Zagara’s nydus worm intercepts Anub’arak and the cookie, spitting them back out onto the surface on opposite sides of the map
Tassadar finds Abathur by Oracle and used multiple Forse Walls until Abathur comes to him with cookie.
Tassadar takes it.
Ana, sleeps Tassadar, and obtains the grain
A li-ming wave of force appears between ana and the cookie, blowing them apart and blowing the cookie right into li-mings waiting hands.
a Li Li smashes Li Ming with a water dragon and then dashes away with the cookie with Fast Feet
Kharazim closes the gap with a radiant dash, grabs the cookie, and radiant dashes away.
Zarya Grav’s Kharazim, walks up, takes the cookie, bubbles herself, walks out.
Valeera sneaks up to Zarya stunning her picking up the cookie and going back into stealth you can’t see me mwahaha
Hanzo see the shimmer, deploys Sonic Arrow, then launches DragonStrike, the dragons eat the cookie then disappear. The end.
As the cores materialize as a match of Heroes begins, the cookie materializes in the middle of Blackheart’s Bay. That poor pirate tried to eat the prized trophy.
Brightwing Phase Shifts to Blackheart, polymorphs him, grabs the cookie, and then blink heals to safety.
Anub’Arak Cocoons BrightWing, cuts a small hole in the Coccon with Impale, grabs the cookie.
Illidan is on The Hunt for the cookie, sees Anub’arak walk by some minions.
Bug goes squish, Illidan flips away into the darkness with the cookie.
KT, Blaze, Ragnaros, and Alexstrazsa are just chillin’ out on the sidelines, watching the others’ antics while roasting marshmallows and enjoying hot s’mores.
amazing HTML usage, I felt that Hunt
Unfortunately for Illidan, Maiev was waiting in the darkness. After ripping him towards her with an Umbral Bind, she throws a Fan of Knives at his arms. Illidan drops the cookie, Maiev grabs it and avoids his retaliation by Vaulting out of reach. She traps Illidan in her Warden’s Cage, and prepares to take a big bite of the cookie within earshot of Illidan.
Thank you, I try!
Maiev, chomps down, but bites into nothing! It was a decoy cookie Nova had planted on BhB all along, and she’s already almost back to the Griffin before anyone even realizes it was a phony!
Of course, Tassadar doesn’t fall for those tricks. He force walls Nova in the face and takes the real cookie in the confusion.
Dehaka uses Drag on the cookie and burrows away.
Zeratul AA’s Dehaka before he can escape and vorpals afters him. He uses Voidprison to freeze Dehaka in Time, takes the cookie and blinks away.