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I hear German marching music on loop in my head watching that


Well, that is from Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, which unfortunately is not that great of a game, but those are indeed Germans.

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Had a Li-ming complaining about how she was struggling in the match. From not being able to do camps, to not being able to counter sgt hammer even though her entire talent build revolved around getting sgt hammer. Then complained about the healer not healing her even though the player li ming was never around to get healed. I just said “sounds like a skill issue” which pretty much triggered her and her buddy tychus. These 2 went on for several mins using every insult under the sun and smack talking me as much as possible.

Now get that these 2 players have the most deaths and least amount of damage. Pretty much heavily under performing where Naz, the healer Lili, and me was just absolutely carrying. Pretty much wiping their team on a 3v5 since tychus and li-ming were to busy rantning in chat. Anyways one of the comments made by them is that all my loved ones left me and don’t talk to me, as they tried every personal attack they could think of. I told em i had a loving family and wife. Which triggered them more for some reason as the insults got darker. But one of the stupid things they said was “i should tell her that i mentioned her then she would leave me” so just out of amusement i told my wife and she was like “why would i leave you for that, that person sounds dumb”. We both got a good laugh. Hope you’re reading this Tychus.


I swear I’ve played with that Li-Ming! At the very least, I’ve played with a Li-Ming who said and did exactly as you described. I also remember a Full Orb Ming in a QM who complained she didn’t “have the range to hit Deathwing.”


Lost 7 times in a row with friends. Reason why Im posting it here tho is cause there’s really no salt to be had, only disappointment. I still had fun cause even when you lose, its fun to play as a team, because the majority of your joy doesn’t only come from winning.


My only question is only how hard you’ve lost. If you got stomped it must have been frustrating, but nowadays I’d kill for a fair and challenging match decided on one intelligent player action. Most of the time it is just a snowball that carries on mid to late match or someone throwing on purpose.

When I play aram, alone or in a team I tend to always go for the worst possible hero while trying not to completely obliterate my team’s chances of winning. My mindset is always about how much I can get away with under certain conditions. I like when a complete circus outperforms tryhards.


I’d say around 3 were stomps and they were definitely frustrating. But recalling our play sessions as a team, I usually remember the funny or epic bits. I guess it’s a state of mind where your memory plays a part in spotlighting the good instead of the bad when you’re not alone. Sort of like the difference between holiday trips alone or with company. If they were all stomps then yes I would probably be less likely to play in the near future lol.

One of the reasons I also keep playing.


With Kael’Thas, I’ve made the first three kills of the game with one flamestrike. It was so satisfying ! I had this « achievement » on the MVP board (« first three kills »), I wasn’t aware of its existence so I guess it was my very first time doing this.

Another discovery in another game some days ago, after a messy teamfight we somehow managed to all die, all ten players ! Everyone in my team was laughing, it was a fun moment. Once again, I had never experienced that before.

It’s nice to see than even after many years of play, HOTS can still surprise us sometimes !


Since it was added, I’ve been wanting to make an ARAM Mirror Game appreciation thread, but have thought better of it as it would no doubt be derailed, or feel provocative, by those who detest mirror games.

Anyhow, I had a great match yesterday in an all Mephisto game. I started out strong, but for whatever reason, I started to suck, but it didn’t matter as we had a level 200+ Mephisto player in our pocket.

All those Lightening Nova’s looked so amazingly pretty, and everyone on both teams taking Consume Souls would often lead to a full team wipe, of one team or the other, which was somehow strangely fun.

I did get my moment to shine, and I appreciate the players on my team being supportive, or I don’t think I could have pulled it off otherwise, due to stage fright.

The enemy Meph’s were at our core, we were all mostly low on HP, but both teams had ults ready. My team got wiped, by the CS spam, but I briefly ducked into our Hall of Storms (with shade) so, I avoided taking too much damage.

This is where the stage fright comes in, the enemy team were all alive, but badly damaged. I managed to not only hold them off, but I killed three of them, my team respawned, and we finished off their core. So a big thanks for my team saying silly stuff like “Hold them off, I have faith!” it relaxed me a bit, and so I felt less pressure.

A very enjoyable match, but it still can’t touch the two all Butcher games I’ve played for pure fun factor.


It will just end up as half salt mine half mirror game apppreciation.

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I think it would go nuclear, as in the salt caverns! It’s a shame as I’ve really enjoyed some MM, it often depends on the hero and if you don’t get a leaver.


I had a mult-hour long binge yesterday with a friend where we just kicked backed and relaxed. They did an amazing job at, well, everything, with us synergizing well while catching up on lost time.

This is honestly one of the last, if the only, game where I can sit still for several hours to play and not get bored, especially with a friend or two tagging along in what the old term would be called comp stomps.

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I came across a well played Sylvanas for the first time…probably ages, if not the first, against bots. It was a bit of fun playing as Yrel and running interference for them to ensure they weren’t forced to retreat too soon.

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Got a really awful, toxic Nova player who demanded I just mindlessly solo lane all game as Azmo, even if it would make me take forever to get stacks and thus, make me take longer to ramp up, etc. Ignored them and kept playing normally, they spent most of their time talking smack in chat, refusing to gank as Nova at all, etc. We lose, whatever. Next game I play Azmo and get put against them as Hanzo. I proceed to absolutely DESTROY them outright and even ask my team to maybe focus him a lil bit because he was toxic last game. We completely stomp the entire game and I feel pretty great. I already knew I was playing well in both games but getting it extra validated always feels nice.


Was pleasantly surprised by a Morales player. Not really someone you would see at the top of leaderboards and doesn’t play in a premade at all, but they’re sporting a fantastic 58% winrate over 2000 matches.


Just had a game where I played Malfurion in the battlefields of eternity. As the we had and Abathur with us, I felt comfortable to do some damage. And rightfully so, as I stacked the treant quest until 68 (!) and finished first dps of the game, with 130K (and 165K heal).

Besides Abathur and me, the rest of the team was composed by Xul, Dehaka and Zagarra. Dehaka was decent but clearly lacked of damage (he finished at 30k), so I’m glad I decided at the very beginning to play offensively. It’s a call but this time, it paid.


Unlike Celestial Alignment, Treants aren’t just for padding once it gets going. With that many stacks the player is guaranteed to stay rooted for up to 3 seconds and that’s 1500 dmg (or 2000 with Tenacious Roots) which they most likely won’t be able to avoid or mitigate. If you get lucky against a dumbo Diablo trying to stun you in the open, a second Treant might just as well help you beat him up.

What I hate about Deep Roots is how standing still for longer doesn’t prevent the enemy from fighting back or casting spells and the mana boost Malfurion gets from it is a hard overkill on all your resource requirements because you stop struggling shortly after level 10 anyway. Innervate gives more than you need as well but there’s a practical benefit of empowering not only your allies but by further reducing your own rate of ability cooldown.

Emerald Dreams may be the most popular of three, but I consider it strictly situational and most allies will not respect the additional setup and preparation time it creates during which the target is immobilized, which might better help with syncing up burst against an enemy who you are expecting to drag one of your allies to death with them (for example a simple difference between attacking Zul’jin at once or FFA and allowing him to throw out one more attack for 700 dmg before perishing).

Alternatively, if you like this playstyle you will probably enjoy a full Owl build on Tyrande as well. Both offer amazing playmaking potential for a minimal loss in healing.


It’s time to confess some mistake, I did not take Tenacious Root but Wild Growth instead, and there was an Imperius in the ennemy team ! I could have had a bigger number but hey, no complain, it was still my best game in a while.

I think it’s the best of the three talents but as you pointed, it depends a lot of your allies reactivity, so in QM I sadly don’t use it a lot. Like Ana’s Nanoboost, excellent but I will prefer Horus Eye in QM, a reliable finisher.

You nailed it ! I absolutly enjoy this build. I miss the sniper build though :slight_smile:

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I forgot to didn’t mention further utility Treants offer in addition to providing simple scouting information; if you aim the root origin center correctly against the angle of enemy positioning in relation to their potential targets, you’ve essentially created a unit with a relatively wide hitbox which can block incoming damage or even some crowd control spells, helping you with something Malfurion struggles most against due to lack of burst healing, mitigation or complete immunity (Nova Snipe, Valla’s and Hanzo’s Arrows or even Tracer’s Bomb).

I wouldn’t call it just situationally useful like Nazeebo’s Dead Rush, but most likely to help with the flaws of the basic character design in any situation.

Speaking of Tyrande

Lmao nevermind what I added the first time. Butcher was a bot and everyone had much lower MMR than me, but it still felt impossible to finish the game any sooner.

One great trick for Tyrande if your team knows how to group up and doesn’t kill enemy Catapults immediately. If you go the way of Trait related talents, casting D on a target with a slightly larger health pool can result in an team AOE equivalent of an Ancestral heal with little to no cooldown. You just need a target with enough HP which can tank 5-6 seconds of your auto attacks to fully utilize healing potential and CDR mechanics.

Fortunately the only thing which prevents Mark of Mending from breaking the game is that the 4% per attack doesn’t work on Tyrande, just nearby allies. It’s a very niche build which you probably won’t be able to pull off in teamfight because no one will allow you to go turret mode for very long. It’s good only in moments of downtime.


I had an interesting Towers of Doom match that was my first game of the day. I was taking it as a write off for the daily before someone said “hey, let’s just farm the bots until everyone gets 100k hero damage” which while did not get to that point, it was still an unusually long game against the bots, and also I learned that so long as one shrine is up the game can pretty much last indefinitely.

Bots weren’t much of a threat so went single target q build to mug them as they tried to get the shrine. I think my teammates were getting a bit fed up with me deleting them so quickly.
