Today I got matched with two bronze 5s

Me and my buddy are both master and we queued together 6am eu for qm and we ended up in this interesting game, one of the bronzes were playing lunara and apparently she was a nurse and spent 1/3 of the game afk doing her irl job, the second bronze was playing valla and honestly it looked like she tried but ended up short because she was facing better players, the third person was a account lvl 86 gazlowe that would feed on cooldown and just had no clue what to do. My friend was playing morales and ended up giving up at this point :frowning:
The way this matchmaking works is putting 2 good players with 3 bads against 5 averages which imo isnt fair for the bads nor the backs of the goods, and even with 3x more damage than my assassins as imperius with 62k(compared to their 20k) I still wasnt able to carry this game.

I just want to sincerely give my gratitude to blizzard for making this wonderful game happen, thank you.


Depends, legit silver gold players can be 2v5 by masters playing together depending of what you play.
Shouldn’t happen though.

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Jokes on you. I played with a Varian Bot in AV who would not pick talents until level 7, never join teamfights (he would walk forward and back aimlessly even when clicked to follow) and go to merc camps only after they were captured.


Working as intended.

Sup my name’s armando