I think that mana usage needs to be retuned a lot especially for older Heroes vs new ones.
I have most knoweldge of Tyrael and so I’ll be focusing on him as an example but that is easily recognizable for a good share of other heroes.
Being a Tyrael main I perfectly know how mana management can make or break a match… on Tyrael. Heroes like Yrel and Mal’Ganis can just spam their skills with a rather small cost overall and nearly null cost compared to Tyrael.
And it’s not even a matter of how much a kit is powerful or disrupting. Both yrel and Mal’Ganis have a hard CC bound to their spam bottons, Yrel has even mobility and a self heal while Tyrael has a rather small AoE shield, a gap closer with a slow and a damage spell all of which have no real value if not talented for.
This is the main reason pro players have stopped using Tyrael (except in the eastern teams but mostly because of play style and the high impact of Sanctification) is exactly that Yrel can just spam her skills. Her recent nerf on mana hasn’t really affected her in that way either.
the REAL question is why the faq do we have to goto ANOTHER forum just to get answers…youd THINK logically, blizztard forums would be the place to get blizztard answers from game designers NOT other places AWAY from blizztard right?? or am i just that stupid too!!!
Alright. You are literally projecting so hard here you could be a power presentation. Most of the things you talk about have nothing to do with anything I said.
Listen. If you make a thread that offers no insight or substance to the topic. You are complaining.
Me and one other member both made a thread talking potential nerfs and buffs.
Those two threads don’t get as half as much traffic like the “omfg. So overpowered nerf now!” Threads.
And we both had a decent conversation on discussing possible changes.
I’m not going to sympathize with you if all you do is whine about things. Mal’ganis has plenty of hard counters. Just play those until he gets nerfed.
I don’t have a superiority attitude. Honestly that’s your stick. I have an attitude if I tell you how to counter mal’ganis and you refuse to listen to constructive feedback and continue to whine. I’m not going to be nice.
Respect is earned not given. If you continue to whine and ignore all constructive feedback. I’m going to talk down to you. Obviously.
Also I know I’m better skill wise than most people on this forum. The only ones here to challenge me are probably orange and Cain
If you dont like it. Drop your Battletag. Get your 5 best guys against my 5 best. That goes for anyone. But we are all diamond and masters whose levels are in the thousands.