Thank You and Farewell

I’m very surprised the mods haven’t been in here and cleaned up this thread. I know I’ve had posts deleted for far less justification than you could level at the massive off topic posting in this thread.

Even on the D3 Forums this kind of stuff would get your post removed.

For those people saying they “just want to give constructive criticism and feedback” it won’t be heard in a thread that’s posted by someone who has already moved on.

I sympathize with many grievances and complaints, but again, make a different thread about it. Any complaints will just be ignored here, you don’t have the OP’s ear in this thread.


It smells like cancer thread.

I don’t think they check threads until there are posts flagged by the community. Which has not happened here.


I agree with that, though usually Blue Posted threads have more eyes on them, flagged on not.

It should be cleaned up (including a couple of my posts) it’s just a mess to read as is.


I hardly recognize you, I’m glad you’re back in the forum, Minky :grin:.


Apparently I cant say “organs”…u know what happened right?..somebody is well-protected here…so much for written mediums

Thank you for all that you’ve done to create such an amazing game. This has easily become one of my favorite games of all time and I’ve played it for countless hours with my 10 year old son, we absolutely love it and have been able to bond through this game. Some dads play catch with their kid, I play HoTS. :slight_smile:


Without the first H.

Edit: I apologize if I necroposted. I didn’t realize when the post was made.

A cosmic storm that messes with spacetime and dimensions that is also NOT Protoss-based technology, but technology of the storm variety, which pulls in those chosen by the Nexus to take part in battles to be tested and earn glory

Now for the string of jokes I came up with while writing this post:

No wonder the matchmaking is terrible, it’s as random as it gets!

Glory? I am compelled to destroy some structure or thing, and for some reason it explodes, and showers me with gold, jewels, and trash loot from Sanctuary!

Can I check the weather patterns for this storm with the app on the phone?

To post a link you put a ` on either side of the link.

Like this:

Don’t worry about necros. There is maybe one person here who complains and no one cares.


It’s only 25 days, is that even a Necro? Anyway it’s a goodbye thread, I wonder if AZ Jackson is on a beach somewhere with his feet up sipping a cocktail?


Hard to say during these times, plus I hear game devs don’t get paid much for the amount of work they do. Maybe this time, I’m really talking out of my butt.

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THANK YOU! Now this is how you leave HotS. I’ve seen some nice exiting posts from various players over the years, but this one takes the cake! Man, that was really well written and everything. Class-A, fancy exit post. I need to do this the day I quit HotS.