As I said, I encourage you to try that very fulfilling experience for yourself. She leeches now too.
Ok, Tracer has been the hero I played the most since she came out with the best win rate. I stopped playing her when when she became terribad with new heroes release due to power creep. She died too quickly and dealt way too low dmg
With her redesign, WOW. I feel just as OP and when she’s been released. Won like 5 straight QM game ez (with and without healers).
Things I appreciate:
- Constant lifesteal. Before it only worked on heroes.
- Sleight of Hand talent at level 7 instead of 16.
- Her takedown quest takes 6 stack instead of a ridiculous 15 stack (and is merged with something else at least). Getting stacks at that point was not that much of a problem but the problem was dying once in the lategame gave almost no opportunity to get the dmg back.
That’s Cassia
This happens any time an OW hero gets to shine for a bit. People blow EVERYTHING out of proportion just so they can get nerffed back into the ground. People don’t like most OW hero’s because they either require (A) draft coms or (B) more than 2 brain cells and some team work to deal with. Due to these reasons people just get angry and tilted so they come here to rant.
remember Deathwing? Qhira? threads? people forgot about OW heroes completely cause of these 2 heroes lmao Qhira so OP pls Nerf NOWWWW so hard to dodge her E and DW so hard to walk out of the fire…
Well people forgot about them because they have been trash for a while now but yes I remember those threads quite well.
I have been here for 4 years of QQ (tears / crying) but my Fav time had to be when Jimmy and Fat Boi just got reworked. People saying it was fine and they weren’t busted with a 70% win rate and 80% pick rate mean while genjo was to busted with his 41% win rate (AVG).
People love to cry about busted hero’s before they even attempt to try and counter them but its something about OW hero’s that really get the salty river of tears flowing.
i know lmao i don’t get the OW hate tbh even before the genji nerfs i never complained that he’s busted cause i enjoy learning how to deal with him and i found Valeera / Nova a great solution at least to myself never died to a Genji on these 2 heroes before cause i don’t play like a drunk person does
To be fair Deathwing was and actually over tuned that he was and still is a constant pick in master, typically outside of that zone he’s in a weird spot.
I started to take HOTS super seriously when genji came out. I got stomped hard…again…and again…and again. Till I said fk it, bought the green cyber ninja and got that dude to lv100. Let me tell you wut I learned to beat the leaving hell out of every genji “main” their was for the next 10 nerfs even with people like ming.
I didn’t cry, I didn’t post this camp is OP, I took a moment to sit down and learn a hero and just like that before the first nerf was even issued I saw real quick how easy dealing with the dude was.
Its not a hard concept but people just refuse to even attempt what I did. They will get a hero to lv2 and be like “looooooooool this hero OP, nerfss plox”…or just not play them at all and cry for nerfs because they got hard countered.
To be fair Master players now are also as skilled as Plat players from 2 years ago.
That doesn’t lower my point overall when it comes to why Deathwing is actually being properly used in the highest elo.
My point being if he was released a few years prior I doubt he would have been an issue due to master players being more skilled in addition with how stronk malf was then. DW would have gotten stomped.
I see.
every other week got another thread started how much The Butcher/Kael’thas/Nazeebo/Illidan/Xul is OP and has to be nerft to the ground.
oh look the OP is doing work on his alt accounts by spam flag on more of my comments cause he’s mad lol another comment flagged
You can tell he hates you and has a grudge against you XD, but let him know that his hatred is delicious.
he makes a thread of whining then wonders why no one agrees with him other than his alt accounts which means he agree with himself through alt accounts lol
Pppssshhh we all know your a super troll
And above he likes himself, because nobody does him the favor
yeah dude i don’t agree with his whining = i’m a troll!