Stukov has been re-enabled

I find myself agreeing with everything you said, with the exception:

Like many, I didn’t like Spine Launcher, even when on the rare occasions I did choose the Fetid Touch quest, I was glad to have my melee AA’s. Now I no longer have a choice, if I select Fetid Touch, I must make my AA’s ranged. I think the idea was, “well Fetid Touch is kinda a ranged ability quest, just combine the two low pick ranged talents.”

For all I know this might be right, I can see some potential for synergy with the quest and talent, I will have to test it more before I form a conclusion.


Yeah I see your point, it sure is an upgrade if you were going spine launcher anyways but on the other hand it may be annoying not being able to take both fetid touch AND melee stukov

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I finally decided to try out the change. It feels absolutely horrible. Never picking W again they should have just deleted trash spines. You want ranged AA, play someone else.

The LOW BLOW change however might keep Ballisto from being my 100% must pick option.

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