Sup Nerds, AMA AMA

It absolutely is beneficial for the reasons I listed in my previous comment. That doesn’t mean you can eat 6k calories and expect a good night’s rest to prevent you from gaining weight.

Thus, my comment listing that here.

I see the angle you’re coming from but what’s to say that person eating taco bell doesn’t forego the lower calorie options and simply splurges because he’s literally playing with temptation.

Honestly, diet is not something I can not prescribe for any one person because there are many different ways to tackle the calories in vs calories out mechanic of weight loss and it depends on your psychology and what you can maintain in the long term.

If eating low amounts of calories using fast food works for you, great. However, you also have to keep in mind that hyperlipidemia is a thing and narrowing of the arteries is much more likely in your future.

Not all healthy foods are expensive but many are. For instance, I know I like to eat when I watch TV so instead of eating chips, I eat fresh asparagus or broccoli lightly sprinkled with salt (no dressing) to curb my predilection for eating something while enjoying some TV. It costs me about $5+ for the supplies needed to have my snack and far less to just buy a family sized bag of Lay’s potato chips.

Odd question but I’ll entertain the effort.

No, I’m not “attracted” to males but that doesn’t mean I can’t recognize the “cool factor” of game character models. For instance, my favorite villain is Sephiroth from FF7 and he his sword gives him a high “cool factor” but I wouldn’t say I am attracted to him. I do enjoy seeing him on screen because of the cool factor.

So as far as Wrathion, I think his adult model looks like an appropriate extrapolation from his look and style from his child model. I think he looks alright.

I feel somewhat sadness about his absence from the Nexus. Personally, the #1 hero I’d like to see in the Nexus is Khadgar but if they added Wrathion instead, I wouldn’t complain.

The temptation can also be worse when someone craves some type of fast food, restricts themselves from it and eats things they don’t like just because they’re lower in calories. You can definitely overeat because no one is perfect, but as long as you manage your calories, set realistic goals and apply some willpower/dedication, you will lose weight. Personally I’d rather eat 1800 calories of food I enjoy, so I feel satisfied, than foods I don’t even like but eat because they’re healthy. If you’re miserable, you’re going to want to stop faster than if you aren’t.

This is exactly what I’m talking about. There is no rule that states you have to eat healthy food to lose weight. Eat less than you burn and that’ll do it. Now whether if affects your arteries and organs… well that’s a different story.

But for someone who is obese, its small steps, not a complete overhaul of your diet. Instead of buying a loaded McDonald’s combo with large fries and a large non diet drink, you can swap to a diet drink, make it a small fries, or even order a smaller burger, and then work from there and see in what ways you can lower your consumed calories each meal. If your goal is to lose weight it can be done, with some sacrifices and discipline. That doesn’t mean you have to cut out foods you enjoy entirely, just replace them with lower calorie substitutes. Regular soda to diet soda, whole milk to fat free milk, lays chips to a kettle cooked version, or instead of grabbing a bag of chips, try to eat a fruit first and see if that satisfies your hunger before you grab the bag of chips you hopefully swapped for a lower calorie version. There’s lots of ways to do this and it doesn’t require you to eat things you don’t like or spend more on groceries.

Sure, so are many other diseases/illnesses as well. However, the base topic is on obesity being tied to how much you can afford to spend. Not your health being tied to how much you can spend. Its obvious that the wealthier you are, the more healthcare you can afford. Its just that obesity is something that can be managed without any major increases in spending.

That may be. But not all vegetables/fruit costs that much. Bananas for example are like $1 or $1.50 depending on the size of the bunch, but that’s just bananas. Produce in general is relatively cheap. If that breaks your bank, you have more things to worry about than your weight loss journey.


Right, so I don’t k now why you made it seem like an argument when I literally said 2 times that it ultimately comes down to calories in vs calories out.

If that’s what you believe, then you have my support. It is literally that.

True, if you’re black and white about it. However, when we jump up to our discussion of diet, there are many different psychologies and so most of the time, they are tied together.

Your psychology may dictate something else and that’s fine. However, if I recall, you are overweight or obese so I challenge you to look inward and decide why that is. Considering you think you “know” more than me.

Like I said, “Not all but some”. However, it’s more complicated than that. If the “some” doesn’t fit with your dietary preferences, how long will you be a subscriber, even if it is cheap.

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Thanks for the answer!

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I would rather just skip a meal if I have to waste 700 calories on a McDonald’s chicken sandwich, or well, anything McDonald’s. I agree with all your broader points, but oh boy, 700 calories wasted on a McDonald’s chicken sandwich when there are so many other healthy and tastier options! I concede not everyone has the option/time to find the right food, so it is admittedly convenient.

What, not even Hanzo passes muster? I’m so disappointed in you.

Personally I found consulting my doctor on dietary/exercise/lifestyle advice to be invaluable. Ayeziza gives some good advice, but a qualified doctor or OT can often give a diet more tailored to your specific needs, especially as they can also factor any existing health issues into consideration, something general advice can’t speak to.


To elaborate a bit, there’s the biological aspect and psychological aspect. Biological being how your body actually loses weight, and the psychological being things like choosing a method that works for you.

As someone who’s been able to lose30 pounds in 6 months at one point, let me tell you… it wasn’t due to me cutting out fast food or whatever I enjoy eating. I still eat food I enjoy on the regular even if it’s “unhealthy” and still lost weight.

So yes, in this subject I am very knowledgeable. You can say I think I know more than you all you want, but because I have knowledge through research and experience that what I’m saying works I do actually know what I’m talking about.

Exactly why I said you need to find a diet that works for you. There are substitutions that you can make that do not affect the cost, satisfy your cravings, but save you calories.

Switching your diet completely to lose weight is stupid. For other medical issues it can make sense to do that, but as far as weight loss is concerned, stick with what you like, just eat less of it and make substitutions that will allow you to eat more while consuming less calories.

First off, it’s 2 chicken sandwiches (and actually for 800 oops). Second, some people like them and for those people, it’s a good starting point. 800 calories for two sandwiches seems like a lot, but if you have 3 meals a day and each meal is 800 or less that’s at most 2400. Say you burn 100-200 calories at the gym, you now have a net calories at 2200. That’s assuming your breakfast is 800, lunch is 800 and dinner is 800. Personally I have done this in the past. A protein shake for breakfast (the one I drink is 160 calories), 3 Taco Bell tacos for 510, and then by dinner time I have only eating a total of 670calories. I could easily then go to McDonald’s and eat those two sandwiches and my net consumption would be wrong 1470, minus any calories I burned at the gym. I’d even have enough calories to have a nighttime snack. My point is that you have to create a plan that works for you but you can still include foods you enjoy. Third, your dietary plan completely personal and should satisfy two points.

  1. It needs to satisfy your hunger, while being low in calories.
  2. It needs to be something you enjoy eating and can stick with realistically.

Other than that, what you have is completely up to you. There’s healthy food available at low cost and unhealthy food at low cost. Do what fits your lifestyle and preferences and go from there. You’re not locked out of losing weight because you can’t afford more expensive foods. You can lose weight no matter what you eat. As long as how much.

Heart rate calorie trackers and meal journal are your best friends.

Cherry-picking a line I posted for rambling off a strawman suggests you didn’t actually read what I wrote, and instead substituted it for ‘literally’ something else. You seem to be of the interpretation that since Hellknight used “70%” my respond must therefore also use that value, so the ‘majority’ of what I posted is particular to the one thing you noticed, and not a symptom of several issues that some people have in a particular demographic.

However, you don’t seem to have noticed there isn’t an incongruity between what I posted, and what you ‘clarified’ on that. You could either stop trying to cherry-pick particulars, curb the bad-impulse to try to contradict what others posted, or actually ask for clarification on things generalized a different point of concern. For someone who “didn’t read something literally one time” conduct like this suggests there’s a lot you aren’t reading in favor of just looking to antagonize people to laud yourself.

Ya know, that think you accuse other forumers of doing to thus rationalize it’s okay for you to do while riding the “anti-hypocrite” highhorse. My disagreeing with your conduct does not disagree with the particulars on obesity, exercise, or finances, but it does point out issues of the processes you demonstrated for posted a tangental concern and acting like someone else is the fool for your tirade.

Are there people in the US that can’t afford an ambulance ride that also have issues in their life that lead to further health concerns? Yes. Are those strictly the fault of ‘malpractice’. No. Since that doesn’t seem to be what your contradicting of my statement, then it looks like you’re doing a lot of dishonest projection.

Good job on demonstrating issues people have taken with your abrasive replies :+1:

Aren’t you doing that just now? All I was explaining is that obesity isn’t tied to financial status since (if you read) there are low cost food options both healthy and unhealthy. I don’t think obesity is linked to medical malpractice, and I’ve never said so. You just assume I think that because of your failure to read. However, “the sort of families that are curbed by costs” are not forced to eat cheap junk, therefore would be taking extensive measures to compensate with other substances because of their own idea on how medicine works, not because they’re poor. Assuming these “healthier” foods even did matter in terms of weight loss, and people purchase weight loss pills to combat their obesity because “I can’t lose weight because i can’t afford healthy options” then they’re stupid. They could save that money and use it to purchase some healthier foods with it instead. Plus, most low income families that can’t even afford food usually qualify for government aid, or food stamps. Even then, you don’t even need “healthy” food to lose weight. Just lower calorie consumption. The less you eat, the less you have to buy, and that’ll save you money anyway so that’s why I don’t agree that finances have anything to do with it.

If you are at a healthy body weight because you don’t eat too many calories even if your diet is crap, you probably won’t have as severe symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or whatever and thus don’t require immediate healthcare due to you having occurrences such as gallbladder stones, kidney disease, hyperlipidemia that are partially due to you eating too much fat, sugars, and cholesterol in your foods that your body can’t process quick enough and require urgent attention and money.
So someone who’s “curbed by costs” would probably be on the thinner side since they would have to ration smaller portions instead of someone who can afford to pay for 3 pizzas and have each of their 3 kids have 3-5 slices. Meanwhile a poorer family who can barely afford one has to split their 8 slice pizza between 3 kids and themselves. (less calories per person)

Even if finances were linked to how healthy of food you can get, you don’t need healthy foods to maintain a healthy body weight. Because you don’t eat as much, and your organs aren’t surrounded in fat due to your obesity, you will have less of an issue with diseases caused by overeating and bad diet. Not saying you shouldn’t watch what you eat, but that if your goal is weight loss… its not necessary for weight loss, so you can still eat foods you enjoy and not gain weight.

If you read further, you’d see that there are healthy, cheap options that prevent diseases from even happening.

Since obesity is linked to disorders like insomnia, being less overweight helps you get more restful sleep, since you are able to enter deep sleep and your body can heal. As Ayeziza said, sleep is helpful in maintaining your weight, for many reasons. Your cognition is better (helps you make better dietary decisions for example), you feel less stressed when you’re not sleepy, and your body is able to heal during sleep.

Since you’re not overweight, you can sleep better, and due to those two things you are less stressed (one stressor like worrying about your body image and health as much is eliminated, and you become less stressed because you get better sleep) Reversely, the less stressed you are, the better you’ll sleep as well, so in a way it also comes full circle. Would someone who gets good sleep and has low stress be more or less likely to resort to drinking substances with caffeine to keep them awake during work vs someone who is more stressed and doesn’t get good sleep? If you thought the more stressed, and sleep deprived person then you are right. Caffeine in moderation is okay, but too much can affect your health negatively.

There are other sources of stress of course, but neither obesity or malpractice have anything to do with those since something like not being able to pay rent doesn’t force you to compensate with other substances either, since you probably can’t afford them in the first place if you can’t pay rent.

What does that have to do with obesity? Nothing.

Did I ever say it was because of malpractice? Put on your glasses and lets read this together.

If you cared to read my other posts you’d find out why I said what I said but again, you reply to things and don’t read them fully and then accuse me of doing the same to you. Isn’t that hypocrisy? And then you go on and say its all fabricated anyway so idk.

But go off dude, everything you claimed I was doing in that other thread you’re now doing here, also derailing this thread to protect your precious ego. I hope its worth it.

Idk why you’re so pressed about what I said just because it explained a smaller part of your post which was probably the only thing I disagreed with and didn’t feel like I needed to address the rest, since later on you only spoke of people’s lack of information and how the current system makes big pharma richer.

You’ve shown me now that you love to claim others do certain things, but are oblivious to what you do yourself. I simply disagreed with you, explained why I disagreed, and you took it as me cherry picking and used that to make 90% of your post attack me for things going on in other threads, hence derailing this one. Weren’t you just calling me out for doing that? Now you’re doing it here? That’s why I call you a hypocrite, but you just fail to see it and would rather say I’m fabricating things to discredit my claims of your hypocrisy.

Am I going to have to hear about my behavior in every other thread after every new post I create or how long are you going to do this? If I didn’t know any better I’d say you must enjoy trying to make others look stupid. Its sad.

Xiv, you’re doing the things you’re faulting at me. I responded to a particular poster who is expressing a lot of overgeneralization and misinformation, and I used a relatively short post to try to address particular statements.

You have taken that and made assumptions unrelated to what I have posted in a attempt to assert things that I don’t know; ie, not knowing something makes someone “stupid”. There are particular people that have a variety of complications in life; that is not an all inclusive list of what put them there, how they’re reacting to it, or alternatives available to their circumstances. Part of why I end up having long posts is people running off on disconnected tangents to antagonize me in favor of neglecting what is written.

What I’ve “shown” is you disregard particular is favor of lauding yourself to fault others. Instead of reading things through, you may bad assumptions and then act like the reverse of what was phrased ‘must’ be what the person is claiming; if they don’t like item each grievance, then they must not have ‘read it’ and if they do post something longer, you don’t read it. This is bad conduct to suit confirmation bias.

Did you even read my post explaining why I disagreed with your post, regardless of who you were initially replying to? Of course you didn’t. Again its just accusation after accusation of the same things over and over.

And again, you continue to derail this thread (while accusing me of doing it in other threads) to promote your same accusations and fault psychanalysis instead of address the subject matter of what I said in reply. Is it because you actually agree with what I said and just want to keep beating the same horse and attacking me? Or is it because you can’t handle being told off so you have to do the same?

Either way, any more time spent on you would be a waste since no matter what I write it’ll be followed by another post by you deflecting, attacking, and accusing.

You fail to address any of my points so conversations with you are useless. Go bother someone else, or maybe instead of being on the forums attacking me you should work on getting yourself out of the category of “too poor”. If you spend most of your time here writing lengthy threads of accusations with no ability to look inward no wonder you consider yourself as a part of that group.

You’re the one attacking people Xiv.

Indicated by more insults. It’s a ‘waste’ if I trying to explain things, but it’s not an issue for circumstances, or value, to just be on a forum because it can look better than browsing Amazon; you’re here to ‘waste time’ Xiv, and you seem to be the one at odds with yourself on how that turns out.

The points you’re trying to raise at me are grievances you imposed on me, not because of what I actually wrote, but because you are being antagonistic to try to prove something with means that do not prove it. Conversations are not ‘useless’ but if one person keeps expecting the wrong thing of other people, they’re going to be setting themselves up for a bad time.

There’s a limited amount of time I had, and a limited amount of time you’re going to give something; of that, I’m going to have to prioritize what I’m trying to address instead of reacting to the same impulses you do that create problems that you don’t resolve, but instead repeat. Line-item addresses are just more fuel to that fire because you’re unwilling to set aside the faults and double-down on them instead.

You’re trying to voice ‘right’/wrong’ information claims, and not actually help with something because of how you’re trying to convey that. If you were actually trying to be helpful, you’d conduct yourself in less antagonizing ways, but instead you indulge yourself on assuming faults with other people, and then parade them across several topics, and then get uppity about it if someone points it out. Yes, I have contributed to derailing topics by replying to these antics, and by my own asides, but I also try to loop things back around again.

At least in this topic the OP was concerned about forum villainy and you decided to show off.

Xen, feel free to tell me to get lost, but perhaps you and Xiv should just pop each other on ignore? It seems to me you have both reached an impasse and try as you might nothing is being accomplished but the spilling of ink and the creation of more animosity, which is spreading into almost every thread.

As I said though, it’s none of my businesses and you’re welcome to tell me to shove off!

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He’s already claimed to have put people on ignore, saying how we’re all bullies, and he won’t let us make him feel bad anymore, but he’s still here. The common denominator in these threads is not isolated to these two individuals. It’s a cycle that is formed from Xiv making questionable points that inevitably draw criticism, which he then takes offense. Xen just makes it…longer lol.

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Yeah, I guess I lost that round. Maybe next year.

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insert [“thwarting my plans” dbza running gag]