Things people tell me as a zera main

“you might have a bunch of kills but youre not good, youre just getting last hits”

-ok, so why didnt you get last hit on that guy?
-last hit? you mean how every hero in the game works? what every single hero has to do to get a kill?

i hear this almost daily.

Last ARAM that I got to pick Zeratul, the enemy team had all CC. We all died at least 10 times each since we happened to try and fight—but I got 5 kills. Only one other player got a kill on our team. The point being: if I had picked one of the other two options, we would have got no kills, and the match would have played the same.

Tbh, sounds like they were right. If you only attack people with low hp (‘last hits’), you’re likely better off playing genji than zera. zera can 100-0 people…
It’s situation dependent, but playing nova/ zera/ valeera and afk waiting for kills all game is definitely losing more than winning. There’s lots of nova mains that just run around and never auto; didn’t see yet zeratuls doing that, but might be a thing too.