Thanks for killing this game

So like Dota 2/LoL. So dead D:
Having big team doesnt help balance the game whatsoever, totally opposite actually (assuming right person does it). UI is done, mechanics are done. HOTS already got tons of maps compared to other MOBAs, why you need more?
Oh the drama, you will have to wait few weeks more for 84th hero, the horror.
They just need to implement promised ranked changes and thats about it.


People got what they wanted. Back to Bowder times. Small team, HOTS itself is small and rather irrelevant compared to other IPs game. Watch out what you ask for :smiley:

Blizzard will kill the game once they shutdown the servers. Until then, its the community that can kill the game.

(unless they forgot about ranked changes, then the game continues to be dead for me since 12.12.2017 :D)

No idea but how long have you been around blizzard? The post at the very top of the page signifies the death of this game. It will be just like starcraft and dib3 now by the wording of the letter.

Bliz say sc2 is perfectly balanced now. No new updates needed. Bull crap games is fair but never can be balanced.

Dib3. No new content ever again it seems. The seasons dont count.

This is a warning message to us that the game will finish all its projects it had started and die slowly thanks to some dummies at Activision. They are the ones doing this.


Let’s also not forget however many people Blizzard have now left jobless in 2019 due to poor communication with their esports teams. Players, announcers, and all the other people associated with the HotS esports scene - jobless via blog post.

They’re more Activision than Blizzard now, and they’ve shown exactly how the last few months, though signs have been showing for years now.


You’d be right, except they already stated less reworks, less content and even less hero releases. Which affects everyone who installs the game.

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Ok, that argument is illogical.

  1. There is no time at which they would have made the announcement that would have been a good thing for pro players. It didn’t matter when it was announced. the result would have been the same.

2.The worse is people saying it should have been announced during Blizzcon. Yeah, let’s see all these players play their game completely unmotivated. There’s obviously no way any company would ever announce bad news during an event. it would suck for them, the players, and the audience.

  1. All the players know that HotS can stop at any time. Just like any other game in existence. They know they could find themselves not playing this game overnight when it really shuts down. They plan for that. And if they don’t, they’re very naive about their line of work. I’m not putting hundreds of dollars into this game precisely because I know it could drop at any time.

But support for the game is not being dropped. So people need to calm down,. This is as ridiculous as the whole veteran boxes stupidity festival.

Play the game if you like it, don’t play it if you don’t.

For every brand new player who installs the game. This is totally irrelevant, because this will be the way the game has always been to them.

For you specifically. Exactly how much less content are we talking about here?

I’m almost in shock that not only are you still in severe denial, but you legit need to ask how players will be affected by having less content and less bug fixes.

Do you see why i call some of you blind drones? You’re so desperate that you’re even asking how it would affect a brand new player [you know, besides the new player finding out that the game they installed is already being ignored by its developers].

I don’t understand what is wrong with some of you, how such basic things seem so difficult to understand for you.


Pulling developers is “not killing this game”.

What has happened to queue length is what will kill the game. The queue length problem preceded their announcement about the development staff.

I’d recommend that Bliz uses whatever remaining dev staff to resolve the queue time issue.

I shouldn’t have to wait 7-10 min for any match. Ever.

Are you brain dead or just a pathetic troll?

Slower hero releases and patches mean the game will stay in the same meta for longer, it will get boring faster, OP and UP heroes will stay longer in their current state, this all will transition in players playing less, it automatically means longer q times, more frustration, … It will be a slow painful death for the game.


arthas (blizzard) betray own people for power and is frostmourne represent (activision) :smiley:

All the other content can wait. I want bugs to be fixed first and I’ve been patiently waiting for a better reconnect system, one that doesn’t let me sit for 5 mins and brings me back with a large DEFEAT plastered on my screen.

This is all I ask. Please.

So much disrespect to your audience now, blizzard! No more fans now, just money from china market, right? Go ahead, loosing players.

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That’s right-they will let the best MOBA die. Im afraid we shouldnt play this game anymore, untill they want to bring old audience back.


Best MOBA that failed to get at least 10,000 views per day in Twitch? If HOTS is truly the best MOBA, they won’t have to axe HOTS in this month.

What you expect them to do when HOTS is a sinking ship. Keep throwing money and hope for the best?

So now you have to bring parameters into the discussion to sound a little bit relevant. Which clearly that’s not the conversation we are having right now.

Quit deflecting.

ignoring the truth won’t fix anything

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What truth? the person didn’t even mention exactly which glaring issue.

The end is here boys


To be honest, for team fortress 2 this worked for over 5 years. Although that game supports custom maps which can be added to the game. But even with less regular updates, they can still keep the game alive for quite some time.

The problem however is that because they made it public, that it gives a message in the way of ‘dont spend money, we are not going to use it for the game you like’. And this is what valve didnt do with tf2. And thats why this game is currently being called dead because that public statement is a clear message that this game is going to die, and fast.

The only way they can restore this, is when they would still give regular updates. This can be a new hero, a new map, some reworks.

But its activision… so on that my trust is extremely low and i already decided to not spend any additional money on anything from blizzard until its in a state of ‘done’ and on a massive discount. And thats not a good sign when many customers think that way. As i already consider the same for EA and in the last 10 years only bought 1 game of them (SSX, which i played until the platinum trophy on ps3).

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yeah man think am done to, been playing since the alpha.
This whole “expanded MM” the hell is that wait in a que for 5mins, another 2 the load the game / get ready stage, just to play for 15mins in a Quick match, trash