Storm League Chat not monitored

I have reported a player countless times over the past couple months for harassment and offensive slurs in the Storm League Chat channel, yet nothing has been done. Every time I log in he is using hate speech and slurs in the chat. I’ve gone through the proper channels to report this, but I’m genuinely shocked nothing has been done. I can provide the battletag here if necessary, but I’m not sure why the Storm League Chat channel isn’t even monitored.

By Storm League chat you mean “in game chat” during SL games or there is a channel, called “Storm League” (like General chat on hots)?

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The system counts how much and often you get reported
It also filters a few words

On top of that if someone gets silenced doesnt mean you will never see him again.
Silence is only temperary

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Multiple silence will in the end ramp up in a suspend and ban if he continue.

Just block him and magically, all your problems will disappear. What you are really asking for, is retribution.


It will all come down to if other people are reporting this player, your reports count (as it should) as one, multiple reports from unique users are needed. The system we have now is already abused with false reports, but nobody should want anyone silenced/punished from a single report.

I’m not sure what area of chat you’re speaking about, but I can assure you if it’s in game team chat, SL draft chat or chat on a public channel any reports you make about someone will be counted.


There is a channel called Storm League Chat (it is an official channel like General and New Player Chat, but you have to join it manually, it should show up when writing /join on the list of suggested rooms).

And as said above reporting the same player over and over will do nothing, because the silences trigger only when dozens of people report the same player in a short timespan. Your report does not go to a human for review.

I have reported a player countless times over the past couple months for harassment and offensive slurs in the Storm League Chat channel, yet nothing has been done.

Your best bet would be asking other people present in the room to report him/her as well. 20+ unique reports from various players in swift succession should do the trick.

If it’s just you reporting the player over and over for months, that will do nothing, it’s the number of different people reporting the abuser that counts to automatically trigger a silence.