The changes in roles and quick match queue times

If you go to quick match for “balance” your in the wrong place. They labeled it QUICK so its primary goal is tobe… QUICK. Why dont people get this?


its not Ideal Match its Quick Match. ya got 3 other modes to get ideal on. some people like 5v5 assassin matches makes you hone your survival skills.


Being outdrafted or getting hit by one tricks is not ideal.

Taking a hero you just want to practice with in draft is also not ideal because you are weighing down your team, QM is a more casual mode that people don’t often care what your skill level is as long as you understand the basics of your hero, however there are heroes that simply do not function without a healer or tank, like hammer, maiev, KTZ, KT, greymane, genji, valla, and so on. People that often need setup for combos or damage, or just need the enemy to be held in place.

That’s also not how the game is supposed to function.

Nothing is stopping you from getting 5 people to all play assassins with you, there is a looking for more function and everything.

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practicing in QM works just fine. even though your character isn’t in an ideal situation you’re still learning their weakness and strengths/when to use the keys. right now you wont learn anything as KT since you’ll Q for 8 minutes get bored waiting and go do other stuff. if thats somehow better i’d like to know.

a games function is fun… if its fun, and it is unless you have unrealistic expectations then its functioning as it should


If I never get queued against a tank with malthael I’ll get the wrong impression that he’s just a squishy useless hero in 5v5 assassin matchups. I’d love to see how you can spin that to prove otherwise.

Because I guarantee you that I RARELY got matches with both a ranged damage dealer, healer and a tank all at once. I’d be lucky to get to fight a warrior that was a bruiser.

How exactly is that different from a 5v5 assassin matchup.

Your post is so off kilter it has pluto spinning backwards.
How does getting bored with one hero correlate to having a balanced comp on each team???

Ok, a majority of players wanted QM to be balanced out so they could practice heroes in an ideal situation in which there is a fair chance of either team winning and not just 5 assassin garbage or all melee verses ranged damage or all of your assassins are melee or your support is actually just tassadar. So for them, to have comps structured this way, is fun, are you going to go against what the majority thinks is fun?

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Ok, a majority of players wanted QM to be balanced out so they could practice heroes in an ideal situation in which there is a fair chance of either team winning and not just 5 assassin garbage or all melee verses ranged damage or all of your assassins are melee or your support is actually just tassadar. So for them, to have comps structured this way, is fun, are you going to go against what the majority thinks is fun?

false. it took 6 minutes to play as valla on a saturday in the US. people are dropping out do to these changes. A majority does not like these changes. The fake try hards that didn’t want to fuss with HL wanted these changes. QM’ers were happy playing QM not BM about a quick mode being unfair.


Forget Valla. I’ve had 400+ second waits on Muradin.

Could’ve sworn there was a ton of threads on how unfair the matchups were, to a point of them being reasonable as a suggestion. Dang, must’ve been one of blizzard pointless quality of life updates! How dare they support this ghost majority!

Correction, it took YOU 6 minutes to queue as a popular assassin on an undisclosed time in an undisclosed portion of the US (there’s 3 different US servers mate). It took me 20 seconds to get a match as blaze, 10 seconds for xul for some reason. Didn’t think that was going to be quick but whatevers.

Got any proof of that or just idle statements with no substance?

Weird, I didn’t think 3 people were a majority.

You mean people that wanted to get better without forcing their ranks to plummet. Damn them for wanting to get better!

This is how you end up with smurfs that make the game less fun for everyone in that bracket.

Hi. New player here. I’m getting 450+ second waits on a tank or healer. Inevitably I get put against a high level 4-5man premade because my queue timed out. This is not fun.


Same here. Expanded quick match search throws me into matches with new players. In one in particular a player was openly asking the team what builds to go with and we’re up against two people that are at the 1000s in levels.

Legitimate complaints I keep hearing about this new update.

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So, you want to play as a specialist or assassin in QM. First you have to get past the “queue is full” part for a while, then, when you get into the queue you have to wait 10 minutes for a game. Assuming that the game starts without a dropout, which is about 30% likely at the moment, you then get into an expanded game with new player tanks / healers - no front line or heals.
Failing that, you play a tank or a healer, get a quick game (1 min) and get paired with the new players who have been in the queue for 10 minutes are trying out assassins and specialists - very low DPS and the team fights take 2 mins per fight as both sides cant hit anything.

So, you decide to play an OP hero who can jump the queue as a tank and has a solid DPS build, to make up for the new players who have a very low DPS output (if you even get a DPS after the expanded queue time) and stomp on new players.

Any which way, you have at least half the team of new players who dont understand the game, have no idea what the abilities do, so everyone gets salty.

Great work on the revised MM !

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That’s because of the new player queue. It has nothing to do with the comp changes.

Blizzard needs to get rid of it.

I was having significantly faster and better matches before this change. Due to the way the timeout queue works, what you get is a random group of new players up against premades. Every time.

These wait times are garbage. I have a tank and a healer in my party and we have been waiting over 14min now. How is this even a quick match any more?

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5 vs 5 assassin would be fun, it when it 5 assassin vs 2asn1spec,1sup and a good tank that when it mess up.

My two cents.

I haven’t had to wait for QM matches this long in the life of this game. Me and two friends liked playing around in QM a lot.

We were waiting in queue for 9 minutes as Leo, Azmo, and Naz. We switched to Alex, Orphea, Azmo…in queue for 11 minutes. Switched to Alex, Junk, and Leo and waited for 4 minutes.

That’s 24 minutes waiting because our 3 stack didn’t have the proper comp to deal with many single queue players that go in as Assassin.


What level are you guys? I have endless queues no matter what I play at level 100, my wife gets in after a minute or two.

Idk what youre talking about, Lol still has blind pick, Aram, draft pick and 2 ranked modes, along with seasonal event casual game modes.

I dont understand why you think this clashes with the having fun outlet thing?
I play QM primarily with my friends to have fun now. We always try to do our best and win the game, we try different strats together, cheeze, weird or normal ones. We arent activelly trying to get better, and climb the ladder we are trying in the game we are playing tho.
And before that I played QM and I was very competitive about it, because of the randomness of it, figuring out how to win games when both teams have weird team comps, recognizing plays and win conditions, this is all part of the competitive experience of QM. As you said give us a semblance of a team and let the players figure out how to win. That is exactly what QM used to be.

So now ALL of us get to wait in Q for 5 minutes to maybe get a semblance of a team comp with 1 healer and 1 tank cause you guys that wanted a tank and healer guaranteed and complained about how teams are uneven on what heroes they have, but just couldnt be bothered to use the UD mode that literally lets you have a semblance of a team that you want and figure it out.

And my Q times have been on average way longer than 5 minutes and getting horrible uneven stomp games with random comps cause ‘‘expanding search parameters’’ is my life no matter what role I Q as.

I dont want to sit in Q for 15 minutes for a 15 minute stomp cause the game assembled Valeera, nova, tass, Abby and Nazz against Anub, Morales, Valla, Orphea and Maiev.

Hots has a competitive mode where you can go and be competitive. Actually it has 2 competitive modes made specifically for people who want to compete, it has a ladder and shiny signs representing your rank and skill. Hero league and Team league.

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Yeah, I can agree with this. If someone is going to play Ranked, they should try to play at their best to ensure a win.

That’s also true. Although I think people should learn those roles on their own accord, instead of the MM dictating them to play them now

I see. Maybe the problem is on my part then. I don’t play Warriors often and when I do, I mostly play, Dehaka or Anub’arak. And while and Dehaka can deal a lot of damage, it’s pretty conditional. Like needing to be in pilot mode and Dehaka requires lot of Essence. And in Anub’s case, it always feels like I’m only weaking the enemy, but the killing blow is performed by my team.

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Go undraft or create a full party and play for what thou want.