They listened! Imperius has bigger wings!

I am just going to announce and let people know that they actually listened to our complains and up-sized his wings! Whether or not is was caused by a bug, or was a conscious decision, I am glad they changed them.

Also, stop with the micro-transactions and budget cut nonsense, please.


do you have a source on that


Go in game and look.


Great to see another angel character.

Looks pretty legit, I’ll be on later to try him out on practice mode.

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Things like this make me forget the activision drama and respect how much blizzard listens to fans… or at least the core devs


Of course they changed it! It was a bug like this v minion:

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I have spend too much money on this game even if its free!:stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome! That’s pretty neat.

Makes me think it was a bug that his wings were just always folded back. With them splayed out it looks like how it should.

I cam home for lunch been in que for 3100 secs now. thats just a new record for me on any new release day.

Did they fix his Q, though?

What needs fixing on his Q?

Q would miss sometimes for me, also not do damage sometimes too. wasnt sure if it was a bug or i wasnt targeting it correctly

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I suspect that people missing with the Q, especially targets in melee range, are putting the skillshot icon too far out. It’s the spearhead part of the skillshot ui that is the stun.



Love how the very first comment with most upvotes says “Game playable” lol :smiley:

from what i can see they are spread out a bit more and bigger. which really helps compared to before.

Im pretty sure its someone in the dev or art team that decided to go on his time off , come to work and fix that because he or she was just as annoyed as us regarding the wings lol

To whoever fixed that !
Who ever you are , you have a very particular set of skills , skills that make you a very valuable individual to people like us . We might never know where you are from or what you look like…we might never even know your name … But we will thank you .


people underestimate blizz’s response to comments. they care just a lil bit.

Now those are the real angel wings!

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