The game is not dead. Only HGC. And you're not a Pro. So play on

The game is not dead, and it’s not going to get shutoff. They have a huge investment. The player base will suffer, thankfully most of the slackers will leave. And the hardcore players will stay who really love this game.


The slackers are meta sheep :smiley: they can’t live without pro players , cause they got nothing better to do without them

The hardcore players will stay and play on without even caring about the pro scene


Switching to another game, changes nothing about this game. It simply shows the players who’re here only to watch Pro Players on Twitch. If you leave HOTS because HGC is no more, you’re the true definition of a slacker.


Look, I don’t care at ALL about e-sports. I don’t watch them and wouldn’t have a clue who anyone in that scene is.

With that said: This announcement spells doom for the game. If all they said is that they were cancelling the tournament this year? Fine. But they are cancelling the event as well and moving devs off the game in a significant enough way that they had to announce it.

That is NOT a good thing. I don’t care who you are. If the game was doing well in any respect, you don’t announce you are pulling staff from it and slowing content releases. It’s an online always game that needs a constant flow of new content to stay alive.

While it isn’t dead yet and will probably last a good while longer, it is being shifted towards maintenance mode.


Its not HGC shutting down that i’m worried about. What i am worried about is the fact they said they are moving devs to other projects which could impact the frequency of updates and new heroes.


Them switching to another game will change one thing : The community

The community will become healthier and less toxic , This slackers/meta sheep/doomsayers/whatever are nothing really

Just 1 announcement of HGC closing and less development and they all start talking :smiley:


Esports keep games like this alive


Define “doom for the game” you think Blizzard would actually turn off the game so nobody can play it? This simply will not happen. The development of the game will slow down. It will not stop.


Devs are moving to another projects. How can you make a game without devs?


Confirming Mei will not be released would kill the game for real. Not kidding!


True. I just finished the special event today.

The HoTS esport news doesn’t even bothered me at all.


No, but removing devs to work on other games does mean they are abandoning the game over the next 1 to 2 years. You don’t move your team to work on other projects if you expect to grow the current one.


It’s the lack of players. I know that those who play vs AI won’t care, but people at higher tiers will definitely see it in their queue times and quality of matchmaking which has been terrible at best as it is.


You took the least relevant part of the announcement and blame the outrage on that. I don’t care about HGC or Heroes of the Dorm.
If I have to wait 5-6 minutes to start a game, and I can’t even freely choose my hero, it already makes me want to play another game.
Development will slow down without the necessary developers. Do you think they’ll stop adding new content (i.e. making money), or will they stop improving existing systems (i.e. spending money)?

Anyway, I’m not sure why I even typed a reply to an obvious troll thread.


We are still here, actively developing the game, and always listening to our community. Please keep your heads up and know that you still have a vibrant and passionate team that loves this game and will continue to make it better!

Hopefully we can share more with everyone very soon, but we will be far from a skeleton crew :slight_smile:


To be fair, the old team barely did anything to grow this game significantly. Maybe it’s a good sign. Maybe we will finally get fundamental features, like a looking for game lobby, in the next 4 years?


your personality slowly changes like brightwing personality in this video

We are still here

always listening to our community

passionate team that loves this game

Hopefully we can share more with everyone very soon

Sounds an awful lot like their Diablo:Immortal “responses”. HotS is dead.


Keep dreaming , And please … leave already if this game is dead to you


At least we got a blue post saying that the game will be alive , That post was enough to give me and all other players who love this game a bit of hope , Unlike you doomsayers who keep wrecking it but I’ve grown tough skin for all of you

And I did read the official post from the dev team going and HGC being removed , if the game was really dead it would have it’s servers shut down

But no I go in-game and check general chats and they’d have at best 400-500 players online in EU and the game is … alive , just like the previous days