The last mount from the Twitch Prime era of HGC is added for purchase with the newest “patch”.
Feel free to buy the Purple Elemental Lion we deserved 4 years ago!:
not for that price I’m not
Brilliant yessss.Now I can tell my friends I participated in global tourneys 4 years ago on a game I played for 2 years.
Actually, I didn’t deserve it.
(But I’ll buy it anyway since I don’t know what to do with my gold, and I like both angry mounts and purple)
I do want the piggy bank mount.
I would consider this more embarrassing than offering nothing, but just my opinion. Just saying some balance or bug fixes were done would have been reasonable/intelligent.
10 000 gold is basically free content at this point, most people who still hang around the forum probably have like 50-100k or more just laying around since there is no more new content to buy.
Gold is free to earn anyway.
That elemental lion looks an awful lot like the first Hero League season reward mounts.
I think it was just a special color or something.
Yeah, it appears you’re right. That is the top rank (master/grand master) reward mount with spikes. People from bronze-diamond got the non-spiked version of the lion.
But the Arcane color was never released.
Thanks for posting this, Kara. I do find it amusing that this mount costs twice the amount of Gems than the currently (for months now) discounted Deathwing, which is a mere 500 gems.
The sad part is I don’t think this works with any character I play, except maybe syl. The color just doesnt blend well with any of them.
I waited for this mount fo(u)r years! O.O
I don’t know if you play her, but it pairs beautifully with the purple/pink “twilight” skin of Ana.
Just need a couple Nightborne skins (Sylvanas, Tyrande, Kael’thas, ect) to match up with the arcane mounts.
Blizz thinks they’re Nintendo.
10k Gold? I wouldn’t miss it in the slightest.
I have like 60-70k coins stored up doing nothing.
Give us all the mounts and banners and all content blizzard!
Anything is better than nothing, even if pittance. Maybe next year we’ll get Nazeebra re-released.
330K actually
I never got those so, good for me.
There’s a purple Imperius skin. Also works with black skins.
That’s what they were saying over at D3 when all content stopped, and the only thing D3 was getting was another season. There was fanfare and staunch defenders of this content.
Their standards were so low they considered recycled seasons as free content.