Suggesting a new game mode

I was thinking of an arena game mode in the game;not exactly like arena brawls but maybe something like wow arena with 1v1 2v2 and 3v3 modes in which there is no objective but to kill the enemy/enemies.
That game mode can have its own mmr and certain heroes could be banned like chogal or idk maybe medive or stuff like that, cuz he can cheat too much.
the benefits of this game mode is being focused on heroes themselves and knowledge and mechanics of heroes and talents rather than map mechanics, strats, soaking or mercing. An area at which you have to fight or you will lose points or health or sth like that and it has something like 5-10 mins limitation and is held in best of 3 or best of 5 rounds. Straight take downs can win you the arena. Because different heroes have different power spikes at different levels, talents and levels is gonna be a tricky part but maybe we can just set it to start at level 10 in all games. I personally find this idea cool because I get to know heroes I play with or against better than normal game mode since it is much less complicated and chaotic than 5v5 team fights in maps with objectives and mercenaries and experience and stuff.
A huge question to this is drafting or picking heros and finding a “good” or “fair” match against you. but maybe it can be classified as class against class like maybe mage against mage or melee assassins against each other in 1v1 and more general classes like assassins versus assassins in 2v2 and 3v3 all teams having identical roles in them. this is just an idea that I think is doable and cool and challenging for players, I mean the “main” game mode that everyone takes seriously is still gonna be TL and HL but I think this could be a cool game mode to test heroes and skills in fighting alone.
Hero picking could be done like quick match , I don’t think it is good for it to be like drafting cuz first pick can be easily countered if it is a auto attack hero for example it can be blinded a lot or if it is a high health hero malth and tychus gonna counter it very easy in 1v1 or even 2v2 and 3v3.
let me know what you think, thanks.

I don’t think the idea itself is bad (and even if they stuck with 5v5 it would work) and I know Smite has a mode exactly like this… They just put everyone in an arena and you go at it, but any time you add a new game mode it will drive up the queue times of all other modes of the game (assuming that you are keeping the same sized player base), and I’m not sure that would be good for the game as it currently stands.

Not enough people though. They can’t even make ARAM permanent. Maybe they can implement in brawl.

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interesting point, but shouldn’t that fade in time since people get in this mode when it goes live to check it out and after sometime the population will even out eventually like other modes

Post the code for it without using Python @ darkblizz .org

The game is not designed around this. All round heroes or duelists would dominate the mode while every other hero is instant loss. Especially in 1v1 heroes like Leoric are totally over powered where as Lucio is trash tier.

:boom: NEW GAME MODES :boom:

Variant 1: All team chat disabled for both teams
Variant 2: All chat enabled for maximum trash talking

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I think you need to replace can’t with won’t, they won’t make ARAM a permanent mode.

That was my first thought as well - too hard to balance :disappointed:

They should just try this in unranked to promote this mode and check how it’s going. I mean Unranked is the least popular mode and if they promote this mode with all-chat feature, people might try it out and make this mode more popular.

Oops, I got necroed.

Nice necro! But your idea sounds boring to me, but I want Ability Draft.

Potatoe-free mode would be awesome!

0 post account necro 3 year old topic made by another 0 post accounter. I see the necromancer training is in full work.


Well at least he knows how to look for topics that’s a plus. :stuck_out_tongue:

Already exists, get Grandmaster and no potatoes there, because everyone below GM is a potato.


Sure, Sue xD
[twenty more characters]

Unless he is a potato himself then it wont happen.