So Sick of Toxic Players

This community, especially round gold-plat is the absolutly worst when it comes to bad attitudes.
If you have played league though, they are 10 times worse.

I’d just recommend ignoring each and everyone in QM and ARAM, i mean why would that matter, QM and ARAM are just fun modes anyways.
I use those to prac new heroes or those i don’t master.

If your in ranked, you can also just ignore it, below diamond someone might say a smart thing like once every 1000nd game.
And even in Diamond they rarely got anything usefull to input.

To your mute button is often your friend, also find 5 premades who have a decent attitude and go with them.


Which lead us to the conclusion the ingame chat is more harm than useful. It would be interesting, if there could be tested, if the chat could be removed and if that would lead to less toxic behaviour, because people cannot blame or be tilted anymore.

Well not much need for experiments there, that’s pretty much the place where people are toxic mostly so it would most definatly lead to LESS toxicity.

But yea in this game the ingame chat is mostly more harm than anything else.
When people go “AFK no team” or whatever non-sense they got for a reason, if you don’t respond, you will actually see them trying and playing the game out, which i find hillarious that since nobody responded to their tantrum, they don’t care for continuing it either.

And since they usually spend their first 2-3 minuttes AFK then, you can just throw in a report after the game without saying a word to them and BAM your one step closer to removing another piece of trash from ranked.
HOTS quite litteraly cleaning trash around the world, yey! No more plastic!

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Eh, it makes sense. I play in bursts (1-2 months of big activity, lots of hours a day) followed by very sporadic play.

It’s not HotS, it’s humans. In team sports, whether you’re playing physical sports like football or video games, there will always be someone constantly complaining that they don’t have the IDEAL set up.

To me, those people are weak and pathetic because they rely on given advantages to succeed. Make your own opportunities, capitalize on them, and keep your mouth shut. ez pz.

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If you don’t pick s tier then sighhhh. Like half legit serious. A tier is also acceptable

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t pick smart. I’m simply saying that if the situation results in an imperfect set up, no need to whine about it all game. Unless you’re a child, then whine about it until your genitals evolve into something more respectable.

No, some potatoes hav the tendency to be carried , ,and listen, and follow ,

toxics r a pain

Unfortunately, this is actually true. Before each quick match, there is a six or seven second period where you can see your team during the countdown and before the match starts. If your team comp looks bad, you can exit the game to cancel the match without any penalties. During weeks with hard to play free heroes like vikings or abathur, you may want to just leave the match whenever you see them pop up.

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These are the most pathetic players in my opinion. I call them out if they aren’t even afk and only then they really go afk.

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I have mixed feelings about this. I agree that complaining does nothing, but at the same time when someone picks a really dumb pick and causes your team to lose, it gets really frustrating.

If you are new on a hero you go first vs a.i then you got in qm, otherwise you are an anvil for the other 4 people with you in team.

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I’m not saying you can’t voice your opinion and object to someone’s pick but what good is it going to do if they make a bad pick and you whine all game? If you say ‘don’t pick nova’ 5 times, do you think they’ll NOT pick it on the 6th time? Perhaps 20 times will work?

Also, delivery is key. Anonymity makes people spiteful so gamers will absolutely lash out if they feel disrespected. Not all, but a large portion. This, at least, can be reduced with some social agility.

I’ve had a few really good burns issued to me and all I could do was just laugh with it… you know?

Oh I hear you. I agree complaining doesn’t solve anything.

Just saying that it doesn’t mean I can’t get frustrated by it. Everyone handles anger and frustration differently. Some people turn to trolls, others to flamers, others to quitters. Not saying doing these things are okay, and they still should be reported, but it is understandable to be frustrated at players like that.

my solution to that is being as toxic as they are and tell them ill do even the imposible to do the game as long as i can so they will be forced to not play for 15-20 min or actually try to win :slight_smile:

80% of QM players doesnt want to soak, im usually forced to soak even as nova starting the game and the only thing they tell me after spamming pings is “why are you not killing people, do something”.

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MuH ToXiCiTy! Reeeee

I take a good toxic player instead of a potato without blinking.

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