Something Nice about Exp Globes

Hi guys, how you all doing?
I hate pretty much everything about exp globes so far.
Could someone help me get in the dev’s head as to why they thought this was a good idea.
Cause I can’t see one.


You can Get exp ever if you not near the minion anymore if you rotate fast enough


People are actually going to soak properly, Its a small psychological change but clearing a wave goes from a chore to a satisfying experience. Killing a full wave in LoL is really satisfying because of the gold noises it makes. I already feel like people are soaking more then before, and I enjoy soaking more then before. In addition I think solo lane below plat is going to be a lot more interactive and based on XP denial and real plays instead of just sitting their soaking XP


The laning phase is less passive, which gives more purpose to the heroes who are supposed to be lane bullies

Previously any number of ranged heroes could just outrange the bruisers in the safety of towers and be the lane bullies themselves giving them dual purpose while the bruisers barely had one purpose in that time

Let Rag dominate the lane without being poked to death by raynor. Let him Duel the Imperius or the Orphea instead.


I like the change.

Previously the laning phase in the early game made no sense, even if you were playing like garbage you could just wait the minions to get near your towers and get exp almost afk.

Now if you are getting bullied, you will get your exp denied which encourages rotations and some teamplay imo.

EDIT: oof wrote almost the same heh


It’s still about the same just now some characters are shells of their former self. They could have done other changes that was not making it an ugly physical item you have to pick up.

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hmm, I really hope that is true with the back and forth because I don’t see it that way atm. I actually heard a lot of people make this argument before exp globes were even announced. That you can just sit behind towers and soak and life is good.
But there’s always things to do. You can always get more minions, get more mercenaries, help another lane. There is really never a reason to just stand behind towers and soak in my opinion. Unless it’s somehow 1v3 in a lane in which case that’s a thing that can happen. And the enemy team SHOULD be punished for such behavior. It gives your team the opportunity to deal damage elsewhere.

And Psychologically… it’s been doing the opposite for me so far. Before you always saw that xp number softly floating off of all the dead minions you kill which always satisfied me a lot. But now I feel like I kill a bunch of minions and then I look bot, I see a team fight brewing, I wanna go help… and all these damn xp balls are still sitting in the middle of the lane and I just got very annoyed.

Gives me a similar feeling to the last-hit Gold-farming in LoL. Which is the primary reason I left it all those years ago. I hated that.

And I don’t get why Ragnaros’s Lava wave gets special treatment and Azmo’s Tide of Sin doesn’t for example. That’s kinda arbitrary.


finally i can try this stuff since i decided to try my luck and launch bnet since i thought it’ll be tomorrow we get the new patch… time to see

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Trust me, you wont like it. It feels awkward :stuck_out_tongue:

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From quick match experience, people are still clueless and struggling to strategise approach to the hero that is in their lane. At 20 minutes some players are barely at 5k soaked experience and are repeatedly dying by going out of their way trying to contribute. It’s a complete mess and whatever knowledge or mechanical skill you hold over your opponent simply allow for an even bigger snowball at an earlier point in game, especially if you are playing a class of character which benefits from the forced change in play style.

It’s not a problem that you can simply adapt to it when the majority of heroes are negatively impacted by this, you can only learn how to minimise the losses. All the heroes in the game have been designed and balanced according to the rules that have been in place for 5 years. Solo laning has become more interesting overall but at a cost of not feeling rewarding because of an artificial handicap that has been placed on a large number of heroes.


And stealth people being being stealth so they need to break it for them to fly towards them. Stealth is easier to see than the globes…so just make them fly to them and while at it make them invisible to the enemy team.

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Whether the logic is faulty or not and whether i has to be. Tuned around certain abiltiies like Nova precision strike and Azmo Trait I can see their logic
Lava wave as an ultimate has no consistent use in a team fight, the most effect you can expect from it is the same kind of zoning you expect from a toad build naz on less then a tenth of the cooldown.
Lava Wave was designed to be a laning tool and has little effect elsewhere and to take it you sacrifice getting one of only 2 CC in Rag’s entire Kit, the other being a minor slow at level 4

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I play almost exclusively QM. And BS games do happen where the enemy team has 2 noobs that have no idea what they are doing while your team has 4.
But most of the time I think games are pretty even.
But I guess I can see how this helps guides noobs to soak better… maybe even leading to better QM experience overall… we’ll see

But it completely disrupts my way of playing HotS. I play pretty much all heroes like this. (Obviously I adapt depending on my role). But I get in a lane, I try to kill the enemy wave before they can kill my wave of minions. Then I get on my mount and help another lane. I do this repeatedly over and over, constantly getting back to my lane to soak that exp asap and then to leave again.
And it’s really interesting to weigh my options.
Do I ignore mid lane now but maybe get a kill in my lane or do I just go out for a quick errand…
…but now with exp globes I have to go collect them first everytime.

It just slows everything down.


As the visually impaired player who can’t see KT BOmb half the time

:Insert Donald Trump WRONG meme:

Also you are aware that stleath heroes are positively impacted by these changes as well since it also makes ganks more real since it’s not just ranged heroes soaking from safety now.

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Precision strike is an emergency tool against minions. Tide of Sin is very much designed to be used on minions. Every minion kill makes the next Annihilation Globe stronger so you wanna get as many minion waves as you can.

How is stealth even an issue here?
The exp gain from stealthed heroes is negligible. I mean you could turn it off completely and nobody would notice.
If someone on my team is actually stealthing next to a bunch of minions and calling that “soaking” I’ll report them for inactivity.
What is this argument even.

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I’m having trouble understanding how this can teach better soaking. Being forced to constantly move into an unfavourable position only for the purpose of not falling behind too much in the long run does nothing good for the game play. The resource isn’t even centralised like the healing orb that the mage minion drops so you are just wasting time moving around.

It forces a style of constant fighting that is against better judgement of how some heroes would ideally approach the fight. The amount of flexing I could achieve with a bruiser over a mage in the 10 games I played today was nothing short of disgusting.

Playing a mage mirror against a slightly inferior player resulted in constantly pushing the lane and slowly accumulating an advantage that would result in 2 level difference at [R] talent tier. Maybe he didn’t simply understand the mechanics but something like this would usually result in a stalemate.

As a mage against a bruiser, I could still force a draw like before but I had to to wait out until the alpha dog eats his meal first. I wouldn’t even show my face because trying to contest him would not work in my favour.


“People are actually going to soak properly.”

Hahahahaha, no…

They don’t. They still fight in the middle over nothing and completely ignore the lanes most of the time.

Also, this is completely unsatisfying and feels more like a chore.


It’s basically more of “only pick these and do the same every single game”. Some folks love it but soon there won’t be enough players to keep the game alive.

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Interesting perspective, but for myself, personally, it did the exact opposite.

It feels much more tedious (not to mention risky) to get in range to pick up the globes. I mostly play ranged heroes/mages and supports, so this heavily goes against their playstyle of staying safe.

Then again, I’ve never had problems soaking lanes before… so this change was never targeted for me. However, it’s been a huge turn off because now they’ve made it much harder for me to soak the lanes, which then makes me not want to soak them at all (though, of course, I still do). I’m not sure that’s what the developers intended.


And that Bruiser clearly wasn’t too bright. If he was, he’d have just let the lane freeze instead of pushing it towards you.