Some of my HotS art!

Ahoy gang!
here are some of my HotS arts!

Belial - Lord of Lies "Shhhhhh!"

i thought i’d be cool to imagine Belial making his way to the Nexus!

"Get away from her you b%%h!", Tracer and Primeval Diablo! no prizes for guessing the reference! :joy:

A flame from the Shadows!
Arthas, Xul and Orphea facing off against…DEATHWING!

(its dark, but its supposed to be!)

Johanna and Whitemane vs Mal’Ganis and Dreadlord Jaina!

i’m having fun with these XD
:mage: “I have a quest for y…” :scream_cat: :policeman: “OH NO YOU DONT!” :policewoman:



Nice! Expecially the last one.

What did you use to make these? SFM or Blender?

something similar to SFM called XPS (XNA-Posing-Studio) :smiley:
and i render them in Octane Render :yum:

and thanks both! :-3

wow these are awesome!!

thanks :smiley:
they were fun to make :-3