Sustain Needs to be looked at

Hail Blue post.

Wait you’re purple now.

Hail Purple post.


“Complain all the time”

Where? Just this one post? You’re identical to other 200000000 people I’ve met online. Hyperbole, virtue signaling, thinking you’re too cool to side with the people that express criticism towards something, thinking you know better.

You have no arguments, just go play some more QM you self proclaimed “filthy casual”, let the adults talk.

Wanna use specific examples of me virtue signaling? Cause you’re misusing that phrase and it’s quite hilarious.

So come on. Examples please. Go to any forum I posted in and prove my hyperbolic actions and “virtue signaling”.

By the way, being a casual player doesn’t limit anyone’s knowledge or skill of a game. Since I’m master rank - I clearly know what I’m doing. And don’t bother trying to look my account on hotslogs. It’s not there.

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But you guys shared with us back in April that you intended on forcing a composition meta on Quick Match…

That’s like 6 months ago, that can’t still be considered “early…” Right?

I mean, the longer you guys sit on this the more and more you’re going to bleed players. I can tell you firsthand that I don’t play as often as I want to because matchmaking makes me log out in disgust. I either stomp, or I get stomped. Rarely if ever is there an in-between.

I mean, at least you guys acknowledge it as an issue, but this has been a running issue the entire lifespan of the game.

I love this game at its core, but I hate playing it because matches never feel fair, and it’s even more noticeable now where what would be considered “weekend matchmaking” is now the norm and the real “weekend matchmaking” has elevated itself to new extremes.


I’d rather have the experience ruined for people who “enjoy” ganking helpless targets in QM if we’re going to pick a side.

This is for several reasons.

  1. It means playing some heroes such as mages is an extremely painful experience in QM, and as a result, those heroes get played less often and less people become comfortable with them in actual draft modes.
  2. It means you no longer HAVE to practice said heroes above in draft modes.
  3. Ganker “one tricks” get elevated in MMR quickly as they curb stomp game after game moving into an MMR territory they don’t belong.
  4. Said issues with point 3 further exacerbate issues with the whole matchmaking system leading to further degradation of the game.

If we’re going to short change anyone’s experience, I’d rather it be the people who play gank heroes in QM specifically because they know they will never be countered.


I play mage a lot and even without a tank I’m fine in a lot of match-ups. In fact its some of the matchups where I have a tank on my team that the game is tons harder because said tank is a total potato anyway. Last thing I want in this game is even more forced boring comps because some players simply do not know how to play no matter what hero they are on (good majority of this player base).

Blizzard gave us their answer obviously

They would rather put together rainbow matches than anything else. Too bad because SKILL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>comp.
They don’t know what skill is… so whatever.
I guess this is exactly like beating a dead horse.

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“You’re making the game less fun by making the game worse for people who abuse the bad matchmaking!”

What even.


Everytime you publicly mock people for complaining, showing how mature and awesome you supposedly are for telling others to suck it up. Look at me, I can deal with QM nonsense and the reporting system. I’m awesome!

Isn’t it past your bedtime bud?

Yup! I certainly do because complaining and whining is pathetic. Especially when it’s first world problems. Mostly because people who complain are hyperbolic situations like a Mal’ganis 1v5ing people without a shred of proof.

Either post something constructive. Or don’t post at all.

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This is exactly my QM experience with Kel’thuzad. Except I’m not only matched against Zeratul/Genji/Tracer, I also have two other mages in my team against them :joy:!

I find it really important to balance mages numbers in both teams.

As a person who plays mostly QM, I feel really happy reading what you wrote. To know that the subject is at least known and isn’t ignored!

Targets can still be ganked, they will simply have some room for counterplay, that isnt opening a can of worms, thats great.


Bruv, if you fight me with a mage and I play genji, I guarantee you, you will be the most miserable person in that matchup. It’s not about skill, blizzard has already claimed they match you against players of near equal skill level, it does not matter how often you do well with a mage, if we’re around the same level I will dunk you because I’m the one playing the anti-you hero.

Now unlike you, many people are tired of 100% assassin matchups because often that involves who can hit whom first, that’s not interesting or interactive gameplay. As soon as the heroes that make teamplay more important are put into play, the game isn’t auto lose or win based on one or two heroes, this is a good thing to include every hero on the roaster and not just one archetype.

If people is getting tired of 100% Assassin matches maybe they shouldnt pick Assassins 100% of the time.

Sincerely, a tank who rarely have a support.

Zeratul? With Q/Wormhole/VP you expect Zeratul to kill Kaelthas with poke?..
Or you want us to wait untill level 20 with W/Twilight Falls Build, ups! Game is over generally by then…
So, you want Zeratul players use AA Build?Warp Skirmisher???Without no engage tool in this BURST & CC meta…It is a joke, right?

This is where you’re wrong. You think you’re morally and intellectually superior to people who just complain, believing it’s a simple binary matter.

Not all people who complain are simpletons who refuse to adapt, not all people that express discomfort are horrible humans that exclusively said racial slurs and insults to their teammates. There’s always more to a story, yes, but giving people the benefit of the doubt is the least you could do when you don’t have information available on them.

To be unbiased… what does it mean? To stay neutral and carefully assess both sides of the story, what does it mean?

But no matter the complaints, polite in tone or not, they’re all just whiners to you. The system is perfect, the heroes are balanced, the matchmaking can be overcome with ‘gittin gud’, right? Just so you can feel superior for not having to relate to all those people having issues.

You need help. People like you need help. You are sorely mistaken in your judgment and ways to look at life situations. The sad part is that, as I previously mentioned, you can find millions of StrikerJolts everywhere. It’s like drones being mass manufactured.

I hope you see in this wall of text more than a personal attack. After all, I’m doing nothing more than calling you to your senses, asking a little bit of common sense and empathy. Not all complains are done by whiny babies, because no system or organization is flawless. If you come across something defective, do you just keep quiet?

PS: Telling people that are expressing a honest issue for them with the game that, they should shut up and stop complaining, is hardly constructive by the way. Maybe you should follow your own advice and keep quiet from here onwards. You don’t need to flex how superior you think you are everytime bud.

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Hold the phone y’all, I don’t think StrikerJolt was referring to all types of complaints. He probably singled you out because your draft example came off as a bit hasty and brazen in judgement.

While I certainly sympathize with Team Fenix, it’s hard for them… but not impossible by any measure, let alone a “lost in draft” moment. Valeera and Greymane can do good work, and Mal Ganis is Mal Ganis, but that game can play out in many different ways, especially given the random nature of QM, so it’s still a far cry from an instaloss. On a side note, the complaint about the enemies having “double tank” rings a bit hollow when it’s Dva you’re facing, who not only doesn’t count as a tank, but is considered one of the weakest bruisers in the game right now, which probably lead StrikerJolt to believe you are not particularly knowledgeable in that regard.

There can certainly be constructive criticisms present around these forums, but I have to sympathize with StrikerJolt in that they appear far and few between… less constructive complaints/criticisms.

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You are talking to someone with thousands of of games played against thousands more Genjis… and I don’t go out there thinking… “gee I hope they don’t have a Genji” Why??? Cause I don’t have a problem with him in general. Could say that about any hero actually… It is the skill that matters more. I’d say one in 20? 30??? its like “ok that Genji is actually good”

I’ve killed plenty of Genjis with a mage. SOLO And remember Blizzard doesn’t make “equal skill” matches in QM anyway. Thats essentially the biggest problem there that escapes everyone here. Blizzard’s sole aim for the majority of players is to eternally saddle you as with one two or even 3 POS players with half or a ¼ of your MMR. Thats supposed to be fun and a wholesome match you’ll be writing home about for ages. The recent palpable and extreme drop in the population has made this problem even worse.

There is and pretty much always has been a dividing line of game play in this game… a sort of bar (crappy games vs decent ones)… and that bar keeps going higher and higher such that even long time master and GM players are now wondering what is going on.

The rest of you guys die to every hero in the game cause you’re bronze (or worse boosted )playing against platinum, diamond and master players (true ones that is, not he boosted noob type). Also add to this you just don’t know how to play anyways… bronze, silver, gold, even plat are all playing like bronze players now thanks to lot of factors not even discussed here. There are plenty of players here would go solo all game against a Zeratul and wonder why they die so much. They group up rarely but as soon as he hits 16… its like their team is made of Teflon or something.

Sorry but no matter what happens in QM I’m still all for the randomness and not the fixed matches. Nothing will ever change my mind about that. Even a (true) master Genji kicking my butt. Maybe if Blizzard actually assessed and matched players old and new correctly I would then start to care about comps in QM more but for now I definitely don’t.

P. S. Aside from the usual (sustain ) category of fixed matchups, we also see the following which makes for boring fixed matches. Not sure if they are actual rules or what results after all the rules have been applied.

  • Butcher vs. Murky (why??? I have no idea).
  • Tracer vs. Varian (almost every time LOL, poor tracer)
  • Hammer (some bronzie one for sure who will sit in all of a plat/diamond Chromies Damage.

There are others I’m forgetting here… but ultimately QMs true randomness has been dead a long time. And with the weird ones people will first blame comp over their inability to flex, adapt and/or play against it

The context on the ‘early’ was in the section regarding resource management and sustain, not the qm compositions.

I am so done with Zeratul being a noob stomper in QM or low leagues, and just a coward poke and VP caster in high leagues.

You. Are. BRONZE.

Stop going around posting like you’re the authority on HotS. It’s pathetic.

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