Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here! (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here! (Part 1) - #5059 by Hoku-1399.

Previous discussions:


Egad, well this is a forum milestone.


5000 more replies here we go !


lol, this is something new

thumbs up on the reopening though


Positive loss happened to me yesterday

Playing Illidan, a character I’m already not great at, on sky temple

We wipe first fight, bad and I start apologizing

“Dude chill you are all good”

Despite it all we almost come back bringing their core to 20% before wiping and losing.

Almost made a comeback and got a lot of good tips from my teammates on Illidan stuff.

A loss, but a good one under the belt.


thread locked
claws ready
“part 2”
sheaths claws


Wait, what? The OG Salt Mines thread had far more than 5k replies, I guess this is new forum policy/software?

Blessed be to the mighty “system.”

Oh well, 5k replies is about 5k more posts than I ever expected when I created the GG thread, so here, enjoy this picture of Jaina that kicked off the first thread.


Jaina calls us all home.


Wow, I had the penultimate post in the OG thread. No one will ever be able to respond to it. Mwahahahaha!


People can like your comment.


Think about it this way

Your OG post was so important to forum health that it needed a sequel!


That’s a really sweet way to look at it, for the record I’m shocked and grateful the Mods, or the system, made a new thread.

So, a sequel, you say? For movies, that usually means the OG made a lot of bank, umm, new title:

“Thanks for a GG - Deposit your money here in Minky’s bank account!”


Thanks for a GG 2: Electric Boogaloo

Or, perhaps taking after my amazing pfp…

Thanks for a GG 2: Lost Again!


Thanks for a GG 2.0: Now with loot boxes!


Soon as I saw the previous thread locked I thought “Ah fel, who was the chump that got it locked?” and…we have post limits now.

Thinkin’ we be regressin’ in things on the internet.

Must be the whole on life support thing; budget forums now.

I’m firin’ up HotS now. Maybe I’ll get a good game. Or maybel I’ll get a lemon.

Edit: Twas fun. Full on bad guy team. Except Hanzo, though he is grumpy enough to pass by a hair.


Compared to the other Blizzard forums this one is pretty dead. We dont even have MVP posters who post with green text or devs posting on it.

Also some hero avatars are still missing. If all the regulars stopped posting tomorrow there would be nothing left.


Yeah, there are so few of us that we each have a hero avatar to ourselves.

On topic:

Slows, slows, more slows, and a touching of root. It was a fun game. Trait was finished quite fast due to the A.I wanting to create a mosh pit every time we all got together.

T.L.V is a weird hero to deal with on KTZ, at least in my opinion. One one hand, their lack of mobility, desire to clump, and hilarious levels of aggression makes them fodder for Blight stacks. On the other, once Kel’Thuzad’s trait is finished, they become bit of a nuisance as everything in the Archlich’s arsenal is near or overkill in dealing with them. Using Kel’Thuzad against the TLV A.I is like taking a bazooka to three flies.

They can be used as a mobile Ice Spike to nab a more prominent hero while also blocking Death and Decay shots like a minion or destructible object would.

Against the A.I at least with them on the opposing team Shadow Fissure is overkill, as slowing/rooting them along with the rest of the A.I team with a Frost Blast tossed in there is usually enough to turn The Lost Vikings into The Lost In Space Vikings.


I’m a bit annoyed that this thread’s author doesn’t feature your name and the first post being the first OP from the (Part 1)… It just doesn’t feel the same… Now we have the default user avatar and system. Seems petty, I know.


Wow, so there IS a limit.

We can respond to it here. Technically they’re both the same thread :slight_smile:

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The limit must be new, as the original Salt Mines had at least 3 times the posts of the GG thread, before it was locked for moderation reasons.

It’s okay, I don’t feel possessive about the thread, and I’m honestly shocked they didn’t just lock it or delete it, considering what happened to the Level 100 Club and SM threads.

I do wish “System” in the OP had outlined more clearly the premise of this thread, as the reason I made it was to acknowledge all the kind players that I’ve met over the years who contributed to making matches fun, or good, win or lose.