To the taunt and CS varians

CC becomes a problem if it is point & click. Remember TB has speed bonus, which allows it to dodge most skill shot based CC. You also have parry with protected at 10 and banner of ironforge which allows you to tank significant amounts of damage. Well timed Ws can help you withstand lots of damage, and only stuns and silences can really stop you, but the same can be said about taunt varian as well. And remember you do have a team, if the enemy team drafts for CC chains and your team has no cleanse or other saving abilities like displacements, then there is really nothing taunt, TB or CS can do about it. They will all die just as easy.

OFC, there is a lot to practice in order to play TB as an efficient tank, but it is not impossible, nor extremely difficult.


Taunt = vs mobility
CS = vs double mage / AA
TB = double frontline + jungle.

That’s about the flowchart for using varian ults.

You don’t need Taunt for peeling and more HP when you can go Twin Blades, charge into their team and heal for more than they can damage you.

No :rofl:.

Well , i mean sure if you got it and deserved it. Then im all for it :+1: ! Many people simply dont which is likely why it gets such a bad reputation .

To me thats the perfect way to describe a tank ! :ok_hand:

  1. I think you’re forgetting to calculate in said heroes abilities to gain armour as well of which Varian only has Ironforge Banner at 16.
  2. In the case of Johanna you also forget both the unstoppable, the fact she ALSO has healing in her talent tree both her level 1 active and her heal at I think it’s 16

And to take this you need to sacrifice the ability to half the cooldown of of Varians actual peel ability the only one that can be on command the same way other tanks can be. Charge with the 50% slow is honestly the only consistent CC varian has on command if he takes warbringer.
So you choose between the CC of a main tank or the Sustain if protected is enough to bring him up to that level. While actual main tanks have both.

Statistically Twin Blades has a higher winrate then Taunt.

Irrelevant when talking about what he can do as a SOLO tank

20 second cooldown for the most mundane of stuns. It’s not hard for an enemy team to bait out a 20 Second cooldown when it’s the only CC on the frontline other then slows.

And as I explained above you either take the protected or parry does nothing vs. Spells, and in taking protected you sacrifice your access to on command peel which can keep up with the peel of main tanks.[quote=“Maximus-12995, post:32, topic:29321”]
Another big problem with this is that while TBF gives more sustain and theoretical staying power, if the enemy team has CC and is even somewhat organized they’ll just lock and/or nuke you down before you have the chance to sustain yourself. Taunt Varian doesn’t have that issue nearly as much due to higher health

Taunt Varian has increased movement speed and should be able to dodge most CC especially in the aggressive cluster fudge you shoul be creating if you’re trying to solo tank with him, i you are you’re diving being aggressive throwing damage anywhere etc etc it hsould not be easy for an enemy to line up most of their CC on you

Again let me me iterate one more time
Varian, all 3 builds suck for solo tanking, you don’t want him for solo tank and if you were dumb enough to draft it you deserve the twin blades you get.

i tried to play twinlolz today, i was so bored i tried to push R to see if it did something…

Thats called a onetrick


I know its completely unrelated but i may have played vs some of you rivals !

" NanaBanana" and “WanaBanana” :joy:
Not both at the same time obviously but still thought it was funny lol

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I liked this joke

I still dont know who they are but I love to play with them

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I like CS the best. If your team is competent, you can burst almost anyone down. He’s also pretty decent 1v1.

I didn’t used to like Taunt because I thought it was boring but not its one of my favorite builds.

Twin Blades is fun, sure, but it really really depends on your comp and the enemy comp. I’m not too scared of blinds because Overpower adds spell power to his trait so its not too bad, you’ll still heal and do spell damage at least. I’m just scared of a lot of CC. If you can’t attack, you can’t heal or deal damage. When that happens, and my team already has a tank, I’ll go CS 90% of the time.

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A few have said it here, all of Varian’s build are great IF you know when to pick them.

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This guy is right. He gets it.

Just to be clear, you are aware that Taunt Varian was recently buffed? Historical win rate data won’t be useful now.

My main point still stands
Varian has to CHOOSE to have the CC/Peel of a main tank or the sustain of a tank via his 10s
Thus he is an awful solo tank and if you were stupid enough to let a solo tank Varian through in draft you deserve the Twin Blades as the Varian embraces the aggression of the given comp.
also worth noting the only noteable buff was to Taunt Varians damage and minor health boost to Taunt,

I mostly pick taunt when i solo tank and i also ask my team what they prefer to have me be. But sometimes i just dont get any answer from my team so i just pick whatever i think will be good and hope it does not come back and bite me in the back if we lose.

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Okay, I’m just going to say my opinion. I think a solo tank Varian isn’t ideal. However, in certain situations where my team just refuses to tank I’d go Taunt Varian.

Here’s where a solo tank Varian works:

  • When/if your team can focus your taunts and finish the hero you taunted. Your team would need the burst damage if you’re drafting so only if you have that, this will work.

  • When you need a small distraction to finish an objective, camp, boss, and so on. It allows you to distract the enemy from a distance while your team gets the job done and leave. There’s a super small window for your team so I’d personally only do this if the objective can be finished or captured within that small time frame. This only works if the team actually attacks you and doesn’t just ignore you.

  • He works as a meat shield and that’s pretty much it. Yes, there are times he can taunt or slow someone to allow a teammate to escape but that might not always save someone. He has no displacement, pushbacks, or anything. He’s a diving bruiser with a tanky build. So IMO, he is just a meatshield tank that doesn’t necessarily peel enemies off of your teammates. He just soaks damage and slows enemies for escapes. He doesn’t have the best kit for actual peeling. So… with this in mind play him like a big damage taker that can mitigate quite a bit of damage and heal somewhat. Don’t expect to be able to peel for your team. If it works, great, but never put your money on whether he can. Also, for this to work, your team cannot be stupid. If your team doesn’t know how to retreat or back up, you’ll have a hard time.

  • He’s great at follow up CC. Butcher’s charge, Murky’s Octograb are some good examples. They single out a hero and those CC’s along with Varian’s can allow your team to get some free kills, if they’re timed correctly. It works with almost any stun or root but its still really good if you can work with your team that way. This requires your team to work together to time your CC’s right.

Here’s where a solo tank Varian doesn’t work:

  • Any hard CC. If the enemy team has a lot of CC then Varian can’t really do much. Therefore he’s just a tank that’s going to get CC’d to death and you’ll end up with 4v5 matchups for most of the match. He should not be first picked unless your team has another player who will tank for sure. He will always be better as an off tank or a bruiser. Avoid solo tanking if you can in draft. QM is QM just try to have fun.

  • If you’re team doesn’t have burst damage. Goodluck. You won’t be able to finish much kills.

  • Enemy dive comp. If they have more than one diver, you won’t be able to protect your team. It would be hard to get them away because they’ll just shred your backline and forget about you because you deal little damage without your team.

  • If your team isn’t tanky. If you are the solo tank and you have squishies as your backline, that’s bad news. They’ll just ignore you and get your backline. Oh big woop you taunted one of them… for 1.5 seconds. Good job and… half your team is dead.

  • If the enemy team is bursty. Varian has great damage mitigation and sustain but its not able to mitigate all of the burst you’ll receive. And ranged burst heroes are even worse.

  • If your team is uncoordinated. This applies to almost any team comp but especially for solo tank Varians. If your team doesn’t listen when you ping to back up, they don’t focus your taunts, aren’t grouped, or aren’t good enough players to understand how a Taunt Varian works, then Varian just won’t be effective. HotS requires teamwork and coordination but if you have a solo tank Varian, this gets even more necessary. The last thing you need is to taunt a half health assassin but they focus the 100% health bruiser.

Varian has his place as a solo tank. Are these situations possible, yes, but very unlikely if the Varian isn’t good, or the team isn’t coordinated. Its possible to have a good experience with a solo tank Varian but its requires a lot.

Bottom line. Should you draft Varian knowing he will be the only tank? No, probably not. He will always be better as a bruiser. I’ve done it in the past only because I hover Varian and they ask “Can you tank as Varian?” and I accept because I think they’re asking because they’re better at a different role. More times than not, I’ve had a good experience as a solo tank Varian so for me, I like it.

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That’s a personal opinion
The only time I’ve ever had success with Varian as a solo tank is specifically when I go Twin Blades because the speed makes it easier to move around and get in the way of the other divers and because the play it forces my team to adopt is much better then trying to match the tanks level of meat shield/Peel

  1. That’s not a “tank” varian
  2. I said from the start that this was my opinion.

No it’s a solo bruiser with more aggressive power and damage, which in my experience is the only way to make a solo frontline varian work

This post started as a thank you to the good varians , i really didnt expected it to turn into a debate on the viability of varian XD !

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Some people like to turn the debate into something els and then we forget what we were really talking about.

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