The Butcher as Bruiser?

The Butcher is best as a Melee Assassin.


If they buffed his health late game to have an even better late game he’d be used more. As is his late game isn’t worth it

Ummm, his late game is ridiculously strong. It’s his early game that suffers…

He becomes an unstoppable powerhouse if supported well.


Butcher can be played as “solo laner” espacially when you can pick later in the draft and already know what the enemy team has.
Against better players you won’t get much meat because these players won’t die so getting meat from minions is more important.
Teammates can sill rotate for a gank on your lane trying to get you some extra meat. You can also rotate and leave the solo lane for a quick gank if you don’t miss out the lane exp/meat. It worked out well for me when i tried it and i prefer having a butcher in my team who also soaks some exp early on when he is still weak and not just yolo’s into the enemy team trying to get meat xD

Exactly, because his lamp is basically an easier an entomb.

I think it would take more than an hp change. All you have to do is walk away when branded and he has no sustain. He’s easy to gank too.

Not quite. The two main points is that entomb is easier to land because there’s no delay, and it always hits multiple people. If you cast LttS on multiple enemies, you have no idea who it will chain.
Though lamb always has the silence.

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This exactly my point why I find lamb easier. Sure entomb has better impact for the reason you mentioned, but heroes with escapes can still go out of it, while heroes in a good lamb can’t. Only at 20 where both heroics are comparable I would say Leorics might be better, because it’s faster.

He would have his armor talent baseline and I find an Butcher with armor tanky, compare it to Sonya, who has an armor talent at 1 as well.

You can escape lamb easily since it has that huge warning before it actually triggers. That’s why you need the stun first. Entomb can be escaped after the fact, but it offers no warning. That’s why buried alive is so dangerous.

Sonya has better healjng baseline though. I don’t find Butcher’s block talent that good to be honest. You can reduce the damage of two auto attacks, and it does nothing against abilities.

The butcher serves the melee assassin role greatly , he is the best teacher you can get in this game that teaches you that you must play carefully and soak lanes and pick engagements cautiously.
Nothing prevents you from playing him as a solo laner early , that’s actually the normal way to play him , soak lanes , get meat rotate to another lane and open your eyes for opportunities but don’t get baited too hard to get kills.

In my opinion it’s illidan who should be turned to a bruiser because he doesn’t have burst damage at any power spike , he has great sustain and space creation and siege and camping high capabilities, he can easily be a bruiser with about 300 hp buff. On the contrary butcher’s burst damage after completing quest is huge but still easily counterable , he is by design a melee assassin.

I am a level 98 butcher and level 76 illidan by the way.

You can take a look at my Butcher’s suggested rework:

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Although he’s rather tanky for a melee assassin, he doesn’t have enough defensive tools for him to be a bruiser.

Please don’t rework melee heroes into bruisers!
There are only few of them and otherwise you could shutdown the whole group and make every melee hero a bruiser.

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You are right, but what is the problem about that ?

People only fell like he is a bruiser cause they allow him to heal up with Brand.

He is a meele dps for a reason. His only sustain comes from a spell that req the enemy to face check him for a long time and any decent player wont allow him to do that. And when he charge into the backline he is pretty much a free kill since he is so far away from his team to help him enemy team can just blind and focus him down.

That does not sound much as how heal bruisers work.

So asking for Butcher to become a bruiser is only because they dont know how he really work or how squiscy he really is.

He only has that much hp he has cause he need to be able to dive.

Only? He can talent for armor or gaining more reg when killing winions; for me The Butcher is rather tanky for an melee assassine. He feels tankier than Ragnaros or Leoric. But yes they can focus him down, but with proper focus you can focus almost every hero, even the tankiest ones like Joh or Mei.

I don’t ask for your called reasons for the Butcher to become a bruiser, but rather because his playstyle demands to play him like one to be effective, depending on the quest process.

we have already lost so many categories of Heroes due to the rework of the categories. The rework of tassadar just diminished the supporter categorie.
When Butcher gets reworked into bruiser, this category is also shrinking by a large number (there are just so few heroes in this category)
I want a broader range of heroes, to choose from.

We lost them only, because Blizzard want to get rid of them, they stated they don’t like specialists, multiclass or support anyway. So it is a matter of time, when supports are gone for a more “flexible role” for those weird heroes like Aba, Zarya, etc.

Don’t give them ideas! :weary:

I wouldn’t mind butcher as a bruiser, but if they were to rework him, i’d prefer them to do something more.
rework his kit to have another skill shot or timing component instead of two right click abilities, so he’s less of a noob stomper. (For example, Lets say we remove the slow component of hamstring, but in return fold sustain into hamstring so it heals him when you strike a hero with it. Then replace butchers brand with Furnace blast, but have furnace blast slow but deal drastically less damage; maybe reduce furnace blast’s delay to 2 seconds instead of 2 while doing this… So A butcher will have to be about timing when you activate furnace blast when charging in order to secure your kill by slowing them down.

Just make his E a Sion ult that also has the drawback if you bump into terrain you get stunned

I’m pretty sure the premise is to rework him into a bruiser, not just label him a bruiser.