Stop making Mirror ARAM Posts you concerns are likely heard

Bold, baseless claim like this won’t magically make you right tho…
How is the current situation not beneficial to anyone? The ratio of like:dislike / want:dontwant was 3:1, so the ones who disliked this option and voiced their opinion -where it actually mattered- were outnumbered 3 times… and that was during the 5% occurance, which is now 2%.
Most people are happy or neutral/unbothered, so why should we care about the unhappy ones? Shouldn’t the majority decide if something happens Never or Two times from 100 matches?..
And “unhappy” ppl are not leavers by default. Not everyone is a prick “activist” that want to “show it to them!”.

So who loses what, and why should anyone care?..

First of all at the Time we (as in all Players) only have extremly small Data to make any form of assumptions: Heroes Profile relys on Uploads and is probably unknown to most “average” Players, Reddit well is Reddit and this forum is used by a few dedicated players.
Regarding HP the Website says I have 500 Games or so and my acount level is 800 (I dind’t look at the excat level but is right) well this would mean that I have earned an average of 1,6 Levels per GAME I mean you can earn 1,6 Levels for maybe the first few levels of a hero but 90 Heroes are not enough to justify 800 levels so calling someone out based on a Website that has Data that may or may not be right is just bad.

This doesn’t solve the issue fully yes getting more Exp, Gold or whatever will remove some Leavers but it only changes the Motivation to play a Mirror game from Intrinsic (Playing something because it is fun) to extrinsic (playing because you get rewarded). People who don’t care/need gold or exp aren’t gonna bite.
Lastly you may want to read my Original post again as I intented to discuss multiple possible compromises instead of going back to “I want X removed” “no I like X please keep it in the game” kinda discussions.


Even if you don’t upload yourself, replays will appear on the website over time. Somehow 2/3 of my 3000 aram games are there but for other player 99% of them are missing? Why even waste time discussing what feels enjoyable and what isn’t with someone that had never found themselves in the same situation? I had suffered through this at least 100 times while QBW is statistically only halfway before playing mirror for the first time.

I support this completely!

Honestly? It might be possible. I mean, I know QBW haven’t played for a while because they said so, but it’s possible that a lot of games are missing from someone’s profile.

Take my profile for example: here

My account is level 1230 and it has only 500ish games registered. I have thousands and thousands of games played. If you look for ARAM only, there’s 22 games registered, but I’ve played a lot of aram, much more than that, especially after 2018.

Just because a profile shows most of their games, doesn’t mean every single one will. But again, we know QBW doesn’t play anymore.

Countless games have been lost since the community shift from hotslogs to HP but you would at least expect some degree of proportionality. For sure, higher level with above average activity are more likely to upload replays consistently and on time.

For QM where player rating somewhat matters I would understand a lot of missing replays from the lower end of the ladder, but this is ARAM with no consistent matchmaking criteria whatsoever. It is impossible for an equal number of games to go unaccounted for.

Deviating from the main discussion, again as it has been done in every topic so far.

Some of us play a lot so we participate a little less on the forums, others do the opposite. I haven’t met someone with enough time to do both. I’m not making personal attacks but saying that some of the loudest comments in here are meritless and I have provided the information to support my stance.

Agreed, rewards alone are not usually a great incentive, if you want meaningful player participation. I remember the Dev’s had to make changes to event quests to “games won”, as many players would troll or not put in any effort into a match, as they were only trying to complete the reward quest, and weren’t interested in winning the actual game.

QBW might not have played Hots, or much ARAM, but they aren’t wrong that those who are complaining about mirror games, will only complain about other “balance” issues in ARAM if mirrors were removed. They are often doing this already in the MM complaint threads, “Remove Azmodan, remove Li-Ming!”

I find these forums quite depressing lately. Despite me saying from the very start that I didn’t like mirror games, I am to this day attacked by people who ignore my words, and literally say “no you do love mirror games, as you’re part of the forum commune and have a high post count.”

If that was a one-off reply to my position on mirror games, that would be fine, but the majority of complaining commenters treat me in this fashion. If I say, “I don’t like mirror games, but you shouldn’t leave matches/AFK, just because you don’t like them”, this automatically makes me a “Blizzard Shill” and “mirror match lover.”

I noted in another thread that some heroes are simply not fun to play as mirrors and I acknowledged that for me, the 2% chance feels very infrequent, but as I only play ARAM a few times a week, it no doubt feels like the chance is higher for those who have made ARAM their main, or often only game mode they play and that I have sympathy for their situation.

The above statement, was met with insults about my post count, hive mind, I didn’t actually play, or I’m the devil or some such.

So when people who are complaining about MM treat people who agree with them with complete disrespect, it’s no wonder threads devolve into arguments, these people are not posting in good faith to begin with, they just expect their personal demands to be catered to.

As for QBW, they were Plat or Diamond and as Hots has received no real updates, they still posses the relevant knowledge to give insights, when discussing specific heroes, hero talents, general gameplay etc.

Personally, I stop posting here when I’m not playing, as that is my preference. As these forums are almost dead, I welcome the fact that some knowledgeable players who no longer play Hots, stick around and share their insights and opinions here, if they didn’t, this forum would consist primarily of complaint threads.

Come to think of it, we’re almost at that point.


So I got back to Hots again and got my first mirror match after only 3 games played and it was 5vs5 all Raynor.

So far no one left and we all played it through and won.