Specialist reclassification is STILL killing QM

I agree with the OP: The QM rules (which Blizzard has never stated are what exactly?) are stupid.

Since the White Knights are on the case defending how bad the QM rules are by being pedantic, rephrase the point.

Support is killing QM. Aba, Zarya, etc. DO NOT GET MATCHED WITH OTHER SUPPORT HEROES. Maybe you get a mirror. Otherwise the support heroes are matched with assassins.

So unless that player is master level with that character, you’re team starts with a disadvantage. That is a fact.

Are you at a disadvantage if your random Aba or Medivh isn’t ~master tier in skill?
Probably yes, as these heroes statistically do extremely poorly when not played by top players.

They are also enablers - excelling when assisting other skilled teammates (and in Abathur’s case, symbiote targets). Not optimal for a random setup with random players.

Zarya? No, that’s exaggeration. Average Zaryas can still be valuable to the team.
I never groan or think the game is going to be an uphill battle if we get a random Zarya.

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Wow. You completely missed the point.

The point of the thread is that matching certain characters (some of the former Specs like Zag and Probius and Support) against an assassin is just stupid.

Does it fail every time? No, don’t be pedantic. Statistically though, these characters are NOT ASSASSINS. Therefore they should be matched against other types.

Blizzard, however, doesn’t want to do this. Probably due to the queue times. But they don’t tell us the rules or the actual stats to these heroes. So all we can do is make generalizations.

I know I used a few big words there, but I think you can get the gist.

They do unless both teams have a healer.


Remove QM and AI, force draft in Unranked or pseudo-random in ARAM. The people who really want to compete will go into SL, everyone else will flood either ARAM or Unranked which will lower match times as they are in those game modes. Additionally, you’re even more at fault if all you want to do is run a mindless assassin.

I don’t understand your point or gist. As Frogsaron said, Supports are matched with each other in QM. Aba with Zarya, TLV with Medivh and so on (or any combination of these).

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There was no draft screen as this was likely QM which has no draft screen like the entire topic is about.

It also helps a lot for taking non-boss mercs and dealing huge damage to teams that foolishly huddle together. The only issue Tracer has at 16 is that all her talents choices there are good and unless your team already has a source of negative armor debuff, it will usually lose out to that for significantly better burst.

A lot of people would leave HotS and never return as they pretty much only play Versus AI mode.


Also forces Varian to pick taunt every game, because he’s classified in QM as a “tank”.

I keep picking Varian in vain of being able to pick TB without throwing.

Correct. Already VS AI is the most popular mode and the least popular mode is Unraked Draft. So from that alone it’s obvious people don’t want a casual draft mode.

Some people’s expectations for QM is quite unreasonable, they want to play as the hero they want and expect perfect skill MM and a perfect draft too. This is just never going to happen.


Start reading patchnotes and you won’t miss the QM rules.
There were and are a few.


Could not have said it any better but yes its true.


Did a Googs for QM Rules:

1: December 15, 2015 (five years ago) that has Warrior matching. Warriors don’t exist anymore.
2: A Wiki post that has “the rules” that hasn’t been updated since 2017 and has very little sources from actual Blizzard.
3: A bunch of forum posts where gamers SAY they know the rules, but they don’t.

No ACTUAL BLIZZARD SOURCES for the last year. What a shock.

As for support being matched to support. Again, doesn’t really happen. It’s not great evidence, but I had 3 matches yesterday and 1 today with Abathur. It was 1 mirror match (abby/abby), 1 Medivh and 2 assassins. Not great odds, I’d say.

So again. The OP has a point. And Blizzard should at least comment on this. They don’t respect any of us as other than consumers. If they respected us as gamers they would give us more information about the game.

Fell free to provide your source of evidence of how MM rules are now.

This list basicly tells you how it works, but again fell free to provide your own evidence to prove this and me wrong.


Sometimes Twin Blades Varian is a better hero than Taunt Varian. Not a better tank obviously, but a more useful teammate. If your team doesn’t have good follow-up CC, Taunt is kind of lame as a peeling tool. Twin Blades can help peel via damage pressure.


Okay, well given the source you cite. If a bruiser is guaranteed to match a bruiser, healer matches healer, tank matches tank, support matches support…

why doesn’t specialist match specialist?

Please don’t give me the standard bull of ‘Well, you know…queue times!’ because if queue times were really an issue, they wouldn’t have the other 4-5 matching rules.

What is a “Specialist”?

Someone who can push?
Sylvanas was a Specialist and you know who pushed in a similar speed than her? Anubarak. Then why Anubarak is not a “Specialist”? “Because he’s a Tank.” Well Sylvanas is an Assassin.

Someone who can soak a lot?
Ragnaros was an “Assassin” (Bruiser) and he soaks similar numbers to TLV.

Someone who can doublesoak? Clearing lanes quickly and rotating?
A lot of the Bruisers can do that similar to Xul, like Malthael (ex-Assassin), Sonya (ex-Warrior).

Who are the “Specialists”?
Everyone who was once one?
So 3 from our current 4 Supports including Medivh who is low tier regarding waveclear, pushing and soaking?
Xul who is a Bruiser now and his capabilities are matched with the other Bruisers?
Or just the ones that ended up as Assassins?
So Murky, Zagara, Hammer, Azmodan, Nazeebo and Sylvanas?

Would ppl feel “fair comps” if one team gets Zagara and the other Murky?
Or Sylvanas vs Hammer?
How are those worse than Jaina vs Tracer?
Or Cassia vs Ming?

And last but not least:
What qualifies a Hero to be an Assassin? Since I don’t see a clear case for what a Specialist is, but the issue ppl claim to exist is that this imaginary role is matched with Assassins.
Can someone be an Assassin just because they’re not a Tank or Bruiser or Healer or Support?
We have all kinds of Assassins.
Heroes who rely on spell dmg with long CDs.
Heroes who do physical with no CDs.
Poke vs Dive.
Burst vs Sustain.
We have Assassins that get ppl low and Assassins that finish the kills.
Some of these Assassins can push hard (like Greymane, or Jaina if she uses WE like Gargantuan).
So why those ex-Specialists such misfits among the R.Assas?


This is true, QM should be quick at first and people should know the risk of randomness and don’t get too much frustrated. Personally the most frustrating thing is when you are in low priority and have to WIN to get out. But for SL i think that ok flex of a team can be fun and interesting but the more flex you give the more space you givin to Troll and Selfish people in a strongly teambased game. I’m not suggesting to make fixed roles like they did in Overwatch but to make the role selection more relevant ( it’s a joke you can queque without picking a role while you can pick flex) making it obligatory and MAYBE reportable (so the team can be flexible and at the same time punish Troll etc) and to make the Descripion of the Hero roles more intuitive, look at the (old?) role system of Dota2 or LOL. In Dota2 Heroes had a main role and tags about what he can do, On LOL heroes Have a main role and a secondary role. It doesn’t have to be so much detailed as to say the tryhard things like “this hero with this talent can do camps that normally he can’t do”, just use tags for his basic gameplay and basic skill. We do not have carry here fortunally, but we have the solo laner for example, who usually should be one that can double soak or win the lane and do mercs fast, people think Bruiser is the best option for this usually, but not all Bruiser can do this, while at the same time some assassins and tanks can.

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I think its also, and correct me if I’m wrong, draft in its nature is not casual. Someone out there is always just going to blame a loss for what you pick or don’t pick, which slowly outs casual players from playing the format. Despite the fact unranked is, well… unranked, people who come in there still expect optimized play for some reason.


You got it, no draft is not casual. As you can see that many people in this thread have unrealistic expectations, fast queues, the ability to queue with any hero they desire and a perfectly made draft and even fair skill based match making.

None of this is realistic.

It was an issue, the devs told us so without equivocation and then rolled back the changes. Don’t argue with me or others, argue with the devs.


Who do you think thread is aimed towards? You? I thought it was fairly obvious that me posting here was to make my opinion known. If I wanted this thread to be a callout on you, I would have tagged your name in my OP.

I fail to see how forcing a matchup for tank-tank healer-healer bruiser-bruiser support-support isn’t a problem but somehow matching specialist-specialist is too far over the line and causes severe problems. Maybe you can explain it to me.