The solo laner's nightmare

And I do not understand what thou dost not understand. Readest Leoric’s talents. He hath more range in talents for W and Q.

Would be clearer to say which talents you’re talking about.

Increased range for W doesn’t give me more value than Drain Momentum, which removes the move speed slow during W. If you don’t slow down, you can keep up with your targets, but Drain momentum also gives me a speed boost once it’s done. It allows me to both chase and escape. While W range is just W range, and doesn’t help me survive at all.

At Lvl 4, I prefer the 60% slow to a bigger range on Q. It helps me both secure kills and peel for my allies and myself. The slow is the only CC Leo has, so making it more impactful goes a long way. Everyone on the team gets more kills and dies less.

I believe that the extra range from Hopelessness should be just enough to prevent Artanis from breaking life drain with Blade Dash as long as he is within your melee swing range.

Limited usability against Muradin’s, Hammer’s and Auriel’s knockbacks, you would have to rely on the terrain stopping you early so it wouldn’t be very good.

I would assume Alarak not taking extended TK range because of how strong Hindered Motion is. Lucio’s Boop isn’t potent enough anyways. ETC could probably knock you away and escape even without utilizing additional talents because of the micro-root associated with the ability.

What’s the point of the talent anyways and why does it have an identical pick rate to both alternatives when it is so bad? Leoric is one of the easiest heroes to properly stutter step with and if someone wants to sprint away, you would get one extra tick from Hopelessness which you gain from Willing Vessel by default (higher value, same timer), but without the extra 5% as a reward if channeling completes.

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I totaly agree with you but i have to admit, range can be better on Q as an harras upgrade against ranged heroes or heroes that you’re not wanting to approach too close, but yeah the slow is just so good and momentum allows you to dodge some skills, escape, or chase people down fast and sometimes all of it at the same time haha.
In the other hand range on W makes it way more difficult for ennemies to break from distance, and hallows you to poke more (wich feats really well with lvl 13 and 16 if you know you can have alot of value from it, like against blind spells heroes)

But mostly i prefer momentum aswel. Problem is, there are heroes capable of breaking it really early or cc you for forcing you to stand when the ennemy is runing out, so for me this is the hardest choices of the hero. but range is really good as a global default choice, because if you entomb someone you can let allies go into the entomb while you poke from range. Or you can E behind the entomb or side of it, to auto attack the ennemy, since leoric has a big melee range. So using space could be a huge deal aswel, depending of the situation.

Also range on W can act as a longer “hiden CC mechanic” wich forces range assassins to run a bit more far away and gives you more time against them, because people are generaly runing out of it. If he doesn’t, chase him a bit, hit and run what you can, or just run away if you have to. It will gives you a good marge for everything.

Lunara and tracer are my worst nightmares to lane against… this is where you can question yourself “should i build for laning or teamfights”, sometimes you can build for both. range is globaly better in my opinion. Sometimes you are not the only one who can clear camps or cc people or you can lose value on it when you do it in the same time of an ally’s cc or having some overkill with that talent during entomb.

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There are times when I know I’m unlikely to keep my W on an enemy for the full duration. In which case, willing vessel is mostly useless. But half those games I still pick momentum just so I’m not slowed while it channels.

If I entomb an enemy, I can still W and hit them from the side with the regular range. But because I’m usually going AA build, momentum is almost a default pick.

For Tracer, it’s usually not an issue if you’re double soaking. If you’re on the same lane you can agressively kill the wave as fast as you can, using Ossein renewal to keep your health up, while hiding behind your minions when her bomb is up. The damage from minions hurts her a lot, and she can’t clear fast enough to avoid it.

Not quite sure what you mean here. In AA build, if I don’t pick momentum, it hurts the build because you can’t AA as much since you slow yourself during drain hope. Momentum lets you do both.

When I entomb, I’ll AA three times, then hit Q at the end, so the target is slowed when entomb wears out and they can’t easily walk away.

Spectral Leech with Mithril Mace is always a safe choice. I love watching poor melees attack you for 15 seconds straight before realizing that in fact they’re the ones losing health.


Movement speed is needed for auto-attack talents. As well as 60% slow with Q. I do not think these talents are needed in the solo lane (keep blindness in mind.). But perhaps this is a matter of personal preference.

P.s. By the way, I remembered the old Kerrigan, when everyone took range at level 1, until Blizz made it a default ability, it was so useful that people constantly took it.

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In the solo I would make different choices. But I rarely pick Leoric on Braxis.

For Kerrigan was it a talent for Q or E? I don’t think I was playing at that time.

It used to buff against minions, but because it was so mandatory they just made it baseline, so it still does 75% additional damage to minions as a baseline ability :smiley:

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It was for E ability.