The 50% Matchmaking

I played 12 matchs vs A.I, I won 11. W/L from 51% to 51.4%.

Right after I played 3 quick match games. 3 complete stomps, a mix of new players and noobs who can’t stop feeding plus the ones going afk. In one match I had a Nazeebo and Azmodan mid, yea, that’s the skill level.

What happens next? Until my W/L ratio reach 51, 50.6% I won’t be able to win any match at all. Same is true for HL, I already tried.

Checking my team mates stats: W/L: 34, 43%. K/D: 1.9, 2.5. Average Takedown: 8, 10.

What’s worse? Player base or the matchmaking?? MM without a doubt, makes the game disgusting, awful.


Matchmaker dont tell people to play trash. Thats the player themself who does this.

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If that’s true, why don’t you start and quit a bunch of AI matches to win 300 SL games in a row? Profit!


You avoided the point, why we are forced to play with trash players? When I reach 75% win ratio, I suffered 20 losses in a row, straight, till I reach 46% w/r.

The whole point is not bad players, they are everywhere in every game. The problem is the matchmaking mixing all players and enforcing victories and losses.

Is it fun or fair to know which team will win even before the match start? Not fair, not fun.

you aint forced, you simply choose to play with randoms.

go make some friends if it bugs you that much

you’re doing that thing of looking for stuff to fault.

Each mode has it’s own matching, mmr and winrate aren’t global.

Do you need to be reminded that you play on a low population server? There aren’t a lot of options for people to match, but here you are inventing reasons to try to rationalize that a bad playerbase is somehow kept in check by a paper filter.

That’s why I keep responding to your complaints: you are inventing irrational assertions to shift blame away from what actually influences your experiences: matching cannot conjure up players to fill the vacancies people demand for dead games.

That’s why the game is dead.


The point of mixing players is to actually create whatever semblance of a fair match with the limitations of a small player population. I’m sure you’ve won with truly dreadful players because the other team also had a better played with awful players too.

And “trash” is relative. Some games you’re good, some games you’re not. I have a pretty decent win rate with Kharazim, but today, I played a game and missed almost all my palms. That just happens sometimes, and the matchmaker can’t predict that. Played with this former masters player today, too bad he has a 40% win rate on Medivh and was playing with his gold Diablo friend who also had a 40% win rate that was shotcalling. Their average MMR might have thought we had a chance but we didn’t really with the heroes they chose and that Diablo that was shotcalling and people listening to him.

Some players are okay against bad players and some where mediocre just doesn’t cut it. Played with a hammer that boasted about his stats and how he was carrying us, but he was playing so careful, we could never actually secure any kills as they always just moved out of range before they could ever die, even though we had a comp that could easily protect him and he was barely taking any damage. There was no way we were going to win that game even if that hammer to the untrained eye and looked like he was playing proficiently and he won enough games against mediocre teams.

If Blizzard truly had the capability to ensure certain outcomes, wouldn’t it just make sense for them to create fair matches? The paranoia and delusion so many must have to think of some grand conspiracy instead of just accepting that some games are going to suck never ceases to amaze me.

Do you really believe the algorithm can distinguish between trash players?

Also, a 50% win rate means the system is working as intended.

For the average player? Yeah, not for the really good ones.

You know that if the matchmaker was only based on winrate then those at the very top would get no games right ?

Please reconsider believeing that if you win AI games you’ll have a harder time to win other matches. It’s total bogus. Every mode has its own winrate/mmr calculator, there are no shared ones. vsAI winrates are usually 97%+. If you want to get a hang of your performance, check winrates for every separate mode. Your matches in vsAI effects no modes. Your QM performance has no effect on your Ranked and vice versa.
Also stop focusing on your allies’ (and enemies’) stats, just try to get better and do your max if you want to win, or just focus on enjoying the game if winning is not your main and only goal playing a game.


I experienced a text book example of this first hand in one of my matches yesterday. We had only just loaded into the match and our Li-Ming player writes, “GG, another forced loss because of rigged matchmaking!”

I was baffled by this rant, as our team had a more favorable comp, particularly for team fights. I was on Zarya, the enemy had no support, and the only real threat to Ming was the enemy Butcher, who was no threat after I took Expulsion Zone.

Instead of playing to our strengths as a team and helping with team fights and objectives, Li-Ming went full orb/glass cannon and tried to out siege the enemy, which was unlikely to succeed as the enemy team had Azmodan and Nazeebo. Split push was the enemy’s strength, team fights were not, but the enemy Butcher loved killing an isolated and overextended mage.

Despite her trolling and her finishing the match with 9k hero damage and 10 deaths, our team almost won. Had she ever grouped and stopped typing and played, we probably would have won the match.

The attitude of this Ming is exactly why people often dismiss complaints about the matchmaking here on the forums, as they had a huge hand in the “forced loss”, which they claimed was the result of “rigged matchmaking.”

So many “rational” actors here seem to be so superstitious, Nazeebo would be jealous. There is always some conspiracy or some outside factor for their loss, it’s never how they played. I guess that’s a comforting mindset for some people.


I seriously doubt that AI results influence QM / SL results.

Grubby explained the actual meaning of forced 50% many moons ago, it simply means that due to game getting harder on a win and easier on a loss, as long as your skill is static, you’ll gravitate and return to the rank matching it.

Your complaints paint me a picture of a confused person who is stressed about it with steam coming out of their ears!

Over the past two years I had two strategies to play, I would suggest to consider them for a while:

  • Play until loss - Your first game is easier, stochastically two games a day, and if there is anything wrong (tired, tilted, annoyed, unlucky set of teammates) you just avoid it. Downside, you might be losing for a month, and in the process, you do end up absolutely tilted and falling out of practice in the process.
  • Play streaks - Playing 10-12 matches with the same hero can mitigate luck, you’ll get some easy and hard games for all the possible reasons. Also gives a bit of practice.

Mostly this. People just give up and throws a self-fulfilling prophecy on themself and then blames it all on MM for thier loss.

Its like saying I will never learn to cook but never gives it a try.


Unless the player has a bad PC/internet that causes repeated disconnects, they shouldn’t have much less than 99,8-100% win ratio vs AI.

I would not want a QM teammate that loses 25% of their matches vs bots…

Not to mention, AI has no matchmaking or MMR. You are literally playing vs non-player entities.


It’s always the people with their “third eye open” that have their eyes closed the tightest. It’s easy to deceive someone who thinks they’re the smartest person in the room.


I played most of my games on a bad pc with bad internet, my vsAI winrate is 99.7%. 7 losses from 2002 matches. Overall non-vsAI winrate 51.1%. Overall ranked (HL/SL/TL) winrate 53.6%.


My kid is 5 and they have yet to lose more than half a % of their AI games, though it is a given they are all vs. Easy opponents.

If OP is an adult and has to work towards raising his win rate beyond 75% in AI I wonder if they are aware they are the player that’s ruining games for others with some kind of foul play or ignoring events in the game like objectives, lanes etc.

Though as said above, disconnect losses or being forced to leave the PC are some legit reasons for losing against AI’s which is why few people maintain a clean 100%.

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some stooges think you gain rating by beating bots…

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Yah MM is part of the problem. If this game had been managed by competent adults, it would be the top of its genre and many of the great players who’ve left would still be here.