this game has become so UN-balanced its absolutely ridiculous.
No one at this point in time can defend , or provide a reasonable argument around the absurd and insanely unbalanced teams .
i have Q’ed up solo , in the last week and have lost 23 matches and won only 5.
at the end of the match i look to see if the other team is in a group , and often find that my team is a group of 5 solo randoms against a 3-5 man premade.
combined that with constant leavers & afk’ers makes for the most UN-enjoyable experience i have ever had in any game i have ever played .
and Before u say go find some friends to play with to make your own premade.
i had a lot of friends at 1 time and would do just that . However in the last couple of months all 23 of my most active friends have quit this game, to venture forward to play other mobas and MMO’s .
Yea i just got a QM game with a leaver that kept rejoining and leaving again and again all game making his character unusable. I also got a feeding chen with like 10 deaths and an uther with account lvl 4. I have account level 900+…
they can actually, and its pretty telling the sort of jumps you shoot for on extremes on the voracity of someone to so do.
The entire basis of your concern stems from pub vs premade but doesn’t mention your role, team composition, map objective encounters, in-chat pick ups and just seems to assume you’re on the odd end of misfortune instead of more intentional aspects of what you can control compared to what you can’t.
but rather than consider wider possibilities, you’re content to assume no alternatives can exist, and then only wonder if you are being a ‘fool’ (so to speak) for thus limiting yourself.
You are becuase you care enough to post instead of leaving this mismanaged cesspool of a game… welcome friend
Ive had more than a few sub lvl 50 accounts in my games, i dont know if they are bots or just super new players, becuase they dont respond to chat or pings, and really seem to just flounder about the lane until they die.
What i do know is that when i find a new account in my games, i shut hots down after the match is over. I might come back in a few minutes, or not until the next day, honestly depends on how much salt im covered in at that moment. Maybe one day ill learn not to return at all…
So i know that no one likes this answer, but have you tried playing the actual game?
There seems to be some kind of fear or misconception about what Storm League is, and I think as a community we need to be honest about this bias.
The game is balanced around SL. For better or worse, that is how it works. QM can improve, that is true, but not on the level of what your average layman thinks. Blizzard has been trying (at a macro level) to improve the quality of QM since Alpha. In many ways it is better, but it will never be the actual game while SL is still what all in-game balance is centered around.
If you haven’t played a few hundred games of SL, I would argue you probably should. There are still stupid games, but in general my game quality is pretty solid…
The game is well-balanced actually.
But sure, QM is chaotic and the average player don’t know how to play.
I’m not sure if you played with Heroes you’re familiar and good with or others, but that can be one of the many reasons for your lose streak.
And snowballs are so hard to get now compared to the old days, dunno how you all managed that.
Statistically happens with the enemy as often as with you.
Usually the MM makes both team share tge same average mmr range. If there is a premade, it faces a team with a bit higher mmr ramge than themselves. If your team is a bunch of moth circling without a purpose, I doubt those premades can pull off real coordinated plays, unless they’re smurfs, but what can Blizz (any company) do against smurfs?
So for me it looks like the main problem probably is that you queued for QM with a Hero you can’t “carry” with.
Well it’s very hard to make me complain about the game, but I must admit I’ve gone through a significant number of bad games with my sister these days.
She plays tank, and I play mage or healer.
I usually start off playing healer, but we lose because the team doesn’t output meaningful damage on CC’d targets, which kinda forces me to switch to Chromie for later games. Then I end up topping both siege and hero damage (sometimes experience when I’m forced to solo lane with Chromie after several pings and calls to soak) with 1-3 deaths while my sister has trouble sustaining herself in the fight because of insufficient healing despite picking fully defense/sustain-oriented talents.
So many unfinished quests also. Butchers ending the game with 12 meat, Kael’Thas’ picking Convection without ever finishing it.
I don’t know what’s happening, it’s really the first time I’ve had so many tiresome games with my sister. We do accept defeat and recognize when we were bad / the enemy team was better than us, but a good part of our latest defeats were annoyingly painful as we seemed to do our job while the rest of the team severely lacked impact and decision taking skills.
You complain about a random map with random heroes game mode. What do you expect to happen? Balance? Since when randomness is balanced?
QM is for you to try out a hero quickly, nothing more than that. The fact that it is the most popular game mode and the amount of posts complaining about it, is quite explanatory about how lazy and thick headed the HotS playerbase is.
Do you want balanced games?
Either QM as a balanced group of 5 people or start drafting.
Balanced team:
-standard team comp is tank, bruiser, mage, ranged aa, healer
-define roles: leader calling macroplay, set-up/follow-up CCs, the off laner and the camp farmer. If you don’t know what these terms mean google/youtube is your friend. If you think you do, google/youtube anyways.
-for QM -avoid heroes that require specific maps to be good
-for QM -bring a counter for tracer/varian/butcher/illidan
Do you want to win more? Do you give your best to win or do you expect others to carry you?
Stop playing heroes you want to level up, play heroes you are good with and get good. Read guides, watch vidoes, try to understand the game better.
Drafting is a core part of the game, enjoy drafting.
I have also started to see alot of low lvl accounts being silenced allready.
Had a enemy Li-ming with account lvl 33 and she was allready silenced, and other accounts on either mine or enemy team with below lvl 30 who was allready silenced. How can that even happen.
I mean, what you’re saying might be true. I haven’t QM’d in a while because of issues you highlight, getting trolled by lower-point players, etc… Universally I get the BM whispers and throws from people ~1000 points below me (2400 QM atm). But attributing it to the game and not to the inexorable consequences of an anemic player base is incorrect. I honestly blame the HGC panic for arbitrarily pushing players away. HGC pros weren’t playing our games, we were. I’m going to enjoy the game for as long as I can.
The key point missed by the OP has already been pointed out, but I think it has to be stressed more.
QUICK MATCH ONLY EXISTS TO ASSURE YOU GET A GAME WITH YOUR CHOSEN HERO. Beyond that, it does not guarantee anything beyond that. You don’t know what map you’ll be playing on, you don’t get to go through a draft/ban process that allows you to form not only a cohesive strategy for the team, but also help mitigate issues that particular characters pose for your strategy by banning them.
Devs have said before that Quick Match will never be balanced, and if anything should primarily be viewed as a way to see how your given character can perform in sub-optimal situations than anything else. Even if you teamed up with a group of other like-minded players, there’s no assurance that the other team will have a group just as coordinated…