Stuck with leavers penalty

I have played 3 QM games since DC in draft and its still shows I have to play 2 QM games (not one game Ive played is counted). Unless i get some mini dc i dont even notice its bugged ;(.

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Leaver Matches now require winning games.

OMG its a horror but thanks alot for info. Last 3 games today at hat at least 1 person afk or leave game. I often get DC in draft so i rarely play draft even though I prefer it. Now I wont risk draft again.

It was bad enough you could leave game, come back at the end, and no penalty. Now people with draft problems are #$%^% more, and I know im not alone. I dont get dc in game, just the draft.


So now you’re stuck in LQ till the RNG decides you’ve had enough…what a snorefest…

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Its been 12 games now. Blizzard, go make fire and… I got my lesson (don’t get random dc in draft while network connection is working fine).

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this is just ridiculous. I failed to pick a champ so 5 games in arrow with afk i have to play how many more? 20? until i win 4?!??!?!

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