakest flames ever, it’s cringe


The forum squad have shown up to bully you now, see they’re only replying to eachother? Super cringe


If you don’t have troubles why do you want nerfs? Her stats don’t shout op either, so… what’s your point? What are your reasons?

I guess you don’t see the irony in that.

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I don’t want to engage with you anymore as I feel you’re attempting to bully me and that’s not ok. Have a nice day.

Asking for motives is bullying? What a time to live in…
Also weird since I didn’t bully, unlike you who called ppl trolls solely based on their avatar choices and being mean to everyone who has a different opinion than yours.

I just wanted a real discussion with you, but if you don’t want to have one… Bye I guess…


If i would not came to the forums, then i would miss this. hmmm sometimes i make good decisions after all.


Welcome. Wanna drink some green tea? :tea:

why are you genji portrait.
You are confusing me.

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Because I watch anime, play Genji and listen Japanese music.

Mada mada! And I need healing!

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Starts to get interesting.
grabs Popcorn

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Here comes the cringe fest :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

do you actually know, you don’t need to comment every time? You are free, use your Time wisely while we stupid, idiots writing in this soo dumb forum.

Off-topic Says the Pikachu that refuse to evolve for 14 seasons straight.

There are no clown army, clown police or forum armies on this forum dude. Go out of your little burble and face reality as it is.

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Uhm thanks i guess. Nice to meet you too.

How come it’s always the same people upvoting eachother then thinking

They like eachother. They spend time together. They are friends.
I’m not liked so much. Even when i create a meme.
i have a meme idea. Wait for it lol. It’s kazma joke :smiley:
Ahhh done. I was telling this kind of bad jokes sooo long time ago. I began to understand why i don’t have any friends… hmmm

Cause they have common sense and you dont.

Where’s your DVA portrait? I thought it was a requirement