The problem that is Lucio

Just posing a question: does any one experience Lucio as the most unfulfilling hero to play?

A close second, for me, would be ETC. They both exist to do one thing. Lucio presses E and sometimes presses R for shields; ETC exists for Mosh, everything else he does is helpful but only so long as he gets decent Mosh Pits off. Both heroes do this one thing well; but, given there’s almost no skill required to be effective (to be clear, “effective” means provide tangible aid to your team) throughout the entire match, I feel like Lucio does it too well. Maybe excessively well.

I almost exclusively play ARAM (though considering going back to QM a little more often just for different maps and objectives). In this mode both heroes perform considerably well. But when I get Lucio (especially as the only healer choice) I feel like that individual match is a total waste. This is because I will probably win (roughly, 80% likelihood), and I will do next to nothing to get there so long as: I follow my team around; I press E when it’s off CD; and sometimes press R for shields.

The last match I had with him, I chose his only lvl 1 talent, his quest (I suspect this choice has more effect outside of ARAM where the increased aoe is hugely powerful). I took no talents until 10, because they are irrelevant. I took no talents until 16, because they are irrelevant. I took no 20 because, after % healing at 16, there’s no reason to have more talents.

We crushed the match. A handful of deaths only; all nearly without talents: just move the mouse and press E…

This sums it up:


Hmm I guess you’re right. Level 1 quest needs a late game buff. Quests should be THE late game option

I have ~60% on Lucio, master 4k this season. He is an absolute AA beast and also a good hat target for Abathur.

You do not play him as a back line healer if you want to win games and have high impact. His AA damage adds up really fast, he can also draw even the most disciplined players to chase him when they shouldn’t, once they get upset enough at his Slipping.

He should be at the middle or upper middle of the damage chart with top healing and close to 0 deaths.


im a mix of the chad and healbot lucio, yes i will get CRAP TONS of healing while using push off both offensive and defensively, will boost to chase down kills, im not afraid to 1v1, etc

Lucio has been sleeper OP even before those patch buffs IMO.

I have 75% lifetime win rate on him in my entire SL climb, he’s very busted in right hands, he’s also one of my most played chars in Ranked, followed by Sylvanas.


I think Healbot Lucio is cuter!

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Yeah, the backwards leg on the chad is kinda concerning, not to mention one is longer than the other.
Maybe that’s how he wallrides? His legs are different lengths so he can run along walls more easily?


I think I would agree with this in ranked play where his mobility is far more sustained on any map. I usually play ARAM, so his mobility suffers hugely considering how close most few walls are to towers and how easy it makes CC in those maps.

The problem is that, he has high effect so long as you press E and R consistently. What I mean isn’t so much an issue with balance so much as design. There’s nothing fulfilling about playing him in the sense that mere presence, and general consistency, makes him significantly effective. Kind of like Chromie: Point, shoot, win.

Now, in a sense, this is the mode I tend to play. And I can see him being far more engaging on a regular map, and have a much higher skill ceiling (which I appreciate). But, just to have that strong effect on the overall match, healbot does more than enough so it would seem. And that feels super lazy, to me, design-wise.

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you watch too many HotS montages.

ETC has the most reliable sources of CC in the game (Powerslide > Mic Check), and decent survivability.

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With Diablo, ETC is the tank I fear the most.


This is true. Buuttttt–

Not every character should scale perfectly into end-game. That’s a pretty dedicated niche (Nazeebo, Azmodan, etc).

Now, whether said niche is balanced (it’s not it’s pitifully weak) is asides the point.

Sure, any interruptions or displacements ruin Diablo’s CC. When I play against ETC, I usually get him to engage with powerslide, and then flip and charge him real deep and away from his support. But I’ve watched a tonne of ETCs build different talent trees and all are baseline effective so long as they consistently hit Mosh. I’ve never seen an effective Stage Dive either from an opponent or a teammate.

i will say 75% of ppl who play lucio forgot that his w button exist in combat. it can be used to kill enemy’s, or to save ppl with low health( running saves lives). if u take amp it up? the old ult at lvl 7 with the slowing effect wins alot of fights.

This is part of your problem. All AoE healers get much better value when the whole team’s in one lane. Same is true of BW. The game isn’t balanced around ARAM and ARAM’s rule set specifically breaks some heroes. We can all list them. They’re the toxic ones that no one ever doesn’t pick and everyone hates to play against.

As others have pointed out, Lucio does a lot more than this. However, you do have a point here. I’m a big fan of low skill, low reward, high skill, high reward. You’re absolutely right that you can play Lucio ez-mode like this. I’ve popped well over 400K healing with exactly that build and strategy in ARAMs. It’s ridiculously easy.

Lucio can be played as a high-skill, high-impact character. In fact, I’d argue that his speed and ability to make his whole team move faster makes him broken. I’ve literally watched Lucio outrun the projectiles on my skillshots with dozens of characters. You CAN’T hit him without someone sitting on him with a point and click stun. That’s a balance problem.

But the core reason you’re seeing this is because he’s broken in ARAM.