The xp changes are bad and must never hit live

The changes make xp useless. What is the point of pushing forts if the catapults will lower your overall xp gain?

What is the point of lane pushing if buildings grant insignificant amount of XP?

What is the point of taking down towers if you get more xp passively, by just staying AFK in spawn?

Stop dumbing down the game. Stop cattering to bronze 5 noobs. Just admit you messed up when you removed ammo, buffed minions to the skies and added broken objectives like AP and GoT and revert to pre 2.0 laning.

Why even fight if a team domimates all game and yet everyone is on equal XP? Just make it a level 20 brawl and whoever wins that will win the game. Save 20 minutes of minion genocide.


I feel like this current iteration of laning is the most effective iteration, as it rewards teams that take down forts and keeps, yet forces them to participate in the seige. The previous iteration rewarded afk laning as minions used up ammo, and this next iteration will force active participation in seiging, yet it gives a very meek reward for doing so. The changes have only been on the ptr for a day however, so we don’t have enough data to say with certainty that this iteration of xp gain is inferior to the current one.


I think one improvement that can be made is that objectives can provide experience. Because with the new iteration early game objectives are often ignored now in favor of soaking, since soaking is more rewarding this time around and destroying enemy structures early on make soaking more difficult down the line for your group. So I think some of the experience lost from structures could be moved here for successful captures to incentivize it more. This would actually reward early game advantages better that would carry over more for late game.


No. When ammo was a thing, you couldn’t just AFK. You actually had to win the lane so minions got to the towers. And towers also did more damage per shot. There was a clear reward for winning the lane. Much better than what we have now, and infinitly better than what is next.


When ammo was a thing, it undermined the protection that towers, forts and keeps were supposed to provide, as you couldn’t always count on the towers to be available to protect you from an enemy. It was a gimmick in the game that didn’t need to be there and really just made defending structures that much harder.


That could work but it would turn objectives into all or nothing, which makes them harder to balance. The objective also takes down forts, which will lower your XP gain down the line.

I wonder how BHB and Sky Temple will work now, since the objective will be pretty meaningless.

It is pretty clear they didn’t think this through too much.


Either way there needs to be improvement with early game objectives now with these changes because it really does hurt them. What is more rewarding right now is simply stealing enemy camps to gain the experience points from there, and this what players have been doing instead of objectives.

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Towers never really provided protection. When they changed ammo, they also nerfed tower damage and buffed minion damage to buildings. This made towers actually die faster with infinite ammo.


Yea grabbing the first Punisher or first Triglav will have infinitely less value than a team split soaking and grabbing camps. Objectives are meant to have value, bringing this in will just remove that value, at least in the early to even mid game.

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Agreed. They need to go back to the drawing board.


Yeah its funny how merc camps now have more value than objectives early-mid game. The issue here now is as well that people are grabbing camps without much thought as to timing just to gain that level lead, since they had removed the experience gained from defending against a camp. This is more the case since you aren’t encouraged to win the first objective quickly, meaning you don’t need camps to distract or push lane while fighting for objectives (since you favor soaking more now).


True, as they never attack heroes that are attacking you until minions are dead, but at least the change always made sure towers were able to protect you when they could. Another thing I can count on from the towers is when I’m trying to complete Echo of the Elements, the towers will always take roughly 4 to 3 shots (depending on the minion type) to take down a minion. This provides me with a bigger window to get stacks for quests such as that as well as other quests like Nazeebo’s voodoo ritual and Orphea’s Ravenous Hunger. You could be right in the fact that the tower ammo was better for the game overall, but so many people have adapted their playstyles to the “new” system, and imo it works just as well.

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When they removed ammo, game became much more snowbally.

The only thing good was giving slow to forts. The slow itself provides real defender advantage. The only one actually.


in short why this should not go live


:smiley: I predict new meta:

  1. pick macro heroes and late game heroes
  2. AFK soak lanes, don’t push
  3. reach level 16+, ideally 20
  4. blow up the enemy
  5. push fort, keep and core before they respawn

How could the game become more snowbally if they removed a feature that rewarded snowballing?


Not afk, *splitpush.
Just get to a (not so hard to obtain) point when ammo is run out and the fort was just xp waiting to be harvested.
Such a good design…
When ammo was a thing, most pushes were passive. At least, now you have to actively try to bring them down.

On the xp changes: I didn’t tried it yet and won’t give much credit to 1 day of ptr (clownfiesta).

For a short time forts were too weak for the xp they gave. That was the problem but they fixed it.

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Wasn’t the slow already there?


For the past 2 years i believe so.

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