The last hope of hots

Don’t forget option D: Nothing meaningful to say about it.

What is a random dev supposed to post in such a ‘serious’ thread?
‘We’re working/looking at it’ = Empty statement, leads to possible unrealistic expectations.
‘We’re doing X’ = Impossible to promise, as development changes and things may or may not work out.

Not to mention the horde of ravenous ‘Why are you doing X, you should do Y!’ demands that appear whenever a dev does post.

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You know tf2 has nothing that’s compared to hots right? Only game that similar but has a large popularity is league of legends.

This Is exactly why wow failed, milking the game for money instead of evolving and perfecting it. They saturate it with bullcrap and go on nerf/buffing sprees… lol it’s pretty sad, but it’s what they do now.

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That’s not my point, point being is HotS tries to limitize itself too much that expression and discussion gets limited on main social medias to the point it fades because of such unnecessary rules, HotS river is thin and drying itself, LoL isn’t any time soon because for multiple reasons but most importantly they don’t limit their playerbase into what to express and what not, especially the Reddit example, they allow players to post images and videos on the subreddit, HotS does not.

yup and too late to save it now. that’s most unfortunate… they had the “man power” > “resources” etc. and yet they didn’t manage to make it better now they don’t have that and look at it. it’s too late to say sorry!!! song playing~

I highly doubt they’re using their resources catering to players with 5 bazillion hours in the game. The average active player probably has less than a couple hundred hours. That’s who they’re catering to, and targetting changes to. Not a tiny minority with 3000+ hours.

All of these complaint posts break down to the exact same argument…ME!! Very few games are going to be trying to get players for thousands of hours guys. When you’re done with the game, here’s what you do: move on.

Yeah exactly. Hots doesnt need to be revamped to be good it needs to not have stupid flaws like awful AI bots and reconnect.

The “wc3 rework” treatment (new engine and nothing else) would actually work w hots since it would fix one of the major fundamental issues that people complain about: disconnect = everyone on the team loses/reconnect taking forever.

There’s no need to change the gameplay or heroes, that has been progressively getting better through balance and content updates. Where is the need to reinvent the game??? Just port to new engine, keep the balance up and throw in a hero or map every now and so (ie: pick up where they left off).

If they make an actual functional tutorial a re-release could have a lot of success

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