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TLV > cancer

Just beat a team of 3 80% winrate smurfs in diamond. Our entire team was legit high diamond. They were a trio. 9:54 second game
Literally just abused gazlowe, funniest thing that ive seen in a while.


This post makes me sad cus I thought for a second there was a minky post I missed


Spoken like a true Brightwing friend. :smile: I like happy things. Like puppies, and rainbows, and… dead enemies.


Usually, their comp would have crushed yours. But, unfortunately for them, they had Brightwing who could never out heal the poke dmg from your assassins. If they had Morales, it would have been a different outcome.
Did Sylvanas even rotated top once?

32 minute game finally won. Was landing entombs left and right no followup. Then i lost my touch and missed 3 crucial ones. Finally got my stuff together and landed a final game ending one.

Enemy team was everywhere. We managed to take first dragon at 10 minutes.

Hello fellow bw. im a bw main myself.

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I know I said she was on vacation, but gosh darnit if everything didn’t align tonight for a Qhira game (well not really if the enemy were better they would have posed a bigger threat) but my tank player played Blaze for me or Deckard was superb and our Sylv was out putting her damage out there consistently and well, and me Blaze and Maltheal were just shredding the team apart, even when we were just powering through a frontline.

got MVP for the sheer fact I had fewest deaths (survivors guilt-ridden Qhira that game lol) but it worked, and now I’m only 2 games away from getting to gold again. I’ll get those wins tomorrow though for now I got some late night cleaning to do

So I got on tonight to play another game because lol why not I’m done and I can sleep in tomorrow,
Battlefield of Eternity so I figure "hey I’m gonna go for Artanis

Enemy team freaking instalocks him with their first pick
I see red and decide "if the draft allows it I’m going to go into the solo lane and make this Artrranis my B****
however as I’m hovering her the game auto selects and I don’t get to last pick, and with the enemy last picks they pick Lunara AND rightwing, both hard coutners I consider on the Unholy 5, either one of them is to be avoided like the plague when playing Qhira.

well… like I predicted the ARtanis got his butt kicked in the lane, I killed him t wice cus he still thought he could take me head on (Sorry bud only Arthas and Sonya can take me head on like that) and somehow not only did we win but I got MVP with highest hero damage on my team and the fastest death’s (we had double tank I don’t know why but ETC and Mal’ganis)

Fun times fun times

You seriously need to show me how Artanis can win solo against qhira cus I am not seeing it, ever.

There are a lot of solo laners you do not want to 1v1 as Artanis, at least not early game. When I am up against one of those, I just play passive, freeze the lane by my towers so I don’t miss soak, and call for ganks when I can get them to overextend. If the opportunity is there, I will reverse swap into towers, especially if they are being too aggressive.

Against a hero like Qhira, I can take camps much faster than she can, and she can’t clear them very well, so I will also call for a rotation to soak the lane while I send camps down that lane. She isn’t the worst at clearing camps or mini-bosses like the Sentinel on Hanamura, but since her kit is designed for PvP, forcing her to do PvE as much as possible is the best way to neutralize her impact.

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3-4 level difference mid game, and yet we managed to gradually turn it around in our favour as the enemy team got more and more arrogant. Equalized on levels at 20 and we proceeded to wipe them out for the 3rd time and push to finish. I love turnaround games. Oh right and I was brightwing.


I figured that’s how it should be done but I always seem to have Artanis’ just try to face tank me… when I went AA build

also these idiots go Meme Beam… when I went AA build… do people really not get just how much DPS that build does? because it’s disgusting if she’s left unchecked.

Once I get blind at 10 and spell armor at 13, Qhira doesn’t scare me. Since the early laning phase is just about not missing soak, there is no point in taking risks. There are some heroes I can completely dominate in lane early, but enough that I can’t that I learned long ago that playing passive isn’t losing.

Oh darling if you think a single blind is going to stop a decent qhira who know’s it’s a threat you got another thing coming.

Still waiting for that time where we’re on opposing teams so this can be more then vague trash talk XD.

The funny thing is that I rarely do 1v1 duels, regardless of the hero I am playing, unless I am forced into it. I will definitely try to bait someone into chasing me, or overextending, to lure them into a gank, and if I am cornered, I will definitely put up a fight. But usually I just skirmish to create space or stall someone, so I am more looking to not die instantly, and Suppression Pulse and Phase Bulwark will do that, than to win trades.

Unless it is a map and comp where I know I can stack PoA quickly and go with a full attack speed build to just explode people. Then I will be out hunting for fights!

Melke challenge Hoku to a dual. The battle will go over in the history of Hots.

Better prepair for whole maps will be destroyed when this is over :smiley:


Heh, I am actually a garbage duelist in general. I prefer to outsmart my opponent rather than outsmack them. :smiley:

Which reminds me, I should log onto EU one of these evenings (your time) so I can play a laggy tank for more of you foreigners. I did get to play with Dr Logan, hellobg, Karabars, and Labreris the other day, and it would be fun to meet more of the EU regulars. I have been playing with Harbinger fairly regularly on NA where he has to deal with lag, so it is only fair I return the favor!

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What happent last time. We tried to invite you but it seems you had massive lag ?

I had already grouped with hellobg, and DrLogan didn’t have room for two.

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