Terrible storm league queue times since latest patch

I can’t get a match anymore. Before patch, I rarely waited more than 10m for a storm league match. Now it’s almost consistently 10m or more. Currently sitting in queue for 1800s in Gold 3. My estimated wait was supposed to be 321s. What a joke.

Tbh it is late in NA. EU then maybe you have a point

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TBH this is the time I usually play and its never more than 10m queue times for me. Now I’m at 2000s in queue. I have never had a queue time this long. Ever.

This is constantly a hard pill to swallow for some players, but at certain times of day there might legitimately be less than 10 players near your MMR queuing for Storm League. On the entire server.

People vastly overestimate the size of the player population.

I don’t like 10-20 min ques either, but it’s better than no match at all.
Usually I only give up at 30+ mins which happens rarely.

There are smaller regions like ANZ where even 60+ mins is common.

And there you are Shapeshifter. The constant apologist. Do you work for Blizzard?

Why do you think I’m an apologist? I think Blizzard has utterly failed at advertising the game, leading to the player population issues we currently see.

The game can’t function properly with 45 players queuing for Storm League at night. Leading to queue times that make people log out instead of waiting.

I rarely post on the forum, but every time I have, you’ve responded with a its-just-how-it-is response.

What else would you like to hear?

It’s not limited to SL or QM - Brawl sometimes has only two people on the entire server queuing, creating a match with 8 ai bots on both sides.

How do you expect the system to create a good match when there aren’t enough people online?

It’s funny you think I work for Blizzard, I think they have really dropped the ball when it comes to bringing in new players and advertising the game - their competitors have ads all over the web and no such population issues.


Look I get that populations are small and queue times will vary. But I play this game regularly and the queue times now are insane like never before since the patch.

A ton of people are testing D.Va and Gazlowe rework in Quick Match and AI mode instead of playing Ranked.

I haven’t played a single game of Storm League after last patch, I’m trying to get to know these reworks better now that they are practically 2 new heroes (especially D.Va who got a new heroic).

Not that I enjoy Storm League that much anymore, as the region where I play often has 15 minute que times because so few people are active in it.

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In NA I find it hard to believe there weren’t nine other players from silver-plat that could play in this guy’s game

Depends on the time of day, I play sometimes at 1-3 AM and I fail to get a game after half an hour. The chat is also deserted with like two dozen people in it, so getting a party going from there is not an option.

If I play between 5-9 PM I usually get a match in less than 10 mins.

I know people have different lives, night shifts and stuff, but I’d generally play during the evening for optimal ques.

Yeah, but not even 9 other players? 9 human beings who log on and queue up within the silver to plat range who could fill the match quickly?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the population was that low. I mean, general chat is not a full indicator of who’s online at the time, but when I play at 3am (insomniac, I admit) I see like 17 people in chat. None of them seem like Storm Leaguers either, I check profiles out of boredom :stuck_out_tongue:

Getting a Quick Match at any time, even during the night, works almost always though. Ques are like 30-60 seconds.

In the early morning hours it could be possible on NA, but EU has a bigger player population so night ques there should never exceed 10 mins unless you are in a very small MMR like Grand Master (or Bronze 5).

Yeah, I usually just cancel out of boredom and go QM. Matches there start pretty fast.

HOTS (ranked) population must be EXTREMELY low if there’s not even 9 warm bodies within silver-plat online at one time. Total population would be bigger since + qm and other modes, but that’s still a small community.

Not all plat-silver games get uploaded of course (if I’m being optimistic maybe 50%), but the ‘games played’ tab should give some idea of how many people are queuing SL since last patch (D.va+gaz rework) in NA.

A couple hundred matches have been recorded since then. That is not a very large number.

Didn’twe get two rework? People may be in QM testing dva and gazlord.

Plus there is a new ranked season.
Ranked often is a bigger pepega fest than usual with each new season launch.
People may finally have gotten the hint and waited for 1 or 2 weeks to risk going there.