Why exactly is an orbital cannon that can target anywhere in the match allowed in aram
like literally you don’t like lava wave because it covers the whole map
but that cant finish the core when nobodies there
nydus worm is literally a hearth
why is deathwings flight enabled it regens health like a hearth
Ban Murky! He can put his egg anywhere! And eggs are expensive!
There’s alot of mechanics that aram disadvantages and advantages in every game and this is from personal experience
- 2 healers vs 1 healer games usually dominates
- ranged heroes over melee is favourable
- a team of tanks and bruisers and a healer, usually outshines a a healer and damage dealers
- azmo, zag, valla, chromie and Ming is easy mode
- illidan, valeera, tracer is is hard mode
- self healing heroes without a healer pick is easy mode
- afk is common
- backdoor wins suck and it shouldn’t be there
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I agree, ARAM is a completely ridiculous mode that no one should take seriously at all.
Some people have yet to figure that out. They act like its ranked and people are only allowed to pick meta.
things regarding aram:
- some things are bugged, or have unintended consequences in the brawl mode, so that hero or ability are disabled.
- Players give feedback on some things they find “op” and the devs sometimes act on that
- Having something be ‘similar’ doesn’t mean it is the same.
- The capacity to put ‘logic’ in quotes doesn’t mean the implied assertion is actually correct, but it’s not like people are going to map out the P’s and Q’s.
Nova’s heroic is likely not disabled in aram because people haven’t complained about it. It doesn’t one-shot one wave for a hefty chunk of the game, and it doesn’t wipe out multiple waves with a single use. There is also not an achievement for standing in it whereas lava wave has a track history of ‘deer in headlights’ going on.
Nydas and Deathwing’s flight are still in the mode because they have limitations imposed on them that are different than a player facetanking a ming orb, hearthing, and then taking another to hearth again, and again, and again. Granted zag can enter/leave nydus, but if it’s close, it can be destroyed. Similarly, deathwing’s flight can get cdr, but if he’s getting quick refreshes on the z, he’s probably using it to descend back down again to re-engage in the fight, which is part of the point of aram. Some have suggested disabling deathwing in the mode (instead of disaling like half his talent options) but he probably doesn’t get anywhere near as much flak as chromie, ming, azmo, or zag even when played with multiple copies.
I feel like that’s a hint, even if it’s not I get what you’re saying
it is a ridiculous mode I play whom and what I want, I prefer healing and ranged but I will if I have to go tank but never melee dps, idc if qhira’s great I hate her and how 50/50 her survivability
but I just don’t agree with the amount of complete topsy turve decisions
ban leoric and hammer, thats understandable. I agree completely
but why are they so bleh with talent decisions
chromie sands of time is a huge area denial aoe that can make or break a game (depending on which side)
rags lava wave would obliterate everyone because it kills everyone.
I’m just not happy with the other map wide abilities and even talents because it feels cheap and nobody complains because it seem like only the random master/diamond (I cant tell the difference I’m only high-mid silver) seems to exploit it, and I put “exploit” in light connotations because, obviously, they ain’t exploitations.
Because it can be dodged by not standing still. Orbital Cannon requires the enemy have some sort of CC on them for it to land.
It was mostly for the 100% lane clear I thought. Similar reason it is so strong on 2 lane maps, but even better due to there being only 1 lane.
Self healing is allowed. Most healer supports can self heal. Deathwing cannot be healed so it is only fair he can selfheal as well.
he can make his lava puddle and wing flap heal him as the first talent he gets
the flight is unrequired, if he doesn’t want his armour stripped off maybe he shouldn’t 1v4 the enemy team
I’m not talking about hero damage I’m talking about how it can finish the core while she stands in her protective spawn
Kelthuzad can’t do it, he has a map wide ability but it only hits heroes
Nova’s orbital cannon is not only a lot larger and can hit structures
and yes I’m aware kelthuzads heroic cooldown can be decreased to virtually nothing
but nova’s obital cannon is far more useful because it can just kill heroes and structures alike and at level twenty she gets a second charge and a big cooldown decrease.
tell me how a structure can avoid orbital cannon? because they can’t move to avoid it.
Are you saying you don’t follow the ARAM meta!!!
The issue is entirely due to lack of core shielding, which is why actual matches have core shielding.
This is also why I personally think adding core shielding to ARAM would fix a lot of problems, including cheese Leoric.
so why haven’t they added it yet?
there must be a reason for it
It could make games in ARAM go on for too long for team comps that lack siege heroes, the mode is supposed to be fun an snappy.
You probably already know, but there is a tiny chance some changes could be made to the mode, so perhaps post suggestions here.
Please update heroes we are alive… at least bring back the brawls, especially fishing with stitc hes was epic
I’d prefer it if you didn’t necro my posts unless it’s a casual fun one
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The Blizzard ARAM logic is that at least a few players quit the game each week give how bad the match quality and balance is