Teach me Alarak

I have embraced the power of the highlord and will direct it in the conquest of the panda master race

Teach me these tools of destruction so I may channel them in my quest for panda supremacy


Well, Cain has a good post but my post isn’t bad:

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  1. Practice combo.

  2. Read abilities.

  3. Practice combo some more, but make sure I swear to god make sure your W is set to on release and your other abilities on instant you’ll need it.

  4. Sustaining power is only useful for Quick Match, the other two are a lot better otherwise.

  5. W can be used to cancel enemy auto attacks and to reset yours for dueling. E also has a short enough cast time that you can auto then E instantly.

  6. Best combo in my experience is, whatever lets you hit Q (Be it W or otherwise), auto attacking, then E immediately after one auto if you have Show of Force. Otherwise keep stutter stepping until the enemy leaves auto range and THEN use E. Unless of course they attempt to duel you in which case use E immediately.

  7. If anyone would occupy the same space, the game changes where they are knocked back. This is why Garrosh combo sometimes fails, this is why you shove people through yourself and others, and this is why sometimes your combo will just straight miss inside of a minion wave.

Now onto talents.

Level 1. Momentum to help snowball and secure an early lead (extremely powerful right now). Extended Lightning to help catch targets late game that are out of combo range or who are trying to get away after you combo them. The slow and range lets you interrupt enemies on obectives pretty well too.

Level 4. Negatively Charged is a never pick unless you have Extended Lightning. They nerfed the damage on it so you aren’t really a threat unless the game hits level 16.

The other two talents however depend on one thing, do you think you can hit Chaos Reigns or not. Chaos Reigns is probably the single strongest damage spike in the game if you hit all three. If you don’t get all three then Show of Force is much stronger, it’s also easier. You’ll get a better feel for it as you play the game but generally any map where you’d want to do a living bomb Kael is when you’d want to play Chaos Reigns.

Level 7. Slow is the strongest for your own personal power. Helps you duel a lot better and helps secures kills later on in the game to keep your level 16 talent active. Applied Force is for helping you secure kills from farther away as an incredibly long range initiation or peel, and of course silence duration is for when you are against enemies that like to spam abilities to live. Your Malthael, Tracer, and Illidan opponents for example.

Level 10: If you want to try and snowball, and the map supports you being able to attack from the fog of war, or you’re just winning hard and the enemy lacks dive or long range poke, Deadly Charge. Counter Strike is the general best one. Try to avoid using it just for damage since it is basically your iceblock.

Level 13: Pure Malice if you’re losing, Rite of Rak’shir if you’re winning, Blade of the Highlord otherwise. Rak’shir is best when you’re confident you can get kills, if you can’t get kills then it’s just a worse Blade of the Highlord.

Level 16: Mocking Strikes if they don’t have a lot of anti spell and the teamfights are going to last longer, Lethal Onslaught if you need more burst or the enemy is like Anubarak or something. Barrage only if you are going E build because the other two talents are THAT powerful.

Level 20: Ult upgrade is overrated I’ve noticed. Definitely not a terrible option, especially Deadly Charge to help secure kills at the end, but Counter Strike generally won’t be as good as taking Last Laugh if you want to survive.

Last Laugh lets you deadly charge in, warp out, or warp in then counterstrike, or catch targets, or cleanse DoTs. if you’re against heavy DoT then take it anyway, and if you’re E build it’s probably the best option since it lets you warp into a perfect Barrage position very frequently.

Hasty Baragain is broken. Alarak’s base kit is ridiculous and having that doubled is broken. Especially if you have Chaos Reigns completed. Generally I only feel comfortable picking it if I have Rite of Rak’shir though but realistically you aren’t likely to use the ability more than three, four times. Can help you escape in a pinch by resetting your W.


Spit out insults period

If it helps. I love E build, always look for a target behind your target. Just spam it. If you get a hang of it. It becommes easy

Best ult is counterstrike

W I use more defensively, but when possible I do my full combo

I was not quite expecting something so detailed… guess I won’t be taking him into storm league anytime soon XD

Honestly he’s so broken right now that you can ignore most of the advice I gave.

Just go Momentum, Show of Force, then Lethal Onslaught at 16.

Play carefully enough that you don’t feed and you’ll snowball the game incredibly hard with just the bare amount of practice needed to hit W into Q.


Yep. Ruthless Momentum is basically the same as picking a talent that says “lower the cooldown of Telekinesis to 8 seconds”. Which is a cooldown so low you can practically spam it.

A fairly skilled player who can stay constantly above 80% hp can keep comboing enemy heroes over and over with little mana cost anc cd. I would be bold enough to say it is impossible to beat a good Alarak in lane at the moment because of that talent being on level 1.

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Don’t die. Thou are Sith or Jedi baby?

If ur learning alarak I’d say pick E heal on lvl 1 since u dont have to worry about being high hp and you can experiment more. Lvl 4 I say pick Q quest since u dont have to worry about what order or timing to use your spells, and you can use ur E on cd for extra poke and sustain. Lvl 7 the W slow to make your combo slightly easier to land, the W range is good but only seems worth in coordinated play since u lose sadism. 10,13 optional, 16 I like AA crits from Q for heavy burst, 20 optional. Once you get the hang of the hero I’d definitely recommend u to try other builds for personal preference.