Teach Me How To Play Valla

I’ve been playing hots for about 6 months, and I really only know how Brightwing and Malthael, but I wanna learn more heroes. I’m not as experienced as my husband, so if you could explain this to me like I’m five, I would appreciate it.

These are the talents I take:

Level 1: Hot Pursuit
Level 4: Punishment
Level 7: Arsenal
Level 10: Strafe
Level 13: Tempered By Discipline
Level 16: Frost Shot
Level 20: Death Siphon

I don’t know if this build is the best one, so feel free to give me your input on what builds to take and how I should play her.


Manticore is a fairly strong 16 talent you could consider on Valla, it melts both tanks and squishy assassins.

Farflight Quiver on 20 will give you far more value than the piercing heroic. The winrate difference between these two is also pretty massive, nearly 20% in highest tiers.

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play safer than normal, you’ve got as much hp as a celery.


Right click something
alt tab
Vault sometimes

  • Currently W-build is the best.
  • Currently both ulti are good. Rain of Vengeance is stun, stun is always a good choice. Strafe is good, but only after getting synergy with Seething Hatred
  • For W-build at level 13, we usually choose Gloom. Healing with AA is too weak.
  • At level 16, change your selection to Seething Hatred talent. This talent adds a very big bonus to dmg. If the enemies have a very hard front, then go for Manticore.
  • Lvl 20 Death Siphon is a good choice, but it’s worth trying Farflight Quiver.

The alternative is Q build, which is good and simple to use. It’s a compulsory choice when you play BoE

AA build has a weak talent at level 4, and it’s better not to play it.

Valla, regardless of the build you choose is 100% AA. You need to know the stutter-step - that’s the basis. You try to keep hatred as long as possible. Hatred increases your movement speed, physical damage and magic damage and magic armor.
In TF it is important to use W and R only after obtaining maximum hatred.
Try to use your speed and constantly harass your enemies. Remember, you are speed. Use your E when speed is not enough.
Choose Valla on the maps where the fight with the enemy is ongoing all the time, e.g. BoE, Braxis. Valla is now strong = strong double support meta.


She is a wind up toy.
If your right before a battle. Make sure you wont instaclear the wave. So you can use the wave to remain at 10 stacks.


Go W build almost every game, it’s her best build.

Hot Pursuit, Punishment, Arsenal, Rain of Vengeance, Gloom, Frost Shot, Farfight Quiver.

For BoE (race) and some special occasions (like when you want to force camps/bosses all the time), you can go Q build.

Monster Hunter, Puncturing Arrow, Repeating Arrow, Rain of Vengeance, Gloom (Siohoning Arrow can be good but usually Gloom is just straight up better), Frost Shot (control of the fight with the slow) or Seething Hatred (makes your Q do more damage), Farfight Quiver.

Honorable Mentions:

Level 7 Death Dealer. This can be a fun talent and can lead to some really sick plays, but it’s a little bit harder to use and usually if you don’t get the E reset you end up in a bad position.

Level 10 Strafe. Rain is better for 90% of the games, but this one can be good if you lack damage really (but then if you lack damage you failed draft/Just a QM thing).

Level 16 Manticore. Just a pretty good % damage talent. Take this if you need to kill frontline.

You should never go the rest of the talents that I didn’t mention here. They are just bad talents or just worse than the others so it’s not worth picking.

Extra tips:

If you got a true Valla comp (double support), you just want to be as aggressive as possible with her and try to force fights. Your strenght is team fighting, so try to go for it (don’t forget to also soak though).

Just keep pressuring the frontline with your AAs. That’s the best thing you can do. You are not a dive hero, so don’t dive.


Try to always keep your Hatred stacks at 10 by not insta-killing waves, hitting walls and targetable enemy abilities like Tychus drill, Naz wall, and summons.

Dance with the enemy aka stutterstep. (move between AAs)

Vault is your only disengage tool. Do not use to engage an enemy unless it is the killing blow or have backup.

It is not really necessary to always activate Gloom, you lose stacks and the bonus movespeed to aid in your escapes if you do. Activate only once the spell ability (like living bomb) is about to go off.

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I personally avoid frost shot since on the same tier is both Manticore which is a ton of DPS on a character who autos constantly, and now they buffed the other talent for spell power meaning your W gets a bit more damage too.

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tip 1 dont pick strafe. The reason for this is that in lower ranks you need the additional cc and peel. These come in handy at all levels though and can really bea life saver if they try to chase you. this also opens up farflight quiver at 20 bc you really dont need rain of vengence level 20.
tip 2 gloom might be worth considering sometimes

Shes got three decent builds. IF youre playing at low ranks and can stutter step well then you can ignore what everyone else is saying and go for the aa build. Getting off auto attacks is incredibly easy in lower ranks so you can get more value out of them… That being said w build is her best one. Q build is good for bofe but it gets the least value out of her in teamfights and depending on my team i might go w build in bofe anyways just so i can dominate in the fights. valla is very good at siege giant camps so get them asap in the rounds they spawn.

-someone that used valla to get from gold to diamond

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  1. Against tanks with phisical armour and sustain healers - gybrid q/w cast build with Rain of Vengeance + Seething Hatred at lvl 16.
  2. Against tanks with energy armour and burst healers AA build.
  3. For wave clear - W build.
  4. Against PVE - Immortal for example - Q build.
  5. Against many fat heroes AA build.
  6. Against divers - Caltrops at lvl 1 and Frost Shot at lvl 16.
  7. Against spell damage - Gloom at lvl 13.
  8. Against single target healers - Strafe ult and W build.
  9. Against area healers Q or AA build.
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