Thank you, devs!

Thank you devs for making all skins available to everyone via shards.
Thank you for allowing players to buy separate skins via gems and not forcing them to buy the whole bundles.
Thank you for allowing Rehgar to self cast AH.
Keep the good changes coming :+1:


This was a good change and something many requested on the forums. I’m glad so happy I didn’t buy the Alex skin bundle when it was half price. Now I have Blaze, Alex, Whitemane and Cain Gem only skins from some of the shards during that wonderfully generous toy event.


Definitely thankful that they added a Shard Price to those gem-bundle skins, I always wanted the Whitemane skin due to the effect it has.


You should have waited till next week. The shard cost should be cut by a third. That’s a huge discount.

Well, unless Blizz decided to overturn their policy and abolish the direct purchase.

Thanks you devs :kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes::kissing_closed_eyes:

Can you reverse back my whitemane now please ? :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Yes I actually like these new skins and changes. Made things a little more interesting.

I think they can’t see your post, they got fired by activision :rofl:


Thank you for showing all stats (healing/damage taken) for all heroes!

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I agree on this. But necromancy :confounded:

I didn’t wanna make another thread, when I already had this one :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh, yeah, and I also wanted to thank them for allowing us to pick our preferred roles in Storm League!

I only bought one thing with actual money form this game and that is orphea’s skins.

I am so glad they gave us gold-shard conversion.

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