Too many smurfs


Just a fun topic. What happens when you get too many people bored with quarantine? We create a smurf account ofc. What happens when we have too many smurfs in one team? This is quick match btw.

We get 7 minute matches.

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If Blizzard would stop banning players for saying something in chat there won’t be so many smurfs.

And if Blizzard would have started to teach players how to play this game rather than to dumb the game down those steam rolls would not happen. A good example that this game is basically tuned down to fit the bad players - the nuke changes back in the day on Warhead Junction. Since players didn’t get that the middle did more damage, they just removed this feature at all. Same with themed talent tiers, tower ammo, XP globes so you can farm then even if you are too late in your lane etc.

I am still amazed that players with thousands of matches still don’t know the basics. They have no clue which heroes do what and which roles they fulfill, they don’t know when to look for fights or just soak XP, they don’t know when to skip objectives or that you should wait for your team. And they don’t know about the power of a talent tier advantage.

And since most good players left this game in the past years (one reason: Blizzard’s catering to the bad players and their silence and ban policy on top), what is left are the bad players, the weekend players and now the quarantine players that have even less queue what is going on.

And it doesn’t help to have every hero for free. Some heroes should never be free like Aba, Vikings, Hammer etc. Just too many terrible, terrible players ruining matches just for the sake of levelling.


What level were the enemy players? Were they 200+?

Could also be a nice cautionary tale for those wanting matchmaking in QM to take player level into account. Player level does not equal skill. Level 5 smurfs can wipe the floor with level 2000’s.

We were all below 50.

Oh, ok. Because some people on forum were complaining they get new players in QM while they are over 1000.

Na, my main is over 900 and i never get somebody below 200. Unless in a party ofc.

Well thats what happens when mm decides that the smurfs should have a 100% win game vs a team that have no chance of winning. Matching a Aba up vs a Xul instead of matching Xul up againts another bruiser. I had similar game today. Enemy team got DW, Thrall and Dva while my team gets solo tank imperius and 3 low hp heroes who cant do s… vs that comp. Lost every object cause we had no sustain vs that team.

Best way to beat smurfs is by working together on voicechat. 5v1 is incredibly hard to do even for smurfs.

It didn’t. Aba created no MM rules due to healer being present and Xul created no MM rule due to tank being present.

Imp is bruiser who got matched with bruiser since no tanks were present. You’d think your team precisely has ton of sustain if you got 3 ranged vs mostly melee team with no way of forcing engage. As long as you wear them down with poke before going for hard engage you should be golden.

Beat you, My record is 6:45

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What took you guys so long? My record is 2:31 in unranked and few seconds less on QM though these were on our actual accounts rather than smurfs and long time ago.

You can also see just how accurate MVP system is. The MVP even gets legendary votes, he earned them! :+1:


By the looks of the minimap, 3 people were just sitting in base refusing to play at all, and Sonya + Falstad did not react to your push in any way.

But still it must be one of the fastest UD’s for sure. Only way it could be done faster is if a Medivh was portaling you to skip the towers/walls and only kill fort+keep to unlock damaging the core.


Looks like it was a pre-rework Sylvanas? From when her trait was always on.

But yeah. Enemy team were trolling hard.

I created a smurf account to play with a friend of mine and one of his friends because the MM wouldn’t let me play QM with him. This game needs a way to teach people how to play it right. He chose Ana and was trying to kill people and minions with his healing darts and never showed up for objectives even though I explained to him how the map worked haha.

Anyways, after we played a couple of matches, his internet died and had to call it quits. I decided to play three more matches and let me tell you something: I got sick of it. I don’t know how people can put up with so many easy wins. I felt bad because it reminded me of how little comprehension I had of the game back then. Honestly, it feels wrong to create smurf accounts (at least to me) and make new players feel like crap especially when there’s a ton of things to learn.


Wrong. If players are being toxic they deserve to be banned, permanently banned. Nobody likes a toxic player no matter how skilled they are. If they can’t try to help the team or the other players with their knowledge, gtfo.

Smurfs can be fixed if they would just make each person register with their phone # and address. If absolutely necessary, put a credit card on file that matches the account holders name. This would severely limit the amount of surfs that can be made. Simple. MANY other games and developers have figured out how to make it work. Then SL wouldn’t be ruined.

So you are one of hundreds who don’t get pleasure out of feeling superior…that’s not common.

I don’t think he is uncommon. Most people couldn’t care less about beating newbies.

Most people (playing in PvP modes, not AI) want matches where their skillshots are challenged by opponents, where they have to dodge enemy heroes accurately, where teamfights are decided by good combos, good cleanses and individual micro skill.

Where good macro, camp taking or wave clearing is rewarded and the enemy isn’t a pushover who just lets you capture everything on the map with no contest.

Why else play HotS against humans? Where is the entertainment value if your opponent can’t play the game properly? Would you enjoy a game of Tennis against a cripple with one arm?

HOTS players and even LoL players don’t like to communicate with randoms

This is literally why I don’t play anymore. My main account got perma-banned but playing in the lower levels is unbearable. Smurfing is boring af

The title reminds me of that youtube vid of “Too Many Cooks” :smirk:

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