The absolute state of this game


  1. Wait forever in a queue for rated.
  2. Be asked to carry players who have no business playing against other players yet in QM.
  3. ARAM to death.

I’m out.

  1. complain about everything you hate about the game.
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  1. join a discord and take up organized play
  1. Try another server wich in not North pole, best is EU there is almost no q.
  2. Because nobody care about QM.
  3. Talent simulator.
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Too many new age zombie simulated npc gta pedestrian drones to make it a enjoyable ride…

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  1. When you are matched with a decent player, ask them if they want to group for more. If they continue to be decent, add them to your friends list. Eventually you will have enough people on your friends list to ensure you won’t be carrying every match!

This is the way Hoku. Often when I’m having a miserable time solo queuing, I remember it’s really my fault. Even putting aside that grouping usually results in matches of more consistent quality, friends also make the losses more fun simply due to the shared camaraderie.


this will not change . careful what you say the knights flag any post that challenges their make believe world. game is perfect as is you are wrong for not accepting that narrative

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If you were fine and valued your time - you would have left about 4 years ago, it was already clear then and nothing has changed since then.

Sounds like OP is wearing the difficult shoes (or trousers) of being too good.

(And maybe the region, but I needed to be mischievous.)

My placement queues were seconds.

QM was always a hit and miss, I’ve been venting my frustration for soon nine years. (Time insects! I mean flies.)

I find ARAM to be the least fun of them all, as I could easily end up on a hero I really don’t know, and unlike QM where you can hide in a corner (off lane), here you just bang your head. The last I played, was a melee hero and died 15 times. At that point I decided it’s best if I literally don’t do anything.

If the game shrinks to one mode, I hope it’s QM with optional AI teammates / opponents. Knowing the hero beforehand, without being forced to tank tank heal tank tank tank heal tank bruiser tank.

Regarding that friend list thing, I never managed to have good games with a friend. Maybe a few exceptions. And AI.

I guess you don’t value your own time then :thinking:


What is worse for these people, “wasting” your time playing Hots, or wasting your time on a forum they say is “dead” and full of “white knights?”

My preference is to waste time in Hots, over the latter. Many of these people who think these forums are a waste of time or “terrible and useless”, should take their own advice and find the exit.


If everyone who disagree with those people are knights then I wonder how he treat his friends or familiy who does the same. Would they be knights aswell for disagreeing with them ?

The word knight is just a buzzword for people that only accept his own story while closing his ears to everyone who challange his arguments.

They are better off left alone cause its easy to see what thier intensions are: To derail threads and use thier own made up lies to form his own story and then point fingers at those who dont follow it aka the knights.

Thats why I now instantly puts everyone who use the word knight or just any buzzword. They are not worth having healthy argument with cause they already showed they are not here to have that.


It’s even worse when you know they make multiple accounts to post here :sweat_smile:


Good decision. The game is dead and bad. The people with which you discuss here are zombies who don’t even play it.


But I’m playing it right now : s

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psst, your bias is showing :shushing_face:


What is even worse, is these people are so lazy, it’s usually very simple to determine which alt account belongs to the “main” account they use to post with.


couldn’t agree more . I think you are all the same person or maybe it’s that you all say the same thing .

Bane, I have said I don’t like mirror games, I agreed they should happen less often. Other forum regulars either like MM, don’t, or are neutral. You just need to, you know, read words typed and not post counts, instead of making assumptions and blanket statements.

Literally, not speaking in “one voice.”

Lord, this is boring to have to state this on a loop like a demented parrot.