Tab is killing me

Hey guys.

Sometimes I do missclick and hit tab instead of Q. Usually in the most unsuitable moment.
Any chance I can change the ‘tab’ to some other button? Haven’t found it as an option in configuration so far

Personally, I don’t use qwer. I reconfigured it so that qwer → asdf because my fingers can naturally find the home keys. I also shifted the numerical hotkeys to qwer locations


Are you one of those people that use your wedding ring finger for Q and W? Blows my mind everytime I meet one since I use all my fingers for all my keys!

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I tend to just rebind the key when I catch my self doing that to often. My key binds are all kinds of messed up compared to the default binds : p
I used to play on a laptop that would dig in to my palm if I had my hands on qwer so I changed it to zxcv and that’s kinda just stuck for me.

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Just mouse-click everything!

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No prejudice against people using their wedding ring finger please! :stuck_out_tongue:

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From my own experience, the wedding ring on the ring finger does not hinder you at your freedom of movement… But may depend on size and position of the ring :o

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I rebound my tab. I don’t even know what it is by default…what does the tab do in-game?

It is the in game stat screen.

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It tells you which abilities your enemies and team mates pick, as well as which Ults your team mates have on cooldown.

Unless you’re in the first tab showing stats. In which case it’s useless.


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Oooh ok, my M key does that. Ok I can see how hitting the tab (if not rebound) can get you killed lol

I think you know exactly how many people feel insulted right now.

Those who like looking at stats? :slight_smile:

I’ve been hitting tab a lot lately, should also consider buying a new keyboard with less packed keys and fully functioning springs under enter and space.

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Guys! Just rebound your stuff you can even unbind it so it does nothing if you hit it! …buying a whole new keyboard over this what the heck? Must be nice to have the money to just throw your keyboard out all willy-nilly over a ded game.

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My keyboard is a true antique, it’s serving its third new computer and works perfectly. Personally, I’m not spending a dime on a new one until it breaks.