So about the code of conduct

Linked from **Welcome! Please Read Before Posting.** - #2 by DylanBates-1612

Frowned upon doesn’t mean "insta removal’. The same phrase is used in the section regarding requesting blues and plenty of those aren’t ‘instra removed’

The choice of calling it “frowned upon” is to discourage topics that are primarily motivated by that specific action. Posts and topics that have a primary motivation of “frowned upon” behavior tend to violate other concerns of the CoC and thus make it something more likely to receive action.

Similar ideas could be conveyed, but by making a few adjustments, the “frowned upon” aspects of that post or topic will generally be better by not incorporating “frowned upon” actions in favor of other elements that invite discussion in a given topic.

e.g. a topic of “Upvote this if you think HotS is the worst game ever” is different than “what are suggestions that could improve the game”

Any ‘code’ for conduct, or laws, generally have a basic premise that influences the purpose of that code. For traffic laws, the basic gist is don’t impede the flaw of traffic, but a lot of people don’t bother to consider the rule of thumb, don’t learn all the specific behaviors, and drive by the seat of their ego until a collision forces them to have to momentarily change.

For forums aren’t much different; basic gist is to have a flow of ideas, so the ‘code’ boils down to

"The bottom line is that we want the Blizzard Forums to be a fun and safe environment for all players. While playing Blizzard games and posting on these forums, you will encounter thousands of other players who share different experiences and come from vastly different backgrounds. While certain language and images may not be offensive to you, consider the fact that that same language and images may have a completely different effect on someone else.

So, try not to offend people, but similarly, try not to take offense. Downside is one can’t really not have someone “take” offense at something, and they may flag accordingly, or perhaps even maliciously, vindictively or serendipit-ly.

But in that regard, topics like this are also on the ‘hey don’t do this’ sort of encouragement as the topic isn’t about the game, it’s about the forum. Topics that fixate on those sort of things tend to fall privy to other violations and ramble off into off-topic banter that people end up getting offended by stuff.

Sure, to some degree you could be seen asking for clarification, but it can also just look to be taking offense at something fairly arbitrary. Cuz a gist of your topic can seem somewhat disingenuous given that the ‘answer’ to your posed question is found in a source you’re already quoting – giving the impression that the “please read” was read :stuck_out_tongue: or similarly that the CoC link you offered is still available here on the forums.

Since you even linked a topic that links to the CoC, it seems more like you went out of your way to post an invalid link than to just use the one provided :confused:

In any case, topics are for discussions particular to the game and we should otherwise try not to give offense for fellow posters to take. Downside being that anyone can take offense to something, and there doesn’t seem to be ‘anti flags’ to offset certain responses, but at the end of the day, clearly walls of text are the true justice of the internet!