So with the release of Deathwing, what is the intent?

So what is the true intent of DW? Is it to get every classic player to quit this game? Is this the last ditch effort to make a quick buck? So let me get this straight, more hp then chogal, hitbox of an entire team, shield, basic ability that equals some players ults, invensibility when in flight? Basically a 5 year old that has been told to match buttons can get mvp every round. So their idea to get more players interested isn’t new maps and new content, it’s to create an OP char that a 5 year old can dominate with. Great Job HOTS devs, yall literally have zero concept of game depth. This is why this game is such an embarrassment and why I can get 0 friends to play. Congrats on yet another failure.



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First I thought you mean ppl who play Classic WoW, but realised you’re talking about “veterans”. aLpHa PlAyErS?
Those imo should be able to handle him.

They released a ton of highly requested Heroes and still planning to do so, plus they also released least annticipated Heroes (or Heroes with no actual fanbase, because they didn’t pre-exist (yes, Qhira, looking at you, no problem, just stating facts)). So pretty sure this isn’t the case.

That’s not a big achivement.
Stitches has more hp as well, and can get more.
Diablo if stacked has more.
Rexxar can choose to have more.

Hp is not everything. Valeera has more hp than Thrall. Who do you think is the more tanky tho?

Actually similar in size to Azmodan.
Also, big hitbox is a downside, a con, not a pro.

Only at lvl 16 and based on missing hp.

Or you meant Armor? His Plates? Do you know he cannot be healed by allies? Or heal at Base? Or healed by the healing totem from the camp on Volskaya?
His only ways to get healed is globes and fountain or his Z. But he doesn’t have a mount, so he needs his Z for travel, plus it has insane delays.

They’re weaker versions of Heroics. With tons of delays and more limitations.

He’s not invisible, he’s not on the map during it. Consider it as if Falstad would sit in the Base.
And where can he land? Only where he has vision. After a ton of delay… with more warings than Azmodan’s Q…

Did you achieve that “easy task” yourself?

DW is a hard Hero actually and I saw a lot of ppl struggling to play him. Why? Mostly because… DID I MENTION HE HAS DELAYS?

Wanna get some for yourself?

My bad, I thought it has to do more with your attitude…


Did you stand in the fire


The intent is to give players what they want. The community has been asking for DW since forever.


To counter a mechanic that hasn’t had a counter until Deathwing was introduced.


I actually love that about the DW duel games I’ve been having since he was released. The chain CC meta is far less prevalent. You’re not seeing teams designed to lock down a player for 10 seconds straight and getting away with total dominance once it starts - because DW walks right through it and trashes their back line.

DW is a great addition to HotS, clearly a hero they’ve poured heart and soul into making. I’m guessing we’ll see his numbers nerfed slightly, but they’re pretty close right now.


How are people struggling with a hero with so much delays? Is this post real? Is this real life? I have so many questions I feel like most people complaining about don’t even know basics of the game.


that is like deciding to face tank a Fenix laser ult……. and it is these kind of people that say DW is OP


All of them get “Stood in the Fire” achievement.
I guess “dodge” doesn’t exist in the lower rank.


Why yes I am stitches I touch fire and then complain about my noob team.


Show me where the fire touched you Rumplkin.


I don’t usually read these forms much but I’m pretty sure you’ve nailed it. There are so many whiny posts and you can tell they are just bad players from reading them. This is definitely one of them. The major bad thing about deathwing that bothers me, is when I have a bad deathwing on my team.


I don’t care for Deathwing. I don’t think he is necessarily that overpowered (does require tweaks though), but the only real issue I have is how oppressive the game now feels because of him being there, it’s almost like everything revolves around him (especially the team fights).

/shrug though.

Oh and the MVP screen has always been a joke, now it is even more so. DW is guaranteed, no worries :laughing:

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Creates new account just to join forums and post uninformed rant on DW and expects to be taken seriously. ggwp


Maybe making so that a hero that lots of players asked for and the devs themselves love come to the game?

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blizz has made fun of players that stand in the fire for years… cuz people stand in the fire. Deathwing even directly references the mock with the lvl 20 talent that shares the name with an “achievement”.


Deathwing is awesome, but certain range characters can counter him pretty easy, he is slow when though he is unstoppable, he is bulky and clunky which makes sense. May need tweaks, but that will happen after 2 well release patch as always.

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That’s pretty beast, but also avoidable, just let him take camp but kill him at least.

That was a bad engage of Deathwing but the stupidity of the other costed them the ability to get a kill on a level 20 hero that could be out of the fight for 60 seconds.

That’s a massive advantage, worth losing the camp.

But hey, you must stand in the fire. :clown_face: