Stop calling it forced 50%

And call it by what it is referred to by the devs: Compelled Fairness. It’s when a player is overperforming, and instead of putting them with and against better players, they are placed with equally underperforming players so both players have an average of 50% winrate going into their next game.

Why they don’t just let you move up the ranks is because then a player’s skill and their current rank wouldn’t be the same (or something like that, I really can’t understand the logic they give.)

So to put this into perspective, if you suddenly have a huge surge of wins or losses, the matchmaker tries to keep you in your current rank by either making your games fundamentally easier or harder. If you don’t get win or loss streaks, it is very likely you have never felt the influence of compelled fairness.

And yes, I’m getting hit HARD in the face by a huge throbbing compelled fairness on this new main account because the game is convinced I’m a bronze player and doesn’t like the fact that I had a recent winstreak. I had a 80% winrate and thanks to the potatoes on my team, I now have only a 67.1% and it’s plummeting fast.


Excluding gm smurfs in low elo, I watch silver players and generally their micro and macro play are pretty bad. Bad as in ignoring the objective leaving the team 4 v 5 (would be fine if the 4 man had a staller like chromie on certain maps) and then the game snowballs as the player refuses to stop laning for each objective

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Thats because qm have something called a mentor system. It puts the best player aka you on a team with lower mmr players and expect you to carry them. If you cant you will keep dropping down in winrate until you reach the winrate that is equal your skill lvl.

If you think you can keep on having 80% winrate in qm forever then you will be disapointed unless you 5 man premade vs potatoes you will keep on dropping in winrate until you reach 50% winrate were must people skill lvl are.


As I’ve said before, winning or losing isn’t the issue. I’d rather have a 50% winrate in the rank I belong in than an 80% in bronze.

One day Blizz will realize that smurf accounts stuck in bronze aren’t fun for ANYONE. Literally my last game I was 70% of all my team’s kills and hard-carried the game even though I could tell the enemy were much better than my allies. No, I’m not bragging, I’m making a point. The game takes waaaaay too long to rank up new accounts because of a flawed system.

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“Compelled Fairness” is fake.


“It’s only a skill based game when I win!”


It’s an empirical game.

I see where you got confused. You think that when a player goes from like mmr 1k to 5k, blizzard will put this players with other 50 mmr player to balance things out.

Yeah, that’s not how it works.

When you have 1k mmr, the matchmaking will try to find a match where everyone has 1k mmr or something really close to that, so the match is balanced. Once you start climbing and you get to 2k mmr, same thing happens and so on.


Heres my experience

Played alot, rose to diamond from gold with 70% winrate

Stopped playing alot fell from diamond to plat with 40ish percent winrate

Started playing again and an now in diamond 4 with a 55% winrate

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You could just be getting good enough to be placed with players better than you.

Crazy thought, I know.


So it was not we who started talking about the 50% system, it was the developers who said: “- we are aiming for 50%”. And they also said: “- teams are selected according to the average MMR”, that is, not on an equal basis, which means there can be any spread in MMR.

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Compelled Fairness is real. I wish that post was truthful (that is how the game SHOULD be), and it probably has some merit to it, but it is not the whole truth. The devs have said multiple times that there are other factors at play.

Natural 50% gravitation is real. Compelled fairness is just mumbo jumbo.


Probability and ratio are not the same. Currently, I feel that almost every game is a stomp, it’s only matter on which side are you that match. And you have 50% chance to be on one of those two sides.

I wouldn’t say forced 50/50. I noticed that when I went to the US servers, I went on a mass losing streak due to 200 ping, but I really wanted to play a lot more in ranks to climb. After the loss spree from US servers, I went back to AU severs and weirdly enough, continued the loss streak. I noticed my games were unwinnable and the competent players that I team up with or see, and can pull off strats with are non-existent. So basically if you go in a loss streak, it feels like you end up in a lower pit of MMR where it’s even harder to climb out until you somehow go on a winning spree. Remember, HOTS is a pure team element where it’s shared EXP. Carrying is possible but very limited.

Before the loss spree in the US servers, I was easily wining some games and losing some. It was a very slow climb, but after the loss spree it seemed to continue its own momentum of losing. No, it’s not psyche as I’m always trying to play in a consistent focused condition and seem to always be analysing my mood, feelings and skills.

For example:
Before the loss spree: I had players that could soak, and draft PROPERELY on Dragon Shire. I could combo with Muradin’s bolt and pull off HGC strats, or pull off a full-stacked wizened duelst on Greymane and not die in the match at all on ranked.

After the loss spree from US servers- I find it hard to sync with any of the players and die a few times as Greymane. Players don’t really soak as much and fight mid more often. They don’t draft properly, like a recent match of mine on Dragon Shire, team went tank, healer (me), mage and 2 ranged aa’s with no bruisers and top got obviously bullied badly. These are the things I feel and noticed. So it makes sense when players consistently cry “losing spree” it’s because they lost a few games and MMR decided to spiral them down with other descending or lower MMR players that make it even harder to climb out with.

It’s like climbing down a ladder, but they add a tonne of layer of bricks each time you take a step down. I mean, I’ve also randomly disconnected a few times from ranked draft screen (Hopefully Blizz or whatever has fixed it) which also impacts your MMR HUGELY in more ways then one. Each disconnection is like worth 3-4 games of losses each and the MMR will try probrably have trouble trying to adjust with the huge jump of missing MMR each time. However, I’ve been through this cycle and each time I’ve carried and climbed back up. It gets easier. Just need the time and well, finding quicker games within my server, instead of waiting almost 30 minutes to an hour for a game. Another reason why MMR average is all over the place specifically for Australians is because there isn’t much players over here and it’s going to average me with the worse end of the stick.

I use forced 50% for boost my ranked game, play QM keep losing 3-4 streak, then ranked and you will easier win

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I notice that too at one stage but the opposite of yours. I remember going on a mass winning spree in QM last year and almost got a page of green wins and because of that, I shot into platinum. Coincidence? I’m not sure, but it’s something I might go for again. why or how does QM connect with Ranked?

It doesn’t. Literally at all. MMR is separate.

I’m guessing your winstreak in both are because you are a good player


So it is fair to match a player with people who are much worse than you to force you to either carry them and thus furthering the boosting problem or having said player lose cause of people that are really bad making it seem like the good player isnt as good?

Yeah that is gonna bring a ton of new players to this game. I am sure people love that.

Blizzard answered this already. Stop your complaining.

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