To the taunt and CS varians

Isnt that the whole point of internet XD ?

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A front line is different than a tank. Basically any meleeā€™s could be a front line. Theyā€™re the ones you have to go through to get to your ranged damage/heals. Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong Iā€™m just saying Twin Blades and CS are not tank builds. Thatā€™s all.

I think a lot of people donā€™t like the fact that people say Twin Blades is a joke. I donā€™t think it is. I think it has its place, but many people hate seeing a Varian on their team with no other tank and he chooses TB, causing them to get steamrolled.

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Taunt is not a tank either it is a bruiser on the defensive side whereas twin blades is a bruiser on the offensive side.
And if you have no other beefy frontline (I.E a bruiser or a main tank) then embracing the squishieness is the only solution and the only success I have ever had when QM or idiots in the draft let this happen.

taunt and smash are trashy, winblades is the best to go in90% of cases

I donā€™t get why people act like Colossus is so much better than Twin Blades. Twin Blades was nerfed due to having a bit too high a win rate according to Blizzard, WHILE people considered it a joke. The communityā€™s perception is just plain off, without any good explanations.

Colossus pushes him toward burst assassin. It reduces his max health slightly, making it the most susceptible to burst, and increases physical damage.
Twin Blades is more like bruiser, where you have to be offensive to keep yourself going. It gives him movement speed. It reduces physical damage per hit, but he attacks twice as fast so he ends up doing more physical damage. And his trait triggers more often, allowing him to output more spell damage with his autos.
Taunt is more like tank, where you have a higher health pool and stronger CC to make up for not being as aggressive to sustain yourself.

I always considered Colossus to be the weakest of the three.
Any set-up for allies it provides, Taunt can provide more safely.
So I"m not yet sure its role.

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I donā€™t think twin blades is bad, but it is a noob game talent.

if noone can combo or cc, you wreck people with twin blades. However, if anyone has a clue, itā€™s not very good.

I agree with you Clolossus is also a punish the bads talent, and a great one. It simple ends out of place bad mages . . . enough said.

In a good game, taunt shines. By good I mean a team that has a clue, which is rare.

I agree with you here just because Taunt Varian isnā€™t really a ā€œtrueā€ tank. Youā€™re right, but Taunt build is the closest thing to a tank. True tanks need to be able to peel for their teammates and have the kit to be able to do so. Varian just has 2 short slows and a 1.5 sec taunt. Think of other tanks, they have stuns, pushes, and better slows than Varian has. Varian has a tanky build which can mimic what a tank is supposed to be but without the kit of a tank.

Twin Blades is definitely not a tank though, just a high sustain bruiser.

Theyā€™re both offensive. Varian is much better at shutting down and singling out one enemy so your team can get a free kill, then he is at saving your teammates. Donā€™t get me wrong, he can still taunt a Genji thatā€™s locked on your Jaina long enough to save her but that might not always save her. Meanwhile, other tanks like Diablo can completely get Genji away from her. He can flip and then push Genji and Jaina is now much more save. Even Anubā€™s double stun will save her. Varian canā€™t do that. Most tanks are balanced so that they can set up kills for the enemy while also being able to peel enemies off of teammates. Varian doesnā€™t have the ability to do both as well. Heā€™s like 80% offensive and 20% defensive. Heā€™s better at charging in and being right in the enemyā€™s face than he is at protecting his team. Thatā€™s why heā€™s so great at being an off tank or a bruiser. He can let the main tank focus on saving his teammates while he occupies the enemiesā€™ attention.

The only thing you lose when going twin blades in the way of peel is a 20 second cooldown 1.5 second stun
Most of Varians peel potential comes from Warbringer enhanced charge which again boils down to if you got stuck solo frontlining your best bet is just to embrace the squishieness because Taunt is way squishier then most main tanks yet if you go it your team will expect you to match said main tanks. Take the bonus damage instead and be aggressive, take the only advantage youā€™ve got when making a solo tank in the form of an aggressive bruiser.

And health. Taunt build gives you more health.

And you can take Warbringer with Taunt too. If you get CCā€™d then Twin Blades canā€™t be aggressive and can die very quickly. With Taunt you have a chance to silence an enemy instead of just relying on them to not stun you.

Sure but not more squishy than Twin Blades.

CC makes Twin Blades Varian almost useless. Iā€™d rather have Taunt.

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Cause the average game knowledge of forum posters is like, 0?

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Twin Blades has the movement speed increase which allows the dodging of most non point and click stuns, and point and click stuns are gonna hurt Taunt almost as bad, especially since he canā€™t bounce back from it nearly as easy

Pluas aas I just explained you sacrifice damage to take Taunt, which is in my experience the only way to make a solo tank bruiser work, embrace the damage build and go all in.

twin blades has an easier time against CC. For starters, the move speed (and attack speed) stack by addition, so the overall impact of a snare on twin blades is much lower than most people believe (same goes for attack speed). this is why, despite appearances, twin blades actually excels against arthas.

The same cannot be said about taunt, or CS, which get completely shut down by snares unless they pick E at 10.

As far as point & click CC, thereā€™s no point in arguing about them, they are supposed to have a great impact, hence why they are point and click.

As for skill shot based, move speed will help you deal with them easier as twin blades than as any of the other specs.

If the enemy is up to CC chains, there isnā€™t much any of the specs (or most other heroes for that matter) can do better than the other. Remember the protected W at 10 is available to all 3, so well timed uses can block large CC chain+ burst on all 3, if used properly. Twin blades can take that without sacrificing too much uptime, thanks to the move speed buff, whereas CS canā€™t.

Anyway, blizzard themselves admitted TB was overperforming (despite repeated nerfs) and CS was doing bad, while everybody was going meme warz on the forums, so I think that ship has since sailed.

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Varian is a great tank as long as you have followup with blowup damage. Heā€™s good at getting on someone and locking them down to start things off with a pick, your team just needs to be able to get a kill off of taunt. Also when youā€™re picking him against mostly AA damage then heā€™s actually a crazy strong tank with loads of sustain.

You can dodge a lot of abilities in 2 ways, simple sidestepping and staggered movement, or by not doing movements the enemy will expect. Good players can still hit skill shots even if Varian has a movement speed increase.

Sure you lose damage with Taunt but thatā€™s because if you are picking taunt, its because you already have damage on your team and need a stronger frontline. If you have a backline to protect, Taunt does a better job at it than Twin Blades. You have to understand that Taunt and Twin Blades have different play styles. Sure Twin Blades will deal damage but they wonā€™t be as good of a tank. Sure if you have an Abathur or a Kharazim, youā€™ll do fine as Varian Twin Blades because of their shielding/healing. Varian highly depends on the comp. Taunt is better at being a beefy tank. Twin Blades is better at being a high sustain bruiser. Smash is better at being a high sustain melee assassin. Theyā€™re all different.

I say Twin Blades is a worse tank than Taunt because he loses 1 of his CC abilities that allows you to save someone better than chasing down the guy chasing down your ally. Sure he can be beefy but thatā€™s not all a true tank should have to offer. Is Varian a good tank against other true tanks? Probably not, but heā€™s a better tank than Twin Blades Varian.

If you are stunned you canā€™t attack or move so attack speed and movement speed are useless here. Silences and roots, sure can have little effect because he can still AA if silenced or use his W if rooted. Iā€™ll give you that. But stuns donā€™t allow you do to anything.

No. Arthas lowers your attack speed drastically the longer you fight him. Show me a replay where Arthas loses to Twin Blades Varian and Iā€™ll believe you. This example is not a good one.

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Nice cherry pick. For this reason alone, I will not honor your request for a relay.

^ this

Even CS is a better tank build than Taunt. At least with CS you have an extra gap-closing ability with decent range. Taunt is basically melee range; it isnā€™t useful for peeling at all. The extra HP and health regen is worthless ā€“ maybe it gives you half a second more before you die to focus fire ā€“ and the lack of damage from not going CS or winblades makes you unable to survive a DPS race.

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Erm no. Twin Blades Varianā€™s base attack speed is raised to 2.5. Heā€™s okay against Arthas in a 1v1 because he can reliaby shut down his opponentā€™s sustain and Arthas has huge sustain.

Just telling you what I donā€™t agree with and why. Call it cherry picking if you want. :roll_eyes:

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