So, who else has turned off allied chat out of fear?

Ding ding. I’ve played with Quiet, and he was on a different account. Why? Either he was banned, or smurfing, neither of which inspires confidence in his character. He was also pretty awful and got super defensive when the group called him out on his sub par plays.

Yes people want to ban people who cant behave like human beings.

When you start flaming on games like Minecraft or stuff where everyone logs to a channel, you get banned too because the channels have individual admins because there arent usually more than 30 people to moderate.

Nobody flaming on minecraft, cod or cs is gonna get challenged to a duel, they get ip banned for being tools.

I think this is a problem as well … to a lot of blizzard customers it’s almost cultist in the way you expect people to behave … "if you don’t chat the way i expect you to … if you don’t say the things i expect you to say … if you don’t behave in this exact fashion then i’m going to ban you … "

it’s the definition of a cult/echo chamber/group think / mob mentality

i don’t know how many times ive joined games where the person saying off the wall things or being humorous or god forbid saying graphic joking things for the sake of being graphic and joking that that same person turned out to be one of the best players on the team …

in blizzard disney land all of these behaviors would get someone reported and banned from the game

teasing someone for a wrong talent choice … making fun of someone because they have a silly name … telling someone they suck … etc. should not be something that gets people banned from the game … this is normal human social behavior

but blizzard zealots will report you with hunger for blood wanting to inflict punishment on you … there’s a weird contradiction in that kind of behavior


Im with yiu with everything else but telling someone they suck.

Actively demoralizing the team isnt much help.

I dont personally report for it until they dont do anything else but flame the other person and not even playing because theyre so busy writing useless insults.

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I hope you’re still practicing probius in ai. You’re strategy of single lane pushing bot lane all game is not very effective with real players… I can teach you probius if you’d like?

By single lane pushing, you mean being with the team during objectives. That’s irony, considering you were the one who was single laning AS THE SUPPORT lol.

You make it seem like I was the only one complaining about you, it was the whole team, INCLUDING your brother lol. Sure, you can teach me, once you get a 60+% win rate with him.

But, really, answer our speculation. Why DO you have a second account?

It’s sad when team is bad at macro and forces a healer to offlane solo. I had to do this the other day as a Morales too, so I started trolling the team after going first 5 mins solo vs a Zagara and beating her in lane lol.

Good thing Rehgar is great at laning and can clean up after noobius’

2nd acct is for trolling Volun specifically, guys. Since we all were wondering like he says.

Just because he CAN do it, doesn’t mean you should do it at as the support. Another thing I’m better than you at, is I also mained supports at master level. What you did was clear waves at the expense of letting people die, having low healing, and ignoring objectives. It would be just so terrible winning a team fight, and then letting a non healer go in and clean up anyways. Then, when we called you out on it, you got super defensive, and irrational, much like you are just trolling just to get a reaction regardless of merit or logic.

With an answer like that, I don’t think we have to infer too much further. You also realize, I was quoting somebody who was speculating why you were so afraid and then I added that you do in fact have a secondary account. I also didn’t say everyone in the thread.

If this is how you behave, no wonder why you’re fearing allied chat. You simply have no idea how to play, and when confronted with it, you piss people off. It’s sad really.

don’t turn off your chat just mute people as you go who are bad people who spam pings and try to tell people what to do all game.

I forget to turn it off for my own sake. It’s fine with a couple exchanges of other players, but the complaining and blaming during the entire game is annoying.
I text and chat regularly, but that’s because I’m not really paranoid.

It’s pretty funny you’re still salty over me criticizing your probius play that game lol. I feel like youd win a lot more low skill level matches at least tho with that much intensity put into your macro.

alright, buddy, time to be ignored. You’ve taken too much of this thread for your butthurtedness.

Again, it wasn’t just me. It was the whole team, including your brother lol. My Probius play was fine. But it’s interesting you would first make the claim that I was solo wave clearing too much, then say I wasn’t doing it enough. You have no credibility.

gd, ur dumb… u weren’t rotating at all. That was the issue. ok, buddy, gl to ya in bronze… tussles kid’s hair playfully

Yeah, was just with the team, who cares about getting objectives right while you were soloing top as support. The sad thing is, your brother was actually defending against actual people and needed your help more than I did. Yeah call me bronze when I JUST told you I was at masters. But keep smurfing on other accounts because you’re either trying to game MMR or because you got banned or silenced.

let’s be clear on one thing… there is no such thing as fine probius play, he is a floating garbage can and should be left to rot.

Reads thread

I think I understand why the OP is worried about being permanently banned in game…


You play at a silver level and have less than a handful of games with him. Of course you think he sucks.

silver level???

oh you must be one of those clueless noobs who thinks that hotslogs is the bible or something.

less than one third of my games had been uploaded to hots logs last time I checked and compared… and the last season I actually played hero league I was gold 1 and sooo damn close to plat I could taste it.

its not just me that thinks probius is trash either, its everyone except for you.

“scared of bans” and “game is dead” are almost equivalent as far as tired, beat up, old, boring troll topics go.

Was just averaging all your modes, and probably undershot. You’re probably right, you’re more likely a gold player, which still is nothing to brag about lol. And Probius has actually consistently been one of the highest win rate heroes until recently, and he’s STILL way above most of the roster. Ragging on the guy because you don’t know how to play with him doesn’t actually make him bad, especially your few games you’ve played with him.