So you guys honestly think bliz will hear us out?

Can you elaborate? I honestly don’t understand your point.

A game without new content like this is a cancelled game as its userbase will die.

There are endless issues in the game for so many years now that never were adressed properly.

The e-sports tournmanets are cancelled entirely.

Noone will return to such a game.

I’m playing Path of Exile right now.
Might as well throw the money directly at Tencent instead of their pushover “Activision.”

There were people with teams who wanted to be in HGC for 2019.

I’ve talked with one. I’m very sad for them, and I cannot imagine how badly he and his team feel, having put a lot of effort into pushing into the HGC… for it to vanish.

How many pros were there exactly? I do not know but HGC in some form or another could have happened.

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Where is everyone getting the impression this means no new content facepalm

Probably from the fact that they said there will be far less content.

That is not what you said.
What you said was there is going to be no new content.
Which is it? Please make up your mind.

It’s hard to say anything without knowing what exactly the “development team” included in the post. Is that just the core designers/developers/artists? Does it include everyone who was working just on HGC? Including QA teams? Game engine teams?

Without knowing exactly how many people left, and it what roles, it is hard to say exactly how things will change.

All I know is I’ve heard that at least one member of the team is excited at the next set of content they have coming. And that there are at least two-dozen people in one of the teams that I would think is a smaller set of the total team working on HotS.

I’ll leave this here:

It was heartbreaking seeing some of their tweets like Casanova’s, then you have open division teams that made it just to see it canceled, open division teams that had been practicing together the past 5-6 months just to find out their time was wasted.

Idk the number of pros but Wolf tweeted this.


yeah. =/

And the suddenness of it is just so screwy. >=[

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They specifically said there would still be new content.

But if you’re no longer playing I guess it’s not your problem. If you enjoy your new game then that’s all that matters.

What’s the space inbetween content updates called? “No contentupdate.”

Increasing that space and declining vital community-interaction such as E-sports is a deathsentence for HotS.

There will be guys still working on the game, but the promise of regular content is just PR-speak.
You can’t say that there will be no content anymore for such a game as everyone would run off.
What you can say though is that content will be lessened and with “untold” space of time inbetween updates.
Once the remaining developer-team pushes out the leftovers from the previous team, you’ll see what I’m talking about.

That’s not logical. Just concede the point.

Enjoy your dead game.

Man, DotA really died in 2008, the second year I played it.
Only 9 updates that were not just bug fixes.

Only 4 new heroes.

Oh, wait. DotA was still alive and kicking on bnet, with absolutely no talk of esports and professional scene and this in this in the probably thousand or so games I played that year.

Might be, might not be.

That remains to be seen. What we know is this seems VERY sudden. we still have no idea who is counted in the development team as they move people to other projects.

The fact that we have Blizzard saying a roadmap is coming with how things will change tells you how sudden it is.

I suspect we’ll see new maps/heroes/events come more slowly. With the rate of balance changes and such not changed. They might even come slightly faster due to not having to worry about such a high peak level of play.

I highly doubt it.
Maybe I’ll be wrong.

If you gave up on the game why are you still here?

Because the forums and the game are not the same thing.

Can’t believe even something as obvious as THAT is lost to some of you.

Well if we’re down to condescension in place of arguments. Good day sir.

You’re the kind of person that says everything is wrong or condescending when it disagrees with you i see, sad.

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Hi Ya Captain, Abandon the ship before it s too late.

We are referring to this world, my minion.